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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Welcome to the craziness that is this forum, MisterCat. ^^

To think that like 2 months ago there was barely any activity here...


Yes, that was before I was here. Anywho, welcome to our humble hamlet! Few trolls, good gallery, civil members, and potatoes abound!


Welcome, MisterCat... I hope you do not try to eat certain resident birds here! Otherwise, have fun!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Oh right, a penguin is technically..................  -v-


*melts away to plot new mischief*


Aurora, thank you for the "names" help!  Regarding my switching from Apple to Not Apple, it was an unpleasant but straightforward decision:  I wanted a new iMac, I went to a big store which sold them, I was turned down for credit.  (A recent episode of homelessness was undoubtedly to blame.)

So, a friend of mine who already had an account at another big store offered to co-sign for me; so we went there ââ,¬â€ where no Apple products were sold ââ,¬â€ and I ended up with a Compaq Presario 5WV270 with Windows Millennium Edition installed.  This computing system, Samantha by name, has been good to me insofar as she's "old" (if you factor her age in computing-system years) but still turns up for work every day.


C-Chan, thanks a bunch for your helpful information!  I now feel better prepared to navigate the waters here.  I've perused some of the stacks in the image-file library and am very impressed!

Your insights into the various personalities manifested by the OS-tans are greatly appreciated.  I know so little about their lives!  I'll head on over to the appropriate discussion areas as soon as I finish whittling away at the present stack of electronic mail.


Ultimaninja, thank you for your greeting!  It's good to meet you.

NewYinzer, likewise:  Thanks for the welcome!  I'm still running SETI@home, so any day now I'm sure I'll be in touch with odd-looking beings from distant stars ââ,¬â€ maybe even somebody from my home planet, Pemular VII.


Thank you, SleepyD, for your nice welcome!  You know how message boards are:  up and down, up and down ââ,¬â€ traffic-wise.  "Up" is much more fun, of course.

Kami-Tux, thank you too for your kind reception!  Don't worry:  I'll not eat any birds whilst I'm here, nor mice, nor anything really.  If I get hungry, I'll head on over to the commisary for the tuna cassarole.


*looks around for penguins*



*is not fully relieved*

*nervously stares at MisterCat*

No attacking this OS-tan!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I promise you, Kami-Tux, that I have sworn an oath to my household goddess Ifurita (El-Hazard) with my hand upon a complete set of anime digital versatile disks (Betterman) to the effect that I shall neither hunt nor consume any sentient beings whilst here at this message board.  Please rest assured, you have nothing to fear from me!




Well, I guess I can say that I am new to this place. How I got into the OS-tan was simply stumbleing upon wikipedia's article about it as well as a friend telling me about it. I am mainly interested in the Sci-fi Anime genres such as Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop.

I chose the name 95Direct in insparation from both 95-tan (Who is one of my favorate OS-tans) and Amtrak's NortheastDirect (I am a bit of a railfan).

As of now, I am finishing up my last year in college.


QuoteQuote from : 95Direct

Well, I guess I can say that I am new to this place. How I got into the OS-tan was simply stumbleing upon wikipedia's article about it as well as a friend telling me about it. I am mainly interested in the Sci-fi Anime genres such as Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop.

I chose the name 95Direct in insparation from both 95-tan (Who is one of my favorate OS-tans) and Amtrak's NortheastDirect (I am a bit of a railfan).

As of now, I am finishing up my last year in college.

I wanna greet those new people!

and to you 95Direct!

Welcome new people! Enjoy around the place and maybe try to contribute what you have :D  ;010


Hehe... Coolness!  ^__^

A Wiki visitor (thanks to Alfamille... ^_~), a GITS viewer, and a fellow train fan to boot.  

Welcome 95Direct!  ^.^

C-Chan added the following  6 minutes after last message :

Quote from: "MisterCat"Your insights into the various personalities manifested by the OS-tans are greatly appreciated. I know so little about their lives! I'll head on over to the appropriate discussion areas as soon as I finish whittling away at the present stack of electronic mail.

Hmm... didn't know you were a space kitty.  I wonder if that means I'm a Subterranean pig.  ^.^

Anyway, no problem on the info.  ^v^
But I should restate my disclaimer that we're currently in the process of creating new OS-tans, so a lot of ideas are still being tossed around to flesh out their personalities.  So don't be surprised if we make stuff up about those particular -tans just playing it by ear.... ^^;


Hiya, 95Direct-san, and welcome! ^_^

Great that you've found us, and I hope you find this place worth spending time in. ^__^


BTW, given the influx of new members, would it be worthwhile to put this thread as a sticky on the front page with all the other announcements?

Just recalled that when I was new, I didn't see this thread until several weeks later.  

Plus it just feels more welcoming, wouldn't you agree?  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Although in retrospect, should've stuck this one in the Suggestions thread....  

Doggarnit, there are times when the Forum layout messes with my poor piggy brain too much.... X__x


Greetings and salutation, 95Direct!  It's good to meet you!  I've only been here for a day, but it seems a nice place; and I hope you'll enjoy it.

So, if you don't mind my asking, what's your major course of study at college/university?  I've a B.Sc. in journalism from the University of Oregon, myself.


Thanks for your greeting, Alfamille!  C-Chan, this character-development endeavor you mentioned sounds quite interesting ââ,¬â€ and fun.

:smoke: <---- Starving artist/author takes break from work on beloved MS.



C-Chan's idea was great, and I put this up on the forum front page. ^_^

Why don't I ever get good ideas? -_-; :D


Wow so many new people x.x


a big old welcome from me, Codi.

Please enjoy it here. And as you can see, everyone here is very knowledgable on OS-tans, so don't feel any question is too bizarre. >>
So cute it\'s deadly!