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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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For the curious, a picture showing the current progress of my PDP-11-tan cosplay. Pardon the lack of tights (They were in the washer when I took this pic), and the fact I was being lazy and didn't put on my wig for this pic, but otherwise, all I need is a labcoat and a DEC logo pin :3

As a bonus, I'm a megusa Cardcaptor now


Indeed. Love that Tails plushie :3


i'm jelly of the tsukasa wall scroll. >:I
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I love that wallscroll -w-

So, I decided to take a few new pics of my PDP-11-tan cosplay; this time remembering my wig and tights (Sadly, no labcoat, but a DEC logo pin I put on my sweater). They follow below:

A basic pic
From a different angle
PDP-11 does not approve of Compaq
A failed attempt at referencing that PDP-8 ad, but with the Yeti. Skirt was too constricting, the Yeti was too tall, but I decided to share it anyway just for the facepalm xD
DEC + NEC. Yes, the Yeti is built strong enough to me to sit on it without issue -w-

...and now, unrelated things I wanted to show.

Such as a knock off Kinder egg! Found it at Dollar Tree, and decided to try it. The chocolate wasn't bad, but I was let down that the prize was playing cards so small I can't shuffle them (Coke can for scale)

A DEC ethernet card I'm giving to Bella. Found it buried in a box of spare parts I was clearing out, and figured Bella would put it in her DEC shrine to use somewhere -w-

Plushies of grass starters from Pokémon. You have Alfonse (Bulbasaur), Chozo (Chespin), and Roshi (Turtwig) :3

Vester guards Asagi II. ...and earlier, an empty laptop case on my bed LOL

The legendary $.01 mouse. It somehow still works; although tracking speed is not as good as I remember. It's currently in use to tide me over until I can go look at Best Buy for a new mouse for 2k, so I have something good to resume playing Half-Life 2 with -w-;


That "failed attempt" at the PDP-8 advertisement picture is actually really cute, Pent. :D



i lol'd. and seconding bella on the DAT FLUFFY. -w-
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...and now, pics from my vacation.

ROUND 1: Camera Phone (With some extras from before vacation that I forgot to share)

During my raid for Moxie, I found the perfect candy to eat while watching Turkish Star Wars, using your Sounds By Steve headphones. Also, Cheerwine; which I might eventually pick up a case of to try it out (Given I was buying 8 bottles of Moxie, I didn't want to spend too much right away).

During the epic quest for RAM, one place I went into (Which was marked as an Apple Authorized Service Center) had a mini Mac museum against the lefthand wall:
- Apple IIe. Funny, since I was just joking about an Apple II with Bella the night before ^^;
- Macintosh Classic. I still swear this is the computer in your bedroom in Pokémon Crystal (I mean, look at the game's sprite, and look at the design of the Mac Classic; much similar)
- Macintosh IIsi. Would that be the Sports Illustrated edition? :P
- A '90s PowerMac. Looks like the model number is 7300; hard to see with the low-quality pic
- iMac G3 (Slot-loading) and PowerMac G4 Cube. The sight of an iMac G3 make me feel warm and fuzzy inside and want to hollow one out and put a modern Mac Mini with an LCD screen inside it, and the G4 Cube is neat too -w-
- iMac G4. I nearly had a pair of these for free years back, but they were gone by the time I saw the listing on Craigslist ;_;
The guy who runs the shop also had an iMac G5, but he didn't have it on display yet; as it was only just recently donated to him.

While just checking out other stores yesterday, I saw:
- a book that incorrectly identifies the Enterprise as a "spaceship" (It's a starship [/nerd])
- Kari's stash of Coke
- Tails going "derp" once more
- a plushie of the Enterprise (It'd be to Kriz as a plushie TARDIS would be to Kari -w-)
- a Bulbasaur (Well, two)
- Giant Spike the Dragon plushie

I'll have pics from my main camera uploaded later; in the meantime, some other cell phone pics I forgot to share:
- Drawing of a Texas State Railroad steam engine. I actually rode on one of those a few years back :3
- Most expensive item at Gamestop ever. That was one of the last pics I took before I left that place -w-
- I can see my crappy car from here. Was on the roof at Pizza Hut, helping my boss with changing the air filters on the AC, so I took that pic (Also, that makes Gamestop the only place I've worked for that I've never set foot on the roof of -w-; )
- Sweep & trap...? Makes me want to take a trap pic while holding a broom -w-
- I LOL'd at the name of this cereal


Pardon the double-post; felt it'd help keep this organized -w-;

ROUND 2: Main Camera

Maka on the couch. First pic I took after I checked in.

Purchased a plushie of Kyubey, who quickly tried to make contracts with myself and Maka. It's kind of his thing -w-;

The waffle I made for breakfast. So good >w<

The pic I took to be my new DeviantID, over on dA, since I've had the same picture for almost 3 years now. For the fun of it, two alternate, feminine versions of that pic; here (That one being my favorite; as it makes it seem like I'm focused on what I'm doing) and here (It's one's ok IMO)

Random normal pic of me, because I felt like it

A pic I took in trap mode, on the couch...which lead to the idea for this pic (Pardon the really bad photoshopping; like the very obvious seam in the pic ^^; )

Some other trap pics from around the room:
- Sitting in the computer chair
- Sitting cross-legged (with slight derpface ^^; )
- Holding an apple (Really like this one)
- Relaxing on the bed
- Lastly, pic of me showing off my dress (The Bella dress. Such comfy -w-)

Now, for what I obtained during the trip, besides Kyubey:
- Bottles of Moxie. Bought 8, still have 5 left
- Apple II 2 apples. McIntosh apples, to be exact; I ate one yesterday, and have the other for later
- Dice bag, for Kari. I saw this the instant I walked into that anime store and was like "Kari will love this" :3
- 10-pack display of Doublemint gum. Wanted some variety beyond Winterfresh; which is what my dad usually buys in a pack like this.
- Portal 2 "Remember" sign. Not the one I wanted (They were sold out of the "Avoid accidents" one), but this one's my second favorite
- Foto Showdown; an obscure game that is among only 3 DSi games to be released in cartridge form (Everything else was only available via DSiWare), which I've wanted to try for years and found on clearance at Toys 'R' Us. As an amusing note, the bag they put it in has their original logo on it; likely something they had buried in a storage room from way back when (It has a copyright stamp of 1997 on it, for the record)
- Ninja Five-O. Paid $25 for it...and it seems to run about $200+ online. Always heard good things about this game, but have never seen a copy in person until now.

...and that was my vacation -w-


the photoshopping wasn't as obvious as you might think, it actually looked like part of the wall, so the pic was pretty damn good. xD
and i must say, the first trap pic of you at the computer, where you were flipping your hair, that's a damn good pic of you. :00

and yes, i do love the bag. i love it so much.
(btw doublemint gum is love and before i got hooked on dentyne ice i loved it and still love it)

got some pics of me and arty at Rez last night. we weren't even intending to go, and then there we were. -w-
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@Leaf: Nice goggles :3

@Kari: Thanks ^^
Also, loved the pics


thanks man. -w-

leaf, i am jelly of those goggles.
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Bad selfie with my Bad Apple shirt!!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.