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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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@Lego: I've considered buying one of those for myself...but it lacks 2k ;__;

>comic has 2k-USA


sad as it is to say i doubt we'll ever find something 2k by actually looking. we're gonna have to wait for it to fall into our laps, if it does. :\

@leaf: we'd welcome your input into OS-tan discussions. :0
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True that; seems that there's a strange dislike of "ladies in blue longcoats who are not Saber from Fate/Stay Night", given that IF from Hyperdimension Neptunia suffers from the same problem as 2k :\


dunno. i couldn't find OS-tan ANYTHING, so methinks it was just a bad year for that. :\
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I meant in terms of merch. I mean, count how many times you see XP-tan merch online and contrast with how many times you see 2k :\


true, true. though my statement still stands. :\
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...and now, at last, pics from my trip to Tyler \ Great Amiibo Raid and some other misc. stuff I've meant to post for a few weeks

First off, the stuff I've meant to post (Before the raid)

We begin with...Rev. I actually tried one, and have to agree with Joel that
Rev is shit (Although he spoke of a different Rev -w-; )

I also swapped the radio in the van; seen here at night. Honestly, I love the way this radio looks at night...but I'm a sucker for lots of buttons, especially glowing buttons (It's supposed to be green, but my camera doesn't pick it up very well).

PP MEAT. The things I find amusing when I'm tired at work -w-;;
I also saw a rainbow bell pepper
...and a half full yet unopened Pepsi bottle (Close up on bottle cap; showing it unbroken)
Also, my boss brought a small apple

Pic from the parking lot at work, as a storm was rolling in. I honestly thought this looked cool, although sadly I wasn't able to catch it when there was lightning (As you could see some among the clouds ever so often)

Snapple wants me to shake it. At least it's not like Sobe; which wants me to shake the lizard (I'd find the image of that, but that requires a lot of crawling through my archives -w-; )

Portable PlayStations (PSone w\ LCD screen, PSP, and PS Vita). All 3 can do Final Fantasy VII, yes -w-

The LaserDisc\DVD combo unit I picked up the other day. DVD playback is decent given it's one of the earlier DVD players (Circa 1997), while it kicks ass as far as LaserDisc playback; it lacks some advanced features of high-end stand-alone LD players, but it's still leaps and bounds beyond my older, circa 1983 LD player.

As far as Persona 3...
Fuuka knows what's up -w-
Also, the 5th block of Tartarus looks like Rainbow Road. Yes, I did mute the TV and listen to various versions of the Mario Kart Rainbow Road theme; for the curious, the SNES version fit the best.

Some selfies I took around my birthday :3
Actually tamed my hair into something that looks nice
I'd consider this as a profile pic
It's not weird that I want to hug myself, right?
Random face
Upward shot

Luigi and Peach together; Mario is likely jealous -w-
Amiibo Battle: Pichi vs. Mayro vs. Penti
My Amiibo shelf, before the raid

...and now, our Feature Length presentation (heh heh)

First off, two random pics I took while out and about:
Geek Squad Beetle. This is what I'm used to seeing them drive, and what was in all of their ads when they first started; the A-Team style panel vans that I see now came later.
This made me feel old; a toy replica of the White Ranger's sword, in the packaging style of early-to-mid '90s Power Rangers toys. I almost want it for the novelty, but not really enough to pay $80+ -w-;

First stop of the day provided these CDs. Always liked that Keane album (My sister owns a copy, and of the things listened to while riding around with her, this was one of the better ones), the Peter Gabriel album features my favorite song of his (Sledgehammer; a song that Wikipedia lovingly described as "a mosaic of sexual innuendos", and also has a very trippy music video), while the Offspring album is one I know a few songs from (Pretty Fly for a White Guy being one of them), and Iron Butterfly was a matter of "what does the rest of the album sound like, besides In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida?"

The biggest thing, of course, was Amiibo. Found Samus at Gamestop, DK at Target, and Mega Man at Toys R Us (With my plushie of DK included in the shot because why not?)

Hibiscus tea. Decided to try it, since I seem to recall Bella mentioning it ages ago -w-;

Also bought a bra at Target (Pardon my ugly bed; I was washing bedsheets when I took this). It's a size too small, but I removed the tag already and it's a long drive to swap it out, so I'll probably invest in a back extender or just try to break it in -w-;

Lastly, my new swimsuit. It was a random find while at Marshall's, which kinda reminded me of my schoolgirl uniform in coloring and design, and it was the only one I saw there in my size, so I decided "I'll try it on and see how it looks"...and fell in love with it once I put it on, because it was so comfy >w<
Probably the best-fitting swimsuit I've found; in fact, it has thick enough padding in the chest to keep my nipples from poking through (A major plus), and is comfy enough that I actually slept in it last night :3

In closing, Amiibo shelf, after raid; expanded temporary shelving powered by Led Zeppelin.


random selfie


lookin' nice, bro. intense. xD

@pent: first link is broken.

Steve thinks there's likely a pinprick hole in that Pepsi bottle that was later sealed. :0
your work is right next to a neighborhood? :\
good GOD LDs are huge.
remind me to look up other versions of the rainbow road theme. xD
you look like a teacher in that first block of trap photos. kinda funny. xD
god, they're STILL charging $80 for that thing? does anyone even watch Power Rangers now? ?(or, at least, that version?)
haaaaa, i haven't seen a copy of Americana since i was a kid! : D
it's too bad Toad isn't a playable character in Smash, otherwise getting his amiibo would have made sense. :\
Dat is one fine-lookin' bathing suit there. good find. -w-
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@Kari: in order:
Those are doctor's offices, that share our parking lot
So, I'm a teacher? :3
It's about like the collector's edition Transformers action figures they had 10 years ago; in retro, '80s style packaging. There's bound to be someone that wants it (see: Linkara)
Nice :3
True that, but I managed to secure him on eBay; because Toad is cool and he unlocks some bonus features in Mario Kart 8 and Captain Toad
Indeed; I saw it and decided to just go for it; especially because of how well it fit :3

Goujer (she/her)

@pent: Great pics I like the use of Zeppelin in the Amiibo shelf.

I have added a 5.25 inch floppy drive to my tower (Nanami)


a computer isn't a computer without a floppy drive.
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Goujer (she/her)

I agree and I will have a red 3.5" Floppy, SD, MemStick and CF combo drive for the 3.5" slot soon!


Nice -w-
(I nearly put a 5.25-inch drive into 2k...but given how cramped the inside of the case is right now, probably not a good idea -w-; )


yeah, sticking it in when it's that tight might be a bad idea.
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