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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Its Eads, JA are initialsl.  for a writer, his handles are never very creative :P
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Its Eads, JA are initialsl.  for a writer, his handles are never very creative :P

haha, well I welcome Eads anyway.
Hope the art we all come up with goes well with your writing. ^^

For fun, I'm going to mix the letters around in his name:
DeAjas  hm... Snake in tagalog = ahas, h sound in spanish = j. hehe


as for this place going off topic.... the off topicness follows the new member intro, then stops... then another guy introduces himself, and more hilarity ensues.  So... i think it's ok. ^^


Um,  my name is perfectly original in context...  Im the only one who used their Real name...

Writer's Vanity I suppose...

But ya, if you want just call me Eads (like beads, without the b).  It's all good.
Beer and Typewriters!  The meaning of Life.


haha, alright eads. Feels more personal having people refer to each other by name anyway, methinks. ^^

you're all free to call me Jeff, if you're too lazy to spell out SleepyD.
I think i said that somewhere earlier in this thread, but I'm saying it again. ^^


Welcome Eads-san, it's nice to have a friend of Captain's in here. ^^

Ohh, and you're a writer! Magnificent! I share the interest in writing with you then, however, my talents are very limited and pretty much fitting only for radio plays; I'm working on it, though, to become a better novel-style writer in general. A lot to do... ^^;

So again, be very welcome, Eads-san! (Had to repeat the name, as I tend to forget names...)

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "eadsja"Um,  my name is perfectly original in context...  Im the only one who used their Real name...

But ya, if you want just call me Eads (like beads, without the b).  It's all good.

Not really, I used my real name.
And I think EADS was some aviation-related company aswell.


EADS: European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company


to think a tard like him is named after something fancy and technical :P

in other news, Dead Rising rocks!  It definitly gets that hard to scrach need to kill zombies itch!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


No worries:  I'm not literate in Japanese, but it's easy to find "Good day!" and "Pleased to meet you!" on the web.  My name is Joe; and I've only just discovered the fact there are OS-tans, so my curiosity (note user name) regarding these operating-system girls has brought me here.

I've been using Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition ââ,¬â€ successfully, I'll have you know ââ,¬â€ for six years; and before that, I was an Apple Macintosh user.  But later this week I'll be the happy recipient of XP Professional, along with some excellent new-to-me components which will considerably improve my on-line pleasure.

Consequently, I've taken a graphic interest in XP-tan.  I only found out about ME-tan a few days ago, so we never really got to know one another.  Alas!




Yay, I'm the first one to post this time!

Hiya and welcome, Cat-san. ^__^ It's nice to hear someone's not had any overwhelming troubles with WinME, maybe others have always been just misusing it to eventually wear off their CTRL, ALT, and DEL keys. :D

So, be welcome to satisfy your curiosity, and participate as much as you want. ^^


Hello and welcome, Cat-san.  ^__^

Feel free to call me Pig-san, if you wish....  ^o^


Indeed, Pitkin, Millennium Edition has been a challenge; but we've been stuck with one another due to the state of my budget!  My computing system, whose name is Samantha, has been near death on several occasions; but I've always managed to resuscitate her ââ,¬â€ so far.

As for those "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" keys:  The lettering is still largely intact, despite considerable use; and years of combatting Bill's Blue Screens Of Death have strengthened Samantha's character.  I've an appointment with ME-tan later today, to introduce Samantha and me ââ,¬â€ and to seek her advice and assistance.


Pig-san, hello!  I admit little knowledge of OS-tan society, so this board will be a learning experience for me.  Do the OS girls have names beyond their operating-system names?  Are they easy to get along with?  Do they expect gifts from newly-arrived people, such as myself?  Methinks this will all be quite interesting!



Aurora Borealis

Hi, MisterCat! Welcome to the OS-tan forums! :D

But I was wondering, what made you switch from Mac to Windows? But congratulations for using Windows ME for 6 years without problems!

And I can help you with one of your questions.

OS-tans with other names... XP Pro-tan is sometimes known as Saseko (but she dislikes that name), XP Home-tan is Homeko, 98-tan is also known as Hacchan, 98SE-tan also known as Secchan and Mac OS 9-tan is usually known as Sonata.


Pig-san, hello! I admit little knowledge of OS-tan society, so this board will be a learning experience for me. Do the OS girls have names beyond their operating-system names? Are they easy to get along with? Do they expect gifts from newly-arrived people, such as myself? Methinks this will all be quite interesting!

Yo Cat-san!  ^__^

Well, sure, let me help you out....  -v-

QuoteDo the OS girls have names beyond their operating-system names?

Soitanly!  ^v^
Everyone needs a nickname, after all.  ^-^

ME is often called Emui-chan
Windows 98 is Hacchan
98SE is Secchan
Mac OS9 is Sonata-san
Amiga is Lorraine-san  

But consult with the Pitkin for more Windows nicknames, since I'm a little deficient in that knowledge as well.  ^v^'

QuoteAre they easy to get along with?

Meh,... most of them are....  -v-
You'll probably tell the pleasant ones from the crazies right away.  ^__^
And it goes by tastes, of course.  ^v^

If you adore the Windows-tans, you'll be more willing to tolerate 95-tan's belligerence.
Have a thing for Linux and you'll squeeze every last bit of excitement from their meager renditions.  ^.^
Appreciate fine vintage models, and I might have just the thing for thee....  *shameless plug*  ^v^

QuoteDo they expect gifts from newly-arrived people, such as myself?

Some demand sacrifices, so consider yourself lucky if all they want is "a gift".  
*evil laughter*  MWA-HAHAHAHA!!!!  ^0^

Nah but seriously, stick with the friendly, uddlier OS-tans and soon you'll be BEGGING to offer them gifts.  ^__^

QuoteMethinks this will all be quite interesting!

Hoo-yeah!  ^__^
Just remember to stop by the Gallery, OS-tan Fanart and OS-tan discussion areas, where the main educational segments of the OS-tan Phenomemon are being held.  The Lounge area is,.... well,.... heck, just a lounge.....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Oh wow, Aurora popped in....  ^^'

Well,... there you go then.... ^v^

Bear in mind, Mister Cat-san, that's she's constantly making new OS-tans as well.  The longer you stay here, the more you'll see the roster grow from the meager Windows/Apple/token Linux beginnings....  -v-


Welcome MisterCat, enjoy the forums


Welcome MisterCat! Enjoy the forums, gallery, and downloads! No gifts necessary, it's an honor to have an upstanding member! BOINC, eh? I used to do SETI@home!