News: It Was Never Yours, It Never Will Be...

Started by coldReactive, June 22, 2010, 08:58:05 PM

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Quote from: "Kari";_____; *sigh* the only reasons i had to like this country was the freedom of speech. if we don't even have that anymore......

Imma New Englander, being an American is incidental. My chain of allegiance goes something like:
New Hampshire>New England>womankind>America>humankind>carbon-based lifeforms

Unfortunately, at this point I'll never leave. If I knew my home (ie, NE) was going to be destroyed, I'd rather go down with the ship than live a life in a place I don't love. -.-

I don't think this is an American issue, though, I think this is a f*cked up American GOVERNMENT issue. Never, EVER make the mistake of confusing a country's people and a country's government, especially when the latter is entrenched with asshats lobbying for their greedy corporate masters and the former has practically no control over their government. ><



i think i agree with you bella.

but if nuke war were to ever break out, i don't care how much you kicked and screamed, you're coming to switzerland with me and all my other friends.

meh, america as a country has always made me happy and sad, for the freedoms and the restrictions.

and the stupid rednecks that voted in bush. >___<
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