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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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He must speak some sort of mysterious language of some sort...
...anyway, welcome to the OS-TAN forums.


It's time I joined in this off-topic-ness

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"no but you do taste good on flakey muffins with cheese and egg.
And also in a Singaporean bread in a bakery called BreadTalk called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bacon. (Despite the fact I've only smelled it, due to my lack of Singaporean dollars at the time)

picture? google gives me this dude's blog

Quote from: "Pitkin"
Ahem, and then to this other issue: More Pitkin?

You, ladies and gentlemen, have totally lost it. More Pitkin, you say? Do you realize, you're talking about increasing MY presence here (ie activity)? Are you aware what it means to bring more Pitkin to this forum? Of course you are not, and therefore I'll have to give you a prior warning.

Screw that, Pitkin gives the place life in this otherwise white, mostly-clean forum!

Quote from: "Pitkin"
The majority of forum topics are turned into discussions on whether Powerpuff Girls Z is an improvement to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon.

LOL, wow I did not know about this...
Reminds me of the time I ran into bleedman's comic

Quote from: "C-Chan"Well, I really don't mind most of that, but....

No!!  I take it back!  Go away!  Beastly thing, shoo, SHOO!!
kakakaka, I gave you moar.

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Oh, and pay no heed to Mr. Palm-tan's-okay-but-now-that-you-mention-it-let-me-write-a-57-page-rant-about-Doom.      (Oh, and fyi, the pig's totally innocent.  Fufufu.... ^___^')
You're always welcomed at the Palm-tan topic, now a whooping 15% ON TOPIC!!!!  Woohoo!   Why,... that's more than the amount of fruit juice that Minute Maid concedes to put in those mysterious drinks of theirs!  Can't beat those odds in this day and age, eh? ^v^'

I found that thread highly amusing despite the small percentage of my own words on there. ^^

Quote from: "C-Chan"Wow, wish I would've noticed earlier that this thread expanded so much.  -v-'

You and me both.

And withour further ado, (and on topic) let me welcome NewYinzer, Agent Dark Booty, and... mouse.

I didn't miss anyone did I?


Welcome i2... i2... eyetoo... one-two... youtoolateforus? O_o;

Ahem, so err... hiya, i2l84u00x00-san! I've already removed all the mousetraps from around to make you feel more comfortable. :D


Hi, I am Kami-Tux. I am 23 and use Linux. I live in Germany and study Business Information Systems. I love GPLed software, CCed music and spend most of my time online or working since atm there are holidiays in German unis.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!



-Supports GPL
-Supports CC

Forget the medals!
Give this dude a Sainthood!!  ^V^

Welcome, Kami-Tux!!!  ^v^

*bows and grovels before the Penguin God*


yes but has he accepted 3.1 and dos as his savior?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.



DOS, I think we can get away with.  ^___^'

But Ix-Nay on the Indows-Way when in the presence of the O Great Penguin God.  ^^;


QuoteQuote from : Kami-Tux

Hi, I am Kami-Tux. I am 23 and use Linux. I live in Germany and study Business Information Systems. I love GPLed software, CCed music and spend most of my time online or working since atm there are holidiays in German unis.

HEy! HeY! hEY!

A rare Kami-Tux!

Whoever you are....welcome at the forums duder  ;010


Hi and welcome, Kami-Tux! ^_^

(Sorry for the one-line welcome post. I've been sick for three days now, and very tired. v_v)


Then sleep well, get better and don't let the M$ OSes haunt your dreams!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Aurora Borealis

Greetings, OS-tan forums! I registered months ago but I ended up completely forgetting about this place even though I'm a huge fan of the OS-tans! But now I'm back and posting! :D


Hello Aurora Borealis! Welcome to our forums! I hope to hear more about your comics! Most of the people here are friendly, and I think that adding another artist will benefit our forums. Feel free to browse the gallery, and post on the forums.


eeyy, Aurora.

Auroras are beautiful... I wanna see one one day...

Anywayz, enuf of that. XD; Welcome!

I like your art style. Fits well with humor. ^^ You can help us with our own comic that exists only as a basic outline of sorts!
ah, use [url ] and [/url ] to put up links. (no spaces)

Welcome Welcome! and would be nice if you joined in the community-happenings. ^^

Almost 500 people, and only like, 10 of us are even posting.


You Aurora!  ^v^

Kudos on the artwork!  I agree with all of SleepyD's praise, but I'll add that I'm happy to see you have so much of it!  ^__^

AND you use a Mac, which automatically elevates you to unique status in my book.  ^.^

Speaking of which, I know you like her from what I've seen in your strips, but I'm actually a pig (the "oink" kind) temporarily trapped in the body of a ME-tan.  Kinda hard to explain without going into OS-tan Forum politics,.... but,...... well,.... *seatdrops*.... take my word for it.  ^__^;

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-ChanYou Aurora!  ^v^

Kudos on the artwork!  I agree with all of SleepyD's praise, but I'll add that I'm happy to see you have so much of it!  ^__^

AND you use a Mac, which automatically elevates you to unique status in my book.  ^.^

Speaking of which, I know you like her from what I've seen in your strips, but I'm actually a pig (the "oink" kind) temporarily trapped in the body of a ME-tan.  Kinda hard to explain without going into OS-tan Forum politics,.... but,...... well,.... *seatdrops*.... take my word for it.  ^__^;

Thanks! And I like your artwork too and how you also make new character designs for OS-tans that don't have them.