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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Hello there, hikari-tan!  It's good to meet you!  Congratulations on your good taste in OS-tans:  I'm an XP-tan freak myself.  (Of course they're all excellent little creatures, helping us as they do in running our computing systems.)

Approximately where, on Planet Terra, do you reside?  Anyway, please join in the various and sundry conversations taking place here; and have fun!




hi hikari-tan!

come and join us in our randomness around here. It's quite fun indeed. ^^


Welcome, hikari-tan, to the centre of randomness! I'd probably have more to say, but I have a bad cold.


Hello Hikari-tan (you typed it with a capital H, so I took it as an allowed thing to do :D), and welcome to OS-tan Collections (might change name in the semi-long future)! ^__^

Every time I'm delighted to see a new face appear, so please, make yourself at home! (Super Ego: But please try to not make as bad of a mess as Pitkin does every time he gets home!)



thank you all for the warm welkiez, and I still very new to the OS-tan world, so... doozo yurushiku!!


Hi! i just joined this site yesterday, and i thought it would be a good idea to introduce my self. I don't know that much about least not yet ^^;. any help would be appreciated.


Hello there, brougeXP22!  I'm glad you've joined our on-line society of OS-tan appreciators.


I'm very new here myself, so I'll defer to the more experienced members in the matter of directing you to places where you can learn more about the OS-tan phenomenon.  In the event, make yourself at home and feel free to post at your leisure!




Welcome to our forums, brougeXP22! Feel free to browse the gallery, post on the forums, and download our various...downloadables!


Hi there, Hikari-tan and brougeXP22!

Nice to meecha.   ;hi


brougeXP22 and Hikari-tan,

Welcome and have a great time here!


;012  lol i feel so welcome! actually i was wondering how to get a signature bar/picture/banner thingy related to the OS-tan's


Wow!!  Two new members and both with really cool avi's!  ^v^
[XP-tan fans, though....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬']

Welcome Hikari-tan and brougeXP22!!!!  ^v^

Sorry to post and run, but I'll be back to greet you with the fanfare you deserve!  ^-^


Welcome brougeXP22-tan (another difficult nickname to type v_v)! ^__^

I'm sure that if you just have the patience and interest to stick around, you'll get to know a lot about OS-tan. The best thing about this phenomenom (at least with the artists around) is that there's constantly something new happening (being born), and therefore the amount of data increasing. ^___^

Feel free to participate in every and any means you just err... feel like participating in. ^^;

(Super Ego: Word repetition.)



yeah i can't wait to see if someone will release an Xbox 360-tan, Wii-tan, or *shiver* the evil PS3-tan  ;013


Woo! Welcome welcome brouge and hikari, please enjoy your stay here!
So cute it\'s deadly!