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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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...and now, time for more pics.

First off, something Stew has wanted to see and I finally got around to posting the image Vinesauce "Off Air" shirt. I missed out on it the first time around, so I ended up preordering it for when it went into print again.

The other day at Walmart, I saw a truck with this on the hood. I'm not 100% certain, but isn't that Miku?
(If not, I could always get Sleepy to ID her for me)

As far as Splatoon...can I just say the news feeds with the Squid Sisters are some of the funniest bits in the game? Even if I can't play online very often, I still get a laugh over what they have to say about the current set of stages for online play xD
Oh, and the shopkeeper said this when I brought in some blueprints obtained in single-player mode .__.

Some random Amiibo pics:
A plumber hoard -w-
Small Christmas tree (Mario Amiibo for scale). I plan to dust this off soon

Because the subject came up in a conversation with Kari, some pics of the few Rugrats toys I still have (Maka for scale):
- Talking Tommy doll. This was the holy grail of my collection, and when I sold off most of it, I kept Tommy just because. When batteries are inserted, he says various phrases like "Let's go on an adventure!" (The line that I used to officially kick off my Rugrats Revisited series), "Chuckie, don't be scared", and other such things...and if the batteries are getting low, he actually does say "Change my batteries!"; which does make him more advanced than the talking Pinkie Pie I saw a video of, whom stumbles over her words like a drunk when her batteries are low ^^;

- Spike. He used to bark when you squeezed him, but the piece inside him for that is pretty worn-out...but you can still make his ears stand up with the button hidden in the base of his neck. HE also used to have eyes...but the paint detailing has scratched off over time, leaving us with a white-eyed stare -w-;;

- Christmas Elf Chuckie. He was part of a set of Christmas-themed Rugrats plushies from the '97 holiday season; which also featured Santa Tommy, Angelica as an angel, and Spike as a reindeer. I know I used to have the Tommy, and I vaguely recall having Spike, but I think they ended up being sold, while Chuckie somehow evaded being included in the same lot. TBH, of the entire Christmas set, Chuckie was my favorite one.

...and now, the misc.:

Yes, Asagi and Eloise have matching wallpapers (Of IF and Compa, respectively)

Sunset from grandma's office on a cloudy day

Me, turning the name of the special soap used by the dishwasher into a jumbled-up PS1 game title. Nobody ever noticed this, amazingly; the box sat there for almost a year -w-;

EDIT: More pics! : D

We start with an image I forgot I had on my old camera: showing a Motorola MicroTAC next to Flonne III (Samsung Galaxy S3). I sadly don't have a charger for it anymore, so I can't show it actually on (Not like it'd work; analog cell phone towers don't exist anymore).

I received art from SleepyD! He randomly asked me earlier in the month if I wanted art, so I went with a request of artwork of IF...and it arrived the day I determined that 2k's processor was damaged, which was one of the few positives of that day. I wouldn't mind getting this framed :3

Speaking of 2k, for the curious, size comparison between a Core i7 processor and a classic Pentium (SD Card for scale).

What I was drinking on Christmas Day. As I mentioned in Topicless, the taste of Crystal Pepsi reminded me of Pepsi Twist; a variant I really liked back when it was around. I'll likely buy more of it, once it's back in stores this summer -w-
Now, if only Coca-Cola would sell Surge more widely, so I don't have to drive to Dallas :\

I also took a trip to Tyler this past weekend, with this being my haul, kept nicely in this box:
- Amiibo! This would be my 3rd raid this year, and it might just be the best haul I've had.
- Sodas! There's more Moxie than what's shown here, and I decided at random to try Irn Bru, after vaguely remembering a Brad Tries episode on it
- Splatoon hat! Bought at Best Buy; was just too silly to not pick it up...and it's actually pretty comfy.
- Dress! This is the pic I snapped shortly after I got to grandma's office; since I didn't have enough time to get a pic of myself wearing it.
- Alice Cooper albums! Not just the 1975 classic, Welcome to My Nightmare, but also its 2011 sequel, Welcome 2 My Nightmare (Which I haven't heard anything off of, but it's Alice Cooper; it's going to be good)

For a couple of misc. things from the trip:
- Burger King got my name wrong. Although, I was drinking Crystal Pepsi the day before, so...I guess I'm secretly a Snob and just didn't know it -w-;;
- The nastiest kiosk controller I've ever seen, at Hastings. Admittedly, the console itself was removed years ago, but they controller remains...and oh god does it look horrid; I had flashbacks to some of the stuff I had to clean up when I still worked at Gamestop.

More Amiibo
- Little Mac and Big Mac on a Mac. I have a feeling Bella will like this -w-;
- Temporary housing until I get another shelf. Now featuring Mewtwo, and an old Goomba
- Since Mr. Game & Watch can be detached from his base and swap out with alternate poses, I decided to use the empty base to say I have a Shy Guy Amiibo.
- Without even planning it, I ended up with Amiibo of the 3 most hated characters in Smash Bros. among people that wanted Ridley or Goku or whomever. In this case, I went far out of my way to get Lucina, I planned to get Dr. Mario from day 1, and Dark Pit was entirely because I can't find normal Pit and so I can make jokes about having Pitkin's evil twin :P

Now, for some pics of my dresses; the one I bought last weekend, and one I bought back in late October and never got around to getting better pics of (Pardon the lack of a wig; it was late last night and I was about to go to bed).

First up, the newest one:
- It's green! : D
- With black lace at the shoulders!
You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a dress that's both cute and green ^^;

Lastly, the one I bought back in October:
- Just a little black dress
- ...with this weird window on my back
It's comfy, though :3

I am a kid and a squid. Your argument may be invalid


my thoughts (in order, though i didn't comment on every photo):

that's not Miku, but she looks stupidly familiar.....Clanaad, maybe? :\


what is with you and your creepy toys man

alright, Chuckie's not bad. >>;;

all of the work computers i use have the same background for my account, a nice VN-style one of Patchouli. :0

pretty sunset, man. ^^

i cracked up at SOLID PRO: GEAR METAL.

is that cell phone secretly a beeper?

cute art!

does crystal pepsi taste like liquid shit, or am i just assuming?


nice dress. cotton?

the difference in those album covers is hilarious.

i couldn't tell if they thought your name was Mitch or Bradly.


i honestly thought the mac picture was gonna involve a cheeseburger. .__.

one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong~

that dress is pretty damn cute, man. on the topic of green dresses, i have a green nightie that's damn cute (but it's not for out-and-about stuff), and there was a GORGEOUS 40's-50's style green dress by Hell Bunny, one of the nicest dress brands i've seen thus far (we were looking for a dress for my mum for a party she was going to; she got another Hell Bunny and i guarentee she'll have it for at least a decade). :0
(found a link, it's this dress. :000 )

you need a pair of leggings to go with that dress, or you will. if you wear it out and about here, i'd reccomend you get some leggings. :0

i hope the hat is warm. -w-
click to make it bigger


In order again, skipping some:

- IDK. I might ask Sleepy later to ID her
- Fair enough; some of the other Rugrats toys I used to have you might think as creepier...although Slumber Party Tommy was kinda cute (A soft plush doll of Tommy in blue footie pajamas)
- It might be :0
- Well, given how you don't like Pepsi, you likely wouldn't like Crystal Pepsi. To me, it tastes like Pepsi with a slight lemon twist.
- Do you like cherry soda? If so, go try Cheerwine; it puts the rest to shame, even my old favorite of IBC Black Cherry
- Green dress is a polyester blend
- They thought my name was Bradly
- I almost considered buying a Big Mac burger just to complete the image xD
- As for the retro dress, I nearly bought one like that at Hot Topic, except it was red with a lace pattern...but it was hard to want to blow $60 that early into my trip -w-;  (I also briefly considered getting matching dresses like that for you, me, and Bella...but that ended up being a bit too pricey)
- Leggings to go with which dress? I do have tights, though, and feel it could work with either one (Given the tights are black, it'd be best with the green dress; for contrast)
- The hat is quite warm; it's made of fleece :3



@Pent: slumber party Tommy sounds cute. ^^
i should give Cheerwine a try....though idk if i like cherry soda. :0
i was referring to the black dress, it's a touch short on you. i worry about DAT ASS poking out. :0
you'll be a kid and a squid when you're helping to shovel next winter. :0

@Swag: oh god you're adorable!! and you're getting a beard!! :D
click to make it bigger


@kari: :3 stAhp
@penti: those rugrats dolls totally brought back memories :0 i used to play the movie tie-in game on PS1



I approve of this. Your new hair colour looks great! ^^



I had this feeling you'd pop up xDD



Quote from: Penti-chan on January 16, 2016, 10:23:03 AM
I had this feeling you'd pop up xDD

I'm never that far :) How are you ? It's a while we didn't chat...

Quote from: Ye Olde Swagfag on January 16, 2016, 10:50:30 AM
tfw roasted

Bwahahahaha  8)


@Fedora: Not much; just work, pretty much. I'm hoping I can move out this summer, if everything goes according to plan.