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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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I need support groups too, I'm a cake-a-holic ^-^ Herro!


If it's news for you, /OSC/ WANTS YOUR PAPER.
Well, not paper, but the stuff you've written on it. And then rewritten on the computer. Or just written on the computer in the first place. Agh, damnit.



So much stress, so many projects... now there's a term paper?!  Gah, my failure is imminent!

The Choice of a New Generation.


Exactly! You need to turn in your yearly progress report by monday, or you'll be FIRED!


I DIDNT KNOW IT WORKED LIKE THAT! oh man i'm so dead I haven't even started...
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Starting to be dead is easy under these circumstances. I can help you! Just sign this...


Guys, i don't think Member Introduction is the right thread for this...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I am am half Mad Seer, half Gadgeteer Genius and The Linus.

I am a fairly typical ENTP, with a hidden INTJ side.

I am an Enneagram Four with a dominant Three Wing.

I am a Linux devotee, love-Macs-but-don't-use-them, and am writing this on Ubuntu 8.4 as we "speak."

I understand the need for the Windows-tans, but would like to see more LInux-tan family representation.

Also, I completely agree with the spirit of this community as made manifest during my lurking phase.

I have some connections and networking that could make the OS-tan Collections Wiki become more prominent if that is the goal.

Ubiquity has it's perks, as the Windows-tans know well.

Added after 18 minutes:

How about we all create some Amerime as a collaborative project?

Here's how it would work:

A foundation for the purpose opens a credit union for members.

Members put money in their accounts.

Members are drawn together from DeviantArt, TVTropes, Wikipeida, KDE, GNOME, Linux, and Mac communities, and the resources are pooled together.

These resources are then tapped by the members as loans from the credit union to create small projects that end up creating things like this project.

The story in the Amerime is like this:

Like Hetalia, all of the project-tans are personified up to 11, and then a meta-community is built around it, fed by the credit union.

The credit union makes money, the spends it by funding the creation of the amerime and amerimanga with the vast talent found at DeviantArt, actually *hiring* them, and paying them to do this full time, or at least part time at the option of the artists.

All of the playful hackers, myself included, would provide the latest and greatest technology for our respective communities.

I would then bank on the OpenCU-tan, with my direct deposit and Visa debit card all with her.

What do you think?

Aurora Borealis

Welcome! ;hi

I'd also like to see (and draw) more Linux-tans and other alternative OS-tans! But it's too bad that you didn't join much sooner (before Nov 2008) because there were at least two members here who really liked Linux, alternative OSes and the OS-tans that represent them but sadly they left  :(

Good idea lurking before joining! That way you know what to expect and should know how to avoid getting eaten in this thread!

I really could use your help at the OSC wiki because I'm now the only one updating it and I can't do that alone! x__x


Eehm, welcome....

*blanks out to process the ideas*
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Welcome to Unicute.  Unicute.  That's a cool name.  Reminds me of CE-tan. Kawaii...  Uhn...

Sidetracked again.  Some new *nix-tans would be an awesome idea.  The current situation is grave.

For comparison:  CE-tan is this hot redheaded chick with pointy ears and a USB wand that presumably fires out pixie dust and +5 volts DC.

The only Linux-tan that I remember is a poorly dressed gangster with a "fsck you" T-Shirt and a poor outlook on life.  What gives?

Gentoo-tan needs cat ears, red hair, and an AK-47 with obviously mismatched parts.  It's got a Gnome upper, a QT3 lower, uhn...  What's wrong with me?


(Shameless advertizing, but still) You know, there is a "gentoo-tan" which I drew long, long time ago, following the description Kami-tux gave me.
It's probably complely wrong. But I'd say it's a good start.



<3 her!  That's much better than the overly masculine Luna-tan and her lack of cuteness and revealing clothing.   ^_^

Aurora Borealis

There are many Linux distro-tans:

Here is the GNU/Linux-tan originally created by Futaba.

This is DeviantART member Juzo-kun's rendition of GNU/Linux-tan, based off the Futaba version but more modernized.

Juzo-kun also created several more Linux distro-tan designs which can be seen at her DeviantART page.

This is Lindows/Linspire-tan, created by Futaba.

There are a few Gentoo-tan designs too though they are all very different.

Bella's design
Early design by an anonymous artist
And of course VonDaab reposted his design.

Siya has drawn a lot of new Linux distro-tan and alternative OS-tan designs

I've also created some designs too:
Damn Small Linux-tan
Barbie Linux-tan*
Tinfoil Hat Linux-tan
Sorcerer Linux-tan
Yggdrasil Linux-tan
Lunar Linux-tan and SourceMage-tan. My Lunar Linux-tan design is slightly based off the one you saw.

*Okay so Barbie Linux is a hoax! I've looked it up on Distrowatch with no avail! But it was a convincing hoax to say the least!


I'm not exactly sure what it is you're proposing, Unicute, but welcome to the OSC.  As you may have already figured out in your lurkings (or by simply looking at my sig), I too am a GNU user.  I'm using Hardy Heron as well.  I think we have just a couple of other people who use it as their personal desktop.  It's nice to have you join us.

The Choice of a New Generation.