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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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uh? I've been gone for a while....
Welcome Silentbob, sorry If I couldn't welcome you before.

QuoteIt's called Uncyclopedia, a serious site, unlike that parody that is Wikipedia. Everything you see is true. It's all total AWESOME. Only wise and inteligent people believe Uncyc.
Fix'd :D

As for attracting more people...I do not like the idea of posting in wakachan links to this forum, some people may think its rude. Don't ask why I say that, but that's how I think it works there...


I get the nagging feeling that I must agree with the Dark Knight....  ^^'

Oh, btw Darknight, hope you didn't mind if I moved your OS2 rendition here.  -v-'


Cool new sig C-Chan!

QuoteI get the nagging feeling that I must agree with the Dark Knight.... ^^'



Thanks NewYinzer.  ^__^

And well, you know how I feel about Waka....  -v-
Certainly after the reception that Kami-tux got.....  -.-'


Ok here is the exact wods I used to convince people on two other forums I go two:

Hopefully people I know from there will join...


Uhh...Ultimaninja. I find this quote somewhat disheartening:

Quotei swear to god... the japanese are starting to piss me off as a people... they make a fucking fetish out of EVERYTHING

I feel the same way about Iran...


*sweatdrops*  Um,...... you put us under 'Spam'.....  ^___^;
Hehehe.... Oh well, considering how the folder is described on the forum's main page, I guess it was the most appropriate spot you could find.  ^.^'

Oh right, and you DID post that Firefox pic.  I had almost forgotten.  ^v^

Rare - C-chan - perversion - alert!  
Cueeeee....  ^.^


Perversion? Alert? Spam? Based on what is happening, I better start looking at these forums 24/7 to catch everything!


While you're at it, how 'bout some more cards?!  ^v^

Oh right, schoolwork....  -__-

*ears flop down*


During summer, I have boatloads of time. Now with the school year, I can barely find time to post here! As for the cards, they'll be coming soon! Be patient! In other...
*looks at clock*
...John H. Sununu! It's 9:49! I've got school in the morning! See yinz tomorrow!



Quote from: "NewYinzer"Uhh...Ultimaninja. I find this quote somewhat disheartening:

Quotei swear to god... the japanese are starting to piss me off as a people... they make a fucking fetish out of EVERYTHING

I feel the same way about Iran...

Who said that Cookiemonster?
Or coolstream...
if coolstream said it, don't worry about it to much. He's just a crazy canadian lol, this is what he really ment:

"I like anime alot! I wish I could download more hentai games, but I want to play Warcraft more! I hate loli, and am crazy"


Yeah, that sounds 'bout right....  ^^'

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Fufufu.... *snickers*  thought we were all Japanese....  
This is where that "OS-tan Global" name idea would come in handy.... ^^;



Half Welsh, half Japanese?  '__'