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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Close, but not quite. I means I like Japanese culture:

However, as for genealogy, I'm part British, part Irish, part Lithuanian, part Swiss, part German, all American!


Aa, naruhodo.....  -v-

And only PART Lithuanian?  Shucks, I thought I could ask you to travel over there and fetch some coins for me.  -___-

[dramatically]  Now how will I ever get my Litas before the country goes Euro on me? ^0^  

*mopes*  -__-

But 'nuff of that.  ^^

Still don't have new members.  -v-

Perhaps my sticky idea backfired -- it's like "Ooh, an OS-tan Forum!  Let me join and-- OHMYGODLOOKATTHESCARYMEMBERINTRODUCTIONTHREADTHEYHAVEONTHEFRONTPAGE!!!!  UWAAAA!!!!!"".  
*sigh*  So that means Pitkin's gonna kill me for proposing the idea.  ^^'


QuotePerhaps my sticky idea backfired -- it's like "Ooh, an OS-tan Forum! Let me join and-- OHMYGODLOOKATTHESCARYMEMBERINTRODUCTION THREADTHEYHAVEONTHEFRONTPAGE!!!! UWAAAA!!!!!"".
I'm sure Pitkin's gonna kill me for that. ^^'

I see what you mean. How bout' we cut a deal? All the random comments can be spun off and this thread reserved for new members?

Anyway, things have been very busy in my life. It's been hard to post and get in one episode of Mahoromatic a night! However, things look promising in the month to two months timeline! As for Wapanese, the former President of Taiwan cosplays:

That I find somewhat...
*looks at clock*
...Robert S McNamara! It's 10:01! I have school in the morning! I better get to bed! See yinz tomorrow!


Deal and deal!  ^v^

*packs bag*  I'll be at either the Annex or at Topicless if you need me.  ^__^

*scampers off*

Aevum Decessus

I stumbled upon an image gallery showing some of the OS-tans, was intrigued, and ended up here from the wikipedia article :-P


It's good to meet you, Aevum Decessus.  I'm newly arrived as well, seemingly via the same path which brought you here!




Wow, it worked!  ^v^

Welcome Aevum Decessus!  How long have you had the OS-tan interest, if you don't mind me asking?  Any particular favorites?  What system do you use regularly?  ^__^


Welcome indeed!!

We need to have a link to wikipedia os-tan stuff since that seems to be 90% of all members come from there...

btw, also hosted links to this site on Outrospective Forums:

...don't think any of them are hentai fans like coolstream...more like graphic artists and generally cool people

hopefully these people will join that still post alot there:
bj0rN (Awsome person)


Cool! New Members! That link is paying off Alfamille!

Goldurnit! I forgot to welcome the new members!, welcome!


Thank you, Ultimate of All Ninjas.  ^__^
Seems like an interesting forum, though I noticed that over there you use your old goth bunny signature.  I miss that one....  -v-


Quote from: "Aevum Decessus"I stumbled upon an image gallery showing some of the OS-tans, was intrigued, and ended up here from the wikipedia article :-P

hey, aevum!

I'm assuming that's latin... I can't even finish trying to prounounce that. lol ^^;;

Well, welcome, and I hope you have fun here!


(If latin pronounced: Ae-Wum)


Alex Stankevitch


I'm so ridiculously late with the welcomes that I feel ashamed...

Sigh... <_< >_>

Hiya, Silentbob-san and Aevum Decessus-san, and welcome! Pardon me for my impoliteness, but err... university and stuff've been hectic and so... v_v

So, keep on posting! :D AD-san's only posted once, after all... Silentbob-san's been at least moderately active (alright, the trip to Denmark is a fine reason for not posting temporarily, but we need more). :D


Hi, my name's Hikari-tan!^.^ nice to meet you all!

my favourite OS tan are XP Professional, DOS 3.1, and PS2^^