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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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I think you may be right there, cappy...MWEWHWAHAHAHAHWAHWAHWAHWAWA... ;006  ;006


ok time for massive greeting

YOROSHIKUN!! every one i did not greet before!

Me-tan Fanatic (ME too! ok lame joke)
Acher13 (your sure to love 3.1-sama, probably)
Alpha_Cluster (mmm.... alpha_cluster)
MasakoX (very cool ava, Cool and Hip! hehe)
leetmaster4004 (l337!!!!!!)
Kimo (very cute ava! i'm recently rewatching dragonball, Z and GT so woopie Goku!)
w00terz (Woot!)
Icelilly (i'll gust be like captain and stare.....)

anyway, welcome to all new members! hope you have fun and get along with everybody. if you don't then i'm gonna....I'm gonna.... I'M GONNA MAKE BISCUITS.  :/
My my, aren't you lovely~


Osoi-na, zhento-kun!
And I'mma go buy some tortillas...


Hunter here just found out what OS tan is all about and i love it.  I"m hoping it gets made into an offical anime but that's probablly just wishful thinking. I work as a librarian and love saving new wall papers of the girls.


Ara! Librarian-ssuka? Omoshiroi~^_^

Well, welcome to the forums then, Hunter-san!

Added after 1 minutes:

(lightning speed, go -w- )


I've loved OS-tans for a while now (Especially XP) but I didn't know there was a forum until today. So, now I'm here.


Welcome to the forums, WvsMC.   ;hi


Welcome to the forums, bouncy avatar-user WvsMC!


Welcome to the forums, WvsMC and Hunterx63

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Hello to all new members! :)


Sooo... yeah. I'm Muhznit. A few answers to questions I can predict instantly based off of other forums:

•"What does Muhznit mean?": I got the name "Muhznit" from playing Scrabble, oddly enough. Out of sheer boredom, I rearranged my tiles, trying to think of a good word. "Muhznit" came up eventually and it had an odd ring to it.... according to a few google searches, "Muhzhick", the closest word, is Russian for "dude". I believed "Muhznit" sounded slightly better, so I guess it could mean "better dude". It wasn't until I really got into the internet, noticing most of the usernames are cliches... (so many ____dragon##s....) so I pulled "Muhznit" out of nowhere. It's one of those few names that you can google, and the only one who ever used it was me. A small note, though: "" is not an actual site. It was created by a guy in my webmastery class just to spite me. Now I have to wait at least a year until it falls off of the internet and I can make it the way I want.....

•Strengths and Weaknesses: I'm good at MSPaint. VERY good. As soon as I have an idea to use, I'm going to do away with my Photoshop sig, shown below. I own the book "Google Hacks", so if you need something found, I'll be a cut above average people. (I still have yet to find tutorials on how to create MUGEN characters, though....) I procrastinate a bit, though, and am very bad at drawing anything that's supposed to look human or animal, so, sorry about that.

•Likes and Dislikes: A simple search on my name used to reveal many hentai boards that I've frequented.... Now only one's on the first page. TT_TT it's a known fact though- I LOVE hentai. Well, more of "Ecchi" to be specific. Where there is fanservice in anime, you'll find Muhznit. But I'm not just all about being perverted. I'm also into video games, 2D fighters and Platformers, to be specific. MUGEN and Super Mario World are my favorites; MUGEN because of the "Mashup" factor, and Super Mario World because speedrunning through it is fun. I'm still into some RPGs, but not anything too serious, like Final Fantasy. Tales of Symphonia drew me in mainly because of the real-time battle system, Paper Mario drew me in because of the Style and combat, Pokemon drew me in because of the deceptively deep competitive gameplay. I don't like, however, the idiots that constantly say that pokemon is a game only for children (I dare you. I DARE YOU TO ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT IT.) as well as those that cannot differentiate use of glitches from hacking devices. If you really want to make me angry though, talk to me about religious views on hentai. I have a few special concepts to throw at you that will shatter your logic to pieces.

Alright, that's enough about me. I'm out.


So...another unique name, eh? Welcome to my club, Muhznit! Enjoy ya' stay!


Howdy Muhznit!  

Welcome!   ;hi


Woah! That is one of the longest, informative introductions I've seen in this thread. Welcome!

QuoteI have a few special concepts to throw at you that will shatter your logic to pieces.

With all due respect, I am highly skeptical. Religious theory tends to be surreal and esoteric. Very little can be empirically proven, so one must extend postulates. Depending on the accepted facts, nearly anything can be justified. If I was to be allowed certain points, I'm certain logic would not fail

Added after 2 minutes:

Though here is definitely not the place to start a religious flame war. If you disagree that strongly, do not release your wrath upon the innocent forum members, just PM me


T_T thats quite enough of that, both of ye.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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