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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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yeps, like Lockheed, Northrop, Boeing, Raytheon...


Don't forget EG&G

lol 4r34 51

(I apologize, my leet sucks. I meant, "I am laughing because EG&G is said to have a office at Area 51. Their planes ferry people to and from Las Vegas to that wonderful place")


Uh? another registration spree?

Welcome MisterCat, 95Direct and littleredblurr

Is that some "95" I see in 95Direct avatar?!, good to have another 95-tan supporter :D

And I also considerated joining the Air force at some time, but It's not like there's a lot to do in the Mexican Air Force...
I'm now considerating Nanotechnology engineer or Physics (that way I could study and the work in the USA/Europe/Japan in something related to Aerospace :D)


Yo littleredblurr.  Welcome to the forum.  ^__^

It would seem the Captain now has new friends.  
Here's my chance to escape before I get eaten....  -v-'

*sneaks off*


It's good to meet you, Darknight_88.  I think you're wise to aim for an aerospace career.  I often wish I'd done the same!




My brother is about to get a aerospace engineer degree, and my dad was a certified tech.  I grew up on an air museum beadblasting cerrodid parts. its a good life pays well and its a blast.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


wow, interesting. Well, I guess I should have known when you guys were blurting out sukhoi, b-2, yb-49 and all that jazz.

well, then, hope to see ya on this side darknight!

"its a blast" XD;

hm... cerrodid... dunno what that is...
um... uh... corroded? i think that fits. ^^;;


Yeah. I think we all love aviation to some degree. BTW, I added C-Chan's image of OSR2.5 to Wikipedia.


Hiya and welcome, littleredblurr-san (another difficult-to-type-out-fast name T_T; )! :D

I feel so much like an outsider... I've never been into aviation, and to be honest, am still up-till-date quite afraid of flying. v_v

Haven't considered a military career for myself either, apart from when role-playing by myself; glasses, and the love for so many other fields of work simply make military feel so faraway to me. Well, I've served as a conscript for two months, before I broke my foot back in 2004; when I go back for the remaining 10 months, I'll be made either an NCO or a reserve 2nd lieutenant, but I think it'll be the former.


Quote from: "Pitkin"
I feel so much like an outsider... I've never been into aviation, and to be honest, am still up-till-date quite afraid of flying. v_v

Haven't considered a military career for myself either, apart from when role-playing by myself; glasses, and the love for so many other fields of work simply make military feel so faraway to me. Well, I've served as a conscript for two months, before I broke my foot back in 2004; when I go back for the remaining 10 months, I'll be made either an NCO or a reserve 2nd lieutenant, but I think it'll be the former.

Fear of flying is understandable.  Heck, even I was afraid of flying at one point.  however, after flying so much, to places that include, Orlando, Kansas City, Houston, Tokyo, Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila... I kinda got used to it. ^^;  

Not that this would change anything, but flying ain't that bad... it's just that... all the attention is given to the bad things that happen on planes... :P There are thousands upon thousands of successful, uneventful flights every day.  

As for military service... that would require me to do some physical exercise, and I've been quite lacking in that department. hah... I'm a skinny dude that does best in a desk stuck in a book and solving mathematical equations.  I think... the closest I would get to military stuffs would be working for one of them defense contractors, like the Captain mentioned earlier.


No one will force you to fly. Even though I love aviation, I can comprehend why people fear flying. However, I think that the press concentrates too much on aviation disasters. Heck, the press concentrates on all the wrong things. WHAT THE HECK DO I CARE ABOUT JON BENET? IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A SENSATIONAL STORY, TELL EVERYONE THE WAR IN IRAN HAS STARTED! But that's another story. As for military service...that wouldn't quite be the career for me. I'm not the military kind of guy...I'm more of a science / math / technology guy. But I do have a soft spot for the Air Force. Anyway, welcome to all the new members!


Touché...  ^.^

Too bad pigs can't fly, btw.
But we CAN glow in the dark,....  ^v'


New member influx seems to have ceased, it appears......  *sadness*  -__-


i dont see any new member since the last member spree... dont make me get the stick!!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well no wonder...!  
How are we going to get new members if you're carrying around a stick and scaring them off!  Ditch the stick!!  ^0^


Hmm...we need to get new members. I should try to PM some people interested on YouTube!
*runs off to YouTube*