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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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no body likes wet pigs. just wet cats. you yeah, you got jewed.

It is at this time that I would like to make sure everyone knows that I am not racist sexist or discrinitory in the least bit.  I mean everything in jest, well unless im talking about singapore hookers.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Greetings from sunny, beautiful undisclosed location! I have been a member here for a few days. Online I tend to always use this nickname, because I like it.

I like stuff, but my love of manga is limited to OS-tans. However, my great love is of aviation. I collect model aircraft, but my collection is not too impressive yet. Another hobby of mine is studying Latin, which I find an interesting language.


Hiya NewYinzer-san, and welcome to the OS-tan Collections!

I personally find all languages interesting and worth studying; languages in general are some kind of a hobby of mine. ^_^

Oh, but what's the story behind your signature? The forum needs more cowbell? :D


Welcome Newyinzer.  

Model aircraft huh?  I used to do the same.  Had one hell of a bad ass B-17G done up at one point.  Got out of it in favor of minatures.  I couldnt stop plyaing with them after I was done so I bought ones that were game peices :P

Oh, but what's the story behind your signature? The forum needs more cowbell?

What do you mean whats the story?  Do you see any cow bell around here? I dont.  So in fact we need more cowbell.

Hell we seem to be in the need for more pitkin too.  You seem to be as rare around these parts as a Wassel.  Better watch out or you might get a crocodile hunter sticking his thumb up your arse to see if he can really piss ya off.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Welcome NewYinzer!
Yeah, I still remember my old MIG-25 Foxbat.  Very big, very detailed for a model of its type....  *sigh*  Died an untimely death after I had the brilliant idea of hanging it....  Oh well, I was young and dumb back then.... ;_;

And I agree, we need more Pitkin!  ^.^

BTW, I resent the fact that there's such a thing as a COWbell, but no such tihing as a PIGbell.  Does no one care if my fellow bretheren get lost whle grazing somewhere?  ;o:


Oh wait, do we "graze"....?  Ã,¬_Ã,¬'


no but you do taste good on flakey muffins with cheese and egg.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


My signature has its origins in paraphrasing the line "More Cowbell" from the April 8, 2000 Saturday Night Live comedy sketch about the recording of the song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by Blue Ãâ€"yster Cult. The sketch featured guest host Christopher Walken as music producer Bruce Dickinson and Will Ferrell as fictional cowbell player Gene Frenkle.

The original line was said by Christopher Walken, and was "Guess what? I got a fever. And the only more cowbell!" The line has become a cultural phenomenon in the United States, and some people like to say "this (insert thing here) needs more cowbell".

For more information on cowbell or cowbell-related topics:


I remember the skit, I dont remember any cultural phenomenon.  I guess this phenomenon needs more cowbell.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"no but you do taste good on flakey muffins with cheese and egg.

.......You're horrible...  ;___;

This forum needs more pigbell, I say!!  ;^0^;


Quote.......You're horrible... ;___;

Yes, but your delicios :9
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Oh, it looks like we need a Piggy Protection Agency around these quarters, to save C-Chan from being eaten by the hungry marines. :D

Ahem, and then to this other issue: More Pitkin?

You, ladies and gentlemen, have totally lost it. More Pitkin, you say? Do you realize, you're talking about increasing MY presence here (ie activity)? Are you aware what it means to bring more Pitkin to this forum? Of course you are not, and therefore I'll have to give you a prior warning.

Excerpt from the hidden agenda of NSA, part 'the consequences of increase in amount of Pitkin in a web-based discussion channel':


Should the amount of Pitkin rise past the critical limit, the following visible consequences will occur:

i) The forum colour design will take drastic steps to become more flashy and more difficult to tell the text from the backgrounds. Colour combinations such as neon green, pink and yellow will become common.

ii) The majority of forum topics are turned into discussions on whether Powerpuff Girls Z is an improvement to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon.

iii) 80% of links in the website miraculously stop working and instead redirect the victim (forum user) to sites advertising smiley packages.

iv) The community faces a sudden fatal blow as the activity plummets from living peacefully to resting in peace.

End of quote.

Well, not necessarily, but this post was completely off-topic anyway. ^^;


Yeah, we are pretty bad about that.  Dont even mention the Palm-tan topic.  To stay on topic just finish with something like.

Im very pleased to meet you.


Welcome newcomers!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well, I really don't mind most of that, but....

No!!  I take it back!  Go away!  Beastly thing, shoo, SHOO!!

Oh, and pay no heed to Mr. Palm-tan's-okay-but-now-that-you-mention-it-let-me-write-a-57-page-rant-about-Doom.      (Oh, and fyi, the pig's totally innocent.  Fufufu.... ^___^')
You're always welcomed at the Palm-tan topic, now a whooping 15% ON TOPIC!!!!  Woohoo!   Why,... that's more than the amount of fruit juice that Minute Maid concedes to put in those mysterious drinks of theirs!  Can't beat those odds in this day and age, eh? ^v^'

Oh, going off on tangents again.....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'

Uhhhh,... ummm,......

Welcome in advance to the next 5 newcomers that show up!  ^.^'

There, that should do it.... -v-'


Hi hi new people! ^o^

...I don't have much to say for once o.o; I hope everyone enjoys it here!
Don't be shy <3

Yes def. needs more Pitkin.
So cute it\'s deadly!


Quote from: "rdhdtwns"Hi hi new people! ^o^

...I don't have much to say for once o.o; I hope everyone enjoys it here!
Don't be shy <3

Yes def. needs more Pitkin.

Oh,... we've yet to formally meet.

Hello rdhdtwns and/or Codi!  Pleased to meet ya!  ^__^