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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Welcome welcome new people!

*gasp* So many new people! ^o^ I hope that everyone new likes it here~ everyone is super friendly, there's no reason to be shy <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


uh? lotsa new members lately!

Well, to make this short, welcome:
-Kami-tux (a bit late :D)
-Aurora Borealis
-Alex Stankevitch (yeah, he hasn't appeared on this post, but since he already started posting on other threads...)

I hope you stay here for a long time!

Alex Stankevitch

Hey, i gotta post here sometime and I though I did, but what they heck...

Hello all and thanks for the warm welcome, I can already see this forum is bussing with activity at 4am GMT time  ;003  But my sleeping patterns are like a Hamster so it doesnt bother me too much...



QuoteWhy do I get a feeling that I've seen that image before?

Well, if I kept 98 and 98SE in the pics, maybe that'd give you a hint.  Certainly the,... *cough cough* panty *cough* thing would....  ^__^'

QuoteOh, you'll hear from me...everyday...

well...ok to be honest it's sorta random, as I have a dying laptop. It shutsdown randomly and once previously deleted all my bookmarks(I had planned to join sooner but, well needed to search through my history log and google to fin the site again...)

but I do try to post every weekday when I get my homework finished, and before I start watching anime.

But I first got into the OS-Tan when I saw 2000-tan and thought, wow a blue dress...and an awsome blue, not some lame sky blue was a deep navy blue. And she's pretty cute to. But I wonder what's with her dress. And well google led me to wikipedia, and from there to an avatar site to here. Lol, long list with a pot of gold at the end, awsome!

oh me oh my, I just took a look at how big your gallery section will take me quite awhile to determine what images you do and don't have of mine...

Yo Ultimaninja!
Welcome aboard.  ^__^

Glad to see you literally stumbled into this forum.  ^v^
I could attest that I found it the same way, as so few of the other imageboard sites link to here.  -v-

QuoteWelcome welcome new people!

*gasp* So many new people! ^o^ I hope that everyone new likes it here~ everyone is super friendly, there's no reason to be shy <3

Ah!  New avatar for you too?!  ^__^
Though mine really isn't voluntary....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬

QuoteHey, i gotta post here sometime and I though I did, but what they heck...

Hello all and thanks for the warm welcome, I can already see this forum is bussing with activity at 4am GMT time But my sleeping patterns are like a Hamster so it doesnt bother me too much...


An official "Yo!" to you too, Alex.  ^__^
Hypothetical question for you:  If you were a gerbil instead, would that mean you could stay up just a wee bit longer?  ^.^

Alex Stankevitch

Its 6:50am and ive been up all night, im still on the IRC channel.


In other words, if you were a gerbil, weekend burns would be inevitable after so many all-nighters.  ^.^


Ello, every1!! My Nick is Eggwhites, and i use it for just about everything. I like computers, paintball, ramen noodles, Monster energy dinks, and staying awke for 48 hours at a time. Im on hour... 32 right now. I like to chat alot, so you'll probably see this linux penguin around alot. I am, in fact, a guy. (MANN POWER) I post alot O wierd stuff sumtimes so people sumtimes wonder. Hmmm.... What other usless info can i spill into this page... OH! I like all kinds of music, but my favorites are Techno, Rock, and of coarse, Classical. My favorite OS is Lunix cuz it can run on anthing... I have it on my Xbox, my computer, my psp, i mean everything. Uhhh.... I've run out of stuff to type so, ya... Um... Yep... All out of ideas... Mmmhhmmm...

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "EggWhites"Ello, every1!! My Nick is Eggwhites, and i use it for just about everything. I like computers, paintball, ramen noodles, Monster energy dinks, and staying awke for 48 hours at a time. Im on hour... 32 right now. I like to chat alot, so you'll probably see this linux penguin around alot. I am, in fact, a guy. (MANN POWER) I post alot O wierd stuff sumtimes so people sumtimes wonder. Hmmm.... What other usless info can i spill into this page... OH! I like all kinds of music, but my favorites are Techno, Rock, and of coarse, Classical. My favorite OS is Lunix cuz it can run on anthing... I have it on my Xbox, my computer, my psp, i mean everything. Uhhh.... I've run out of stuff to type so, ya... Um... Yep... All out of ideas... Mmmhhmmm...

Looks like another member for tha all-nighters club. Anyways welcome to OS-tan and enjoy your stay.

Maybe you might want to either tone down a bit on the energy drinks as it looks liek you were WIRED when typing that as there are half a ton of spelling mistakes, and im not on about txt language.



Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Welcome EggWhites! Finally, a Linux user in a vast sea of Windows and Mac people!


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


WHY PITKIN, WHY?!!!!!!!!  ;^0^;


*sniff*  I'm being punished for something, aren't I.....  ;___;

BTW, welcome EggWhites.

Glad you're very conscientious about cholesterol.  ^__^

Oh and,...

Alex:  Cool new sig/avatar.  ^__^
Kami-Tux: Awesome sig and amen to that! ^_-



It's not so bad. At 500 posts, you become Mac OS 9!


.................r-e-a-l-l-y....?  'v'

*starts pulling open his first can of Spam*

You're lucky this isn't really pork.  Otherwise, you'd see me scream....  `v'


Uhh...C-Chan, I hate to break the news about spam:

QuoteThe labeled ingredients in the original variety of Spam are chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite.

For more info about spam:

Another new card: