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Started by Chocofreak13, April 13, 2010, 09:09:17 AM

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ever since the new droid phones came out in this country, and they advertised the new "android operating system", i had wanted to make a -tan.

i did (will upload later)and was wondering about other cell phone's OSes.

ideas people?
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Well, I havent really researched cell phone OS', nor cant remember any specific -tans of them.
But there is atleast one version of the Android-tan.

About Android... part of me wants to get an Odroid, especially if it happens to get 3G hardware.


dammit! >___<

;____; this thread failed. and i drew that pic for nothing~~~ >___<

EDIT: those two kinda remind me of chivistan in a green haired, slutty kinda way....
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Hmm, I dont think this thread has failed, yet, as this could still be used for discussing the other cellphone OS-tans.
And why not the Android too. Doesnt mean that if there already exists a specific version, all other attempts would be worthless

The one Bella posted is clearly a Kemeko(DX) reference.


mm, alright...
an uncleaned version of a pic w/ android and CE, and the inital sketch of android:

android can't do much without her master; her capabilities are mostly dependent on what applications she has installed or what her master does with her. using this, i created her as a small marionette, though she doen't exactly advertise this fact. try as she might, however, she can't hide the strings that bind her to servitude.
she is rather sullen due to this, but, once again, most of what she does must be pre-programmed by her master.

in the ce pic CE-tan is confused; here is another -tan just her size that the other OSes told her about, yet she doesn't seem alive.....
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I like your Android-tan the best! You've even taken the time to think up traits for her, more than the other Android-tan creators probably did...

I love love love that first image. Especially Android-chan's expression. <3


Poor CE, you almost had a new friend.


hee hee. ^^ i like the idea of keeping her CE-size since that's about the size of a cell phone.

and don't worry, CE can has new friend, but, like i said, she can't do much without her master. as she has to be turned on and off, she's a little like a clockwork toy. (hmm, i should make a version with a key in her back ^^ almost like wings xD )

the reason CE is puzzled is because android isn't on in that picture. she's basically a dolly. xD
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Almost all android phones (almost) use a mechanical sphere as mouse controller. Would be funny to implement that element somehow.

Also, the expressionless logo could be reshaped into some kind of mask android-tan could wear?

Is there something all cell-phone based os-tans share to indicate they are a phone-os?

And phones that are known to have gyroscopic elements?

Just tossing up ideas in an old thread, sorry :P


it's ok, that's pretty interesting. i didn't know too much about the android os other than it had a wide range of capabilities. perhaps she can turn her head 360 degrees owl-style to represent the sphere or gyroscope! xD

idk about the mask, it's an idea. i can't shake the feeling that i heard the phrase "masquerade-tan" somewhere, so maybe it's more suiting to that?

size is usually the common binder for cell/portable device OSes. CE could TECHNICALLY fall into the "cell phone os" catagory....

i thin
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She does fall into the portable OS right now, but that's changing, Android's going onto a lot of devices I wouldn't exactly call "portable"...

Since the Nook is Android, and was only the 3rd or 4th device available to the general public with Android, and the next thing was a GPS device (Garmin I think), I'm not sure I'd class her with the cell phone OS's as much I would with the OS's that were already on multiple devices.

Also, I'd think she's gonna be a bit more of a combatant style tan. All the Linux tan's carry a pike, and android is (vaguely) based of linux. Also, it's Google's big slap in the face towards Apple and M$, more so than most their other stuff. Unlike ChromeOS, and wave, Android's pretty much here to stay.

Appearently this was suggested as well...


"Portable OS" is a rather misguided concept to describe these OS, specially with them being applied in areas that may be far away from portable. Heck, I read Android was being used to run an HDTV and not a small one at that.

I wonder who came up with the metaphor that these OSes should be represented as miniature creatures... want to know what was the exact thinking behind it.
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Android was first marketed as an alternative to the Iphone, so in my opinion she still fits with the "portable os-tan" catagory, as that's where she originated from. she just got more of a following than CE or any of the others did.

that's a picture of Cirno. how does that relate here again? :\

and necropost much. i seriously thought this one was dead and buried.
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I'm not catching the line where I submitted anything to this why is a pic I uploaded there? This is confusing.