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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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mmmmmm sodium.

oh, welcome EggWhites!  I was so preoccupied with food...
mm...egg and spam... and sodium.... XD


Thanks everyone for da welcome, and i ended up falling asleep in my copmuter chair. I woke up with more cramps this morning. Oh well...


For cramps, you might want to take a walk. I had cramps after long computer sessions at the beginning of the summer, and that worked just fine.

From the people who brought you The Ace of Clubs and The Six of Clubs, comes the picture that defined a generation:


Ultimaninja-san, Alex Stankevitch-san, EggWhites-san... welcome to the OS-tan Collections! ^o^

It really looks the activity's soaring! Welcome all, please, make yourselves at home and feel comfortable! ^__^

edit: Oh, and of course; another great card from NewYinzer-san! I want to collect the whole deck. ^_^


Thank you for the kind comments about the cards. More info can be found here:


QuoteThe labeled ingredients in the original variety of Spam are chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite.

Ohhhhh-hohoho!!  ^o^

Baseless meat industry propaganda.  -v-
I'm a muckraker by trade and see what goes into that stuff.  In fact, did you know that said label ingredients, "PORK" and "HAM", are actually acronyms?  ^__^

PORK = "Purified Oil Recipe Koncoction"
HAM = "Hybrid Animal Monster"

Fufufu... want fries with that?  ^v^

(BTW, ArchLinux is cool, but I yearn for my beloved Fedora-sama.... ^.^)

(Although that kinda sounds strange coming from a 2K-tan... ^v^')


Quote(BTW, ArchLinux is cool, but I yearn for my beloved Fedora-sama.... ^.^)

Savin' it for later...


QuoteQuote from : Ultimaninja

Hello, I'm a newbie here.
ok, let's get the introduction stuff outta the way and break the ice for my first post.

Other names I've gone by over my life:
Drow_Judicator, Teifling_Abraksas, and DarkEboreous.

I like video games of course, my current fav are:
Suikoden V
Tales of Phantasia
Riviera: The Promised Land
I have a ds right now, and plan to get the psp for the valkyrie profiles: Lennth game for it.

In my spare time I like to draw, but not anime people...I just suck at it, and prefer to draw dragons, demons, and the generic monster or two.

Like watching anime and reading manga, and my absolute favorite for both is called:

Jing: King of Bandits

btw, my sig might not be as awsome as some of the sigs here, but it is my own creation and took me about an hour to find an image, cut it, rotate, and carefully place my name into it. And that's what I have to say for now, I hope to get along with all of you and have a great time here!

I kinda notice that a lot of people coming here lately...

Where did you found this forum my freind?

Welcome and enjoy by the way! ^_^  ;010


Hey everybody.  I am a long time friend of Capt Brenden and he asked me to see if I can help out on the Digital Complex project.  I am here to offer my services (to anyone or anything) as a general writer, story/plot mechanic and general pain in the ass critic.

I've got a bit of writing talent I am doing my best to develop to professional levels, so I figure if you guys will have me, I'll do my best and cut my teeth here on cutting edge stories.

Unfortnuately I don't have a lick of drawing talent.  I do stick figures mostly and lots and lots of bubble diagrams.  I have recently taken up Caligraphy in the hopes of making my writing ledgable and eventually help the old Capt out with inking (and eventualy real dot tone applications).

So, you need a help developing something, or want to run an idea by me, I'll be more than willing to listen and give a good old fire back.

-hrm....  Chetoes!
Beer and Typewriters!  The meaning of Life.


Welcome to our humble forum, eadsja! Good thing we now have another writer here! Feel free to post where you want, you are welcome to use our vast resources!


Pfft.. vast resorces. We really need to work on those vast resorces, cus they seem kinda thin right now.   Anyhow eads is a rl buddy that I talk art and stories with, and we will be likely going into buisness togeather doing such.  Digital complex will most likely be our first practice comic, but you guys are still welcome to contribue as much as you want!    

Oh and is it just me or has the introduction thread become more of a topicless thread recently?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteOh and is it just me or has the introduction thread become more of a topicless thread recently?

Not really. At least, I don't think.


Id say so, maybe one post in 5 has anything to do with greeting new members or new members introducing themselves.  I know Im horrible at getting off topic but Im working on it I swear!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Captain.....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

Welcome aboard, Mr. Eadsja.  ^__^


Welcome Eadsja (uh? how do you write that?)

Let's see If we can keep you busy writing :D