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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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That's peculiar O__o, but I guess errors like that aren't entirely uncommon.  Well, anyway, welcome nascar, feel free to browse and be sure to post... we could use the activity (no spam though, we don't need that >< ).

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hello, nascar and welcome...

Well, i'm gonna just second what ian said, have fun, post, don't spam... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I like pie!

And... I also like to welcome new members. Welcome to the OSC nuthouse... have a fun time with straitjackets and crazy people trying to kill others... and themselves!

Ok... kidding about the nuthouse thing, but welcome to the OSC community anyways! lol
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


I was amazed that there was a hole site devoted to OS-tans, amazed and very pleased. I just found out about em recently, and strangely enough, through hentai. Well, I feel OS-tans are some of the best things to happen to windows and a few other not so well off operating systems.

Now, about myself, not much to say. I search the internet for things when I get bored, or I try to help people out with their problems when I can. Either than that, I got nothing really. ^_^

Love to read, write, draw, sing, eat, watch anime, and generally waste away. ^_^
A peak into my life: (This conversation actually took place)

TR= Me (Theroan)
SC= my Coworker (Scrappy-Coco)

TR: "Hey, Scrapp-Coco, do you know how to drive standard?"

SC:  "Why?"

TR: "Just wondering..."

SC: "Well, if I had a Dodge Viper SRT-10 and a huge magnum with floral patterns on the pommel... then yeah..."

SC: *gasps* "What did you do?! Rob a convenience store? Rob a bank? Whack a guy!?!? Hack a government database?!?!  Tell me fool!!! O_o"

TR: -_- "My head hurts..."

SC: "Bwahahahahahaha!!!!"

TR: "Sometimes... during the hours I work with you, I ponder the question of your sanity."


Welcome Theoran, from what i see you'll have a good time here...
this really is a nice forum to waste away in ^_^

BTW as for the OS-tan hentai, it is here too, we have a whole hentai section, really buzzing with activity, too[/sarcasm] :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


That's the OSC crew for ya'... always alive and kicking. XD

Anyways... welcome, theroan!
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


Alive, check.

Kicking...not sure, we don't seem to do that much of it anymore, now do we? -w-


Aurora Borealis

Kicking, huh?

That can be arranged! *puts "KICK ME" sign on Nejin's back*

Welcome to OSC, nascar and theoran!


Well, It's 4:00am here, and I think I should get to sleep, but I'd like to try and get as much of the OS-tan cuteness into my brain to force a nice dream to pop up so, wish me luck!!! Haven't had a dream in a few months T_T
A peak into my life: (This conversation actually took place)

TR= Me (Theroan)
SC= my Coworker (Scrappy-Coco)

TR: "Hey, Scrapp-Coco, do you know how to drive standard?"

SC:  "Why?"

TR: "Just wondering..."

SC: "Well, if I had a Dodge Viper SRT-10 and a huge magnum with floral patterns on the pommel... then yeah..."

SC: *gasps* "What did you do?! Rob a convenience store? Rob a bank? Whack a guy!?!? Hack a government database?!?!  Tell me fool!!! O_o"

TR: -_- "My head hurts..."

SC: "Bwahahahahahaha!!!!"

TR: "Sometimes... during the hours I work with you, I ponder the question of your sanity."


Well... don't go over to the H-section... unless you consider that part of this "OS-tan cuteness"!

Ok, so you can still go there anyways... don't mind me. I am just going to be kicking around... at... something... I don't know. *kicks Nejin*

Oh, and once more... welcome!
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


*takes "kick" sign and writes "b&!" on it*


Aurora Borealis

I'll counter your b& sign with the almighty b& hammer! ;006


Hehe, nice to see that you guys are actually alive and kicking. Last few forums I joined and really liked died so fast T_T Made my head spin.

Well, can't get at the OS-tan hentai just yet, still sorting through all the normal cuteness ^_6 Just so much about this ite to enjoy ^_^
A peak into my life: (This conversation actually took place)

TR= Me (Theroan)
SC= my Coworker (Scrappy-Coco)

TR: "Hey, Scrapp-Coco, do you know how to drive standard?"

SC:  "Why?"

TR: "Just wondering..."

SC: "Well, if I had a Dodge Viper SRT-10 and a huge magnum with floral patterns on the pommel... then yeah..."

SC: *gasps* "What did you do?! Rob a convenience store? Rob a bank? Whack a guy!?!? Hack a government database?!?!  Tell me fool!!! O_o"

TR: -_- "My head hurts..."

SC: "Bwahahahahahaha!!!!"

TR: "Sometimes... during the hours I work with you, I ponder the question of your sanity."


Heh, forum games; Word association and what would you do if... are good ways to rack up posts without spamming...

Good tip for all newbies, btw...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^