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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Since I forgot to post this the other day, here's a pic of Asagi II; next to the original :3


Wow who's that gal on the left


That would be Asagi II. I just received the blue hardcase for her; which helps hide some of the wear :3
(Will have pics of that later)

EDIT: Here we go:

With new case (Gives it a sort of iBook G3 feel, makes it easier for me to open, makes the screen not flicker when closing the lid, and hides the scuffs and scratches)
Speaking of an iBook G3, Asagi II and Sonata meet


Look, I took pictures.
Candace's gift to me on the right next to my Cdr. Dax figure.


@Stew: Nice Chell action figure ^^


sweeeeet. :3

Anime Boston 2014

Where do we begin this journey? why, with the express pass, of course! after copying this to my phone we sped down to boston (very late, but in time thankfully). after getting my badge came the frustrating and exahusting task of finding mel's apartment. despite me getting correct directions from google mum kept second-guessing everything (even after getting phone reassurance from mel that yes, we WERE going the right way), leading to MUCH ARGUE, SO ANGER, VERY YELL, WOW. eventually though, we did get to mel's place and i settled in (she has a very nice, antique-y place). i petted her cat (who REALLY liked my suitcase) and after that set to work making porn folders for the rest of the night.

friday saw us get an early start (well, me, at least) and we left as a unit around 10:30. i got to the Gijinka panel early enough to get a good seat and converse a bit with the hoster (this lovely Sylveon cosplayer who happens to be the admin of Gr8 Cosplay Tips on tumblr, along with her friends), and edumacated some people about the os-tans (though i didn't want to steal too much focus). after that, i wandered around (finding an excellent Crona cosplayer along the way), eventually hitting the dealers' room. after rifling through the clearance bin a bit (didn't get this one but i'd like to), i met a lovely woman who i would come to chat with every time i would go into the dealers' room that weekend. she happily accepted my porn folder and much chats about such things as older anime, yaoi/yuri, and doctor who (her fellow volunteers at the booth were going as 9, 10, and 11, so she went in a dress printed with every doctor who villan ever). after making my initial selections of the weekend, i waited in line (snapping a pic of a wonderful Human!Luna cosplayer who was also a volunteer), eventually checking out and moving on in the spectacle. i came upon a booth selling an Ayanami Rei clock and some Companion Cube and Tardis lamps, but they were all a bit too rich for my blood, so i moved on, instead snapping pics of a Rei Figma, an Asuka Figma, and a Mari Figma. still, though, these were too expensive for me and so i moved on to the vintage booth, where i was informed that yes, the lum plushie had been sold by now. i expected that, but what i didn't expect was to find (moderately) cheap Evangelion stuff (original stuff, too!). knowing how much Alex likes Asuka, i got pics of both a wallscroll and a figure (as you all know, he eventually went with the figure as he didn't have room for the wallscroll). i put a deposit down on the figure, and moved on in the room, taking pics of an adorabley weird plushie i came upon. as the day progressed, however, i had panels to attend so i left the dealers' room to go to them. imagine my frustration (as well as the frustration of the Arukenimon and Tsukasa cosplayers who were in the same position as me) when i found that the Gender Identity in Anime panel was put in a too-small room, meaning that even the standing room was taken up and we couldn't go in. >>; not feeling like waiting, i left (with Arty, who had taken her break around that time so we could go to the damn thing). the theme this year was Magic and Mischief, so i took out my frustrations on a dick unicorn they had (in a number of ways). after that, me and Arty wandered, hitting the Artists' Alley where i got my mum's present, and eventually to a Sheraton bathroom where i switched cosplays for the night. after that, we hit the Swap Meet while i was waiting for my mum and sister to show up with the cash they had. i scored a kickass Rayearth doll as well as lots of other nice things. during this, Arty had to go back on shift, and i eventually went back out into the Sheraton (with my newly acquired box) to wait for them again. in the meantime, i saw a wonderful Pearl cosplayer, and after they showed up i continued on with the con. next stop was Extreme Geek, which was Barrels of Fun for all involved (pictured here is the lot of us posing with Adventure Jesus; Deadpool is in the background with the twin hammers, and behind me is Raver Dude who i ended up falling on during the next portion of the night). Extreme Geek is a hard panel to describe; it's part game show, part contest, all disturbingly hilarious. there were such rounds as Tits or Ass? (dat's Batman's booty btw), the Scene It? challenge (where the teams, including team audience, had to act out scenes from popular nerd movies for points; i was chosen for team audience for that round and we did a scene from Game of Thrones) and the Please Don't Vomit challenge, where participants had to down a concotcion consisting of Oyster Sauce, Siracha Sauce, i think i saw some Honey? up there, and a couple other things. Kevin, one of the guys i was there with, took part and though he didn't win, he did finish (which was still worth points) and ended up downing the last of the bottle of Siracha after in a display which sort of shocked the audience and hosts. Extreme Geek wrapped up the night, and i met up with Sarah, Kevin, and Mel after and we took a taxi back to Sarah and Mel's place, where i did up a few more porn folders and then called it a night (but not without photographing my glorious haul).

Saturday started early for me. i got up early, which meant i had the bathroom all to myself as i took note of how my pj shorts matched my lum top (and took note of how my favourite panties actually looked good on me today). i left before anyone else (as it was almost 10 and they were all still asleep.....lightweights) and managed to get an impromptu cosplay photo of the Wayward Vagabond on the way (one of the characters that inspired The Mayor). try, if you will, to imagine my rage as i learned that my Kuragehime panel was bumped in favour of YET ANOTHER zelda panel and that i had gotten up early for nothing, so i sat down on the second floor, sour at life and texting Cockle. got a photo of a
cute Strawberry Shortcake cosplayer as i waited for her to show up, but once she did, we wandered for a bit, ending up in the dealers' room again. she had to part ways with me as she was late for a check-in, but i did something i had resolved to do at this con: i wandered over to the Doujin booth, and i found out if they had any OS-tan ones. they had two, but as they were both $18, i could only afford one. fear not, fellow OSCers, as i got photos of every single page of the one i couldn't get. (the rest will be posted later.) the day continued on, with me eventually coming across a Medic cosplayer on the way to the Know your Meme panel (i was picked twice and got both of them; i can't remember the second but the first was WRRRRYYYYYY/ZA WARUDO). Saturday came to a lull in activity, and not having much else to do, i went to the manga library where i read Aishiteruze Baby (and got pics of the ones i didn't have time for). i made sure to get some Homeko cosplay pics (thanks to Arty) before i switched into my Lum cosplay and sped off to the Sailor Moon Merchandise panel (having attended the Sailor Moon Fandom one earlier that day)[/url]. i went back to the swap meet, getting pics of all the things i couldn't get. after chatting with a nice lady i swapped with for awhile, i left, coming upon a Michael Jackson cosplayer (in his Beat It outfit), who i had met a few years before at another Anime Boston. we chatted for awhile, he took my picture a few times, and wanted to organize an impromptu photo shoot, but while he was off gathering other people for it, i had to go off to try to get a good seat in the Hentai Dubbing. sadly, i was too late for it, so i left for nothing, and met up with Mel briefly who gave me her apartment keys. i staggered back to the apartment (managing to snap a pic of an Anime Boston advertisement along the way), where i walked several blocks from the station to the apartment and subsequently crashed and burned after a dinner of half a cup of watermelon.

Sunday had the same fast/slow pace it always does; the urge to get so much done despite the late time, but at the same time the letting go of the con glamour in favour of sleep and other things. i attended a panel in the morning called Mamas of Shojo manga, and learned about several new series i'll (and we'll, in some cases) have to try. after that, while in the dealers' room for the last time, i saw some Space Dandy cosplayers and a guy i met at the Cosplay Masquerade this past January who was spending sunday as Cupid. we chatted for awhile, the both of us eventually moving on to our respective things (shopping, events, etc). i snapped a pic of some discount yaoi i wanted but couldn't afford, and went off to my last panel of the con, Bishonen: Princes vs. Scoundrels. not knowing what else to do, i hit up the manga library again (where i learned they made a Disgaea manga), and met up with Cockle. the reunion was short-lived, as i had to get in line for closings and she had to get back to her friends so she could go. on the way to meet up with my friends, i came upon a wonderful Merida cosplayer, and found Kevin and Ron in line (they're actually in the background of the picture, lol, Kevin is in the horn hat and Ron is next to him). Kevin showed me something he got for his brother
(a League of Legends fanart, Miss Fortune x a character i forgot the name of) and something he got for himself, a Sailor Moon fanart signed by one of the producers, the US Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, and the original Sailor Saturn. Dan joined us and we eventually filed into the large hall, where we were treated to free tshirts (none of us got any cause we sat off to the side >>; ), an.....interesting music video featuring the mascots of the Con, learning the attendance rate and next year's theme (over 25,000 and Kaiju vs Mecha, respectively), and the winners of the AMV contest (will make a playlist and post it here when they're up on youtube). after that, we all had to go our seperate ways, and i went back to the apartment on my own (Mel and them having left earlier in the day). i packed up when i got there and saw a cool Bravest Warriors fanart someone when i got there and was picked up by Mel's mom, who drove me, Jake, Alex, and Mel up to salem (after which Jake took his car and left for New York and Mel's dad took me and Alex on our way. i was dropped off and subsequently screamed at as i came in the door about how i was scratching the door frame or something (none of my luggage was even touching the door at this point) and spend the rest of the night crying, eating pasta, and then passing out. -w-
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Post 1, in rough order:
LOL at Mel's Aperture shower curtans. I nearly bought some a while back -w- put Ace in a porn folder xD
I want that Companion Cube lamp
Nice Eva stuff; love that Asuka poster
LOL'd at you going Chun-Li on that unicorn
Still jelly of that Hikaru doll
I spotted a cosplay of Ruby, from RWBY. I haven't even seen that series yet, and I know the characters (Thanks, Tumblr -w-)
Those shorts do match your Lum top :3
I think I saw that OS-tan hentai on eBay years back, when I picked up my HacchanxHomeo one -w-
My sister loves the Mars manga. She ended up finishing it online, because the last few volumes she needed for a complete set were getting expensive :\
Fuck yeah, Big O >:3
Love the Homeko cosplay, BTW; I had a feeling you'd pull her off well
A Moogle, kupo >w<
A Japanese edition of Kashimashi? I approve of this, even if you didn't get it
The Kashimashi anime box set? I now kinda wish I had sent some money to you to get that for me
That's one dandy space
Did not know there was a Disgaea manga *w*
A wild COCKLE appeared!
Very nice Sailor Moon autographs ^^
Remember; take care of your cardboard box, and it'll take care of you </solid_snake>

Post 2:
I've always wanted to read or watch Ninja Nonsense -w-
I read Angelic Layer ages ago; the library used to have it. Good series; my sister still like Icchan LOL
Really cool guide *w*
What is Boys Be about? I've seen it mentioned somewhere in the past
Cyborg 009. Niiice >:3
I was watching the anime for Eureka Seven when it was on Tooanmi, but I lost track after a while
I saw several Excel Saga DVDs when I was at Game-X-Change last weekend LOL
Never watched or read the original Gatekeepers. I did watch Gatekeepers 21 (Which was a dark reboot) for a few episodes many years ago (Like, back when TechTV was still a thing)
Nice XP-tan hentai. Also, I love how the glare from the camera flash is almost censoring her panties xDD
Isn't Angelic Days the "Evangelion Slice of Life" series? Always been interested in it -w-
Never knew they made a Pretty Sammy manga XDD (Loved the episode from Tenchi Universe that had that)
I've heard Princess Tutu is actually pretty good. Let me know if I might be interested
That Urusei Yatsura manga is so you -w-
Vampire Knight looks strangely familiar
When I saw the title "The Fuccons", I thought it was a faction from that really weird Transformers series that involved lolis -w-; (Yes, that is a thing. Go look up "Transformers Kiss Players")
Psycho Pass looks interesting
I love that Asuka figurine *w*
Me gusta Rei
Plushie of catgirl maid? Cute >w<
Cool Dr. Whooves figurine. My sister and I have the normal edition of him :3
I'll say it again; still jelly of Hikaru (If you had obtained Fuu, I'd likely try to trade you for it)
Did not know they made plushies of Klein
That little Regular Show figurine is very Bella :3
I knew you'd find something Sanji -w-
Maka approves of you finding Soul ^^
Cool pocket watch. Still have my FMA one; just put a new battery in last year
Love that Cirno pin *w*
Cute towel ^^
That shirt is objectionable -w-
BECOME MAGNET MEGUSA *poorly drawn Kyubey*
Whenever G3 MLP comes up, my thoughts drift to how Rainbow Dash always dresses in style


responses, in order:

~i'm jelly of her shower curtain. and she has coasters that are made to look like the icons from the [as] game Girls Love Robots, i'm jelly of those, too.

~i thought of doing the os-tans last year, but putting Ace and Myeko in the folders gives me an excuse to plug the comic. -w-

~it was like, $75 per lamp. i got their business card if you ever want to order one. >>;

~i liked it, too, but it cost about the same as the figure ($20).

~Unicorns are Dicks~ :D

~if you mean in the big group shot, of the girl in the red cape with the black and red hair, she was a friend of Dan and Kevin who sat with us during Extreme Geek. :3

~i'm sad that the doujin booth doesn't do online orders, so i'm just going to have to pray that they don't sell the other one before next year. ;^;

~Mars is one of the manga i've wanted to read since i was about 12 since the advertisements were in the back of the manga i had. :0

~i'm so good at pulling off Homeko i'm slowly turning into her. seriously, i have the outfit on and the hair up right now. i think we all knew it was just a matter of time.

~the moogle and the kashimashis were in the swap meet, and while you're not TECHNICALLY supposed to use cash for it, sometimes people do. i did last year on a certain few items. >>;

~the Meow cosplayer in that pic had a crocheted hat for the ears, it was so cool. :000

~i'm getting autographs from Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask from Dan as soon as he gives me his badge. he said it was for my birthday. ^^

(pt 2)

~my brother in law HIGHLY reccomends Ninja Nonsense. the first time i saw it was in a right stuf catalogue that found its way to my house (not sure how...), and while i haven't seen the series itself, it looked hilarious. and pervy, as most early 00's series were.

~i had no idea about Angelic Layer except through the context of Chobits until about 2 years ago or so, so i'm looking forward to reading it. ^^

~the AB guides are always high-quality stuff. glossy colour covers, detailed descriptions of the panels, mention of all big-ticket guests and large events, and even a section telling you what restaraunts are open super-late. :3

~i have volume 1 of Boys Be... as well, and it's basically a series of one-shots about young men experiencing romance for the first time. it's awkward, it's cute, and it's real, which is one of the reasons i like it. ^^

~i was psyched to find Cyborg 009, finding other volumes of it has been a bitch. ><;

~same here. :\

~i saw some of the series on demand when it was on there. it was......strange.

~i haven't even read volume 1 yet so Gatekeepers is gonna be interesting. :0

~tbh the censor flash is why i kept that picture instead of taking another one. xD;

~i have no idea on Angelic Days since i haven't read it yet.

~evidently Pretty Sammy was popular since that was volume 3! :0

~it's my sister's tutu volume, but the series (or at least what i saw from the Hal om Mig AMV) is rather dark and melodramatic. my sister has said that it is actually pretty comedic, though, so i may have gotten the wrong impression. xD;

~as soon as i saw the UY manga i snatched it the fuck up. >:3

~i got the first 3 volumes of Vampire Knight for free, but i haven't read it yet. good thing, since i thought i got up to 4, which means now i have to buy 4 off amazon to fill in the gap. >>;

~The Fuccons is weird. i haven't even seen it yet and i know that for fact.

~the Asuka figure didn't come with a box, but if anything, that just made it more appealing since it probably lowered the price. -w-

~Me gusta despite the dislocated hip? xD;

~Dejiko is the main character of a series called Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat, which is, as my brother so aptly put it, "so cute it made him bleed rainbows".

~mmm. i was happy to take anything i could get for free, and the fact that it was a Dr. Whooves made it even better. -w-

~if i had obtained Fuu i'd have locked her in a cabinet by now anticipating you to come breaking in my house to either steal her or possibly murder me for her.

~neither did i which is why i jumped on it. Klein is the man. >:3 (now, they just need a damn plushie of Yui so i can reunite the family. ;v; )


~you had any doubt i'd go sniffing him out? i had intended to get another Sanji figure from the start. -w-

~Soul was the last Soul Eater boy i was missing (sans Stein, Spirit and Crona, which i'm going to have to commission), so i was super-happy to get him. i knew from the start that i was going to pick him as my birthday plushie since i knew they'd have him there and i knew it'd be on the more reasonably-priced side. -w-

~i still have my FMA one too, but since it's broken, at least i have another pocket watch now. :0

~i was surprised to find the Cirno pin. just wish i had enough cash for a Cirno plushie, since they had a Touhou plushie box. :0

~dat towel is likely the holy grail of the trip along with the Hikaru doll since it's so rare. :000

~i object to your statement.


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Ninja Nonsense was actually the first proper anime series I ever watched. That should show my age..
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I was about 11 or 12 when I got that Right Stuf yeah, that sounds about right. :0
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@Kari: I wouldn't murder you for it; I'd just silently deposit a generic dollar store doll in her place and hope I don't trip the sensor that deploys the giant bolder of death ^^;;
(Although, I'm sure if I found something Sanji that you don't have, the sensor would accept it as a suitable offering -w-)

@Cockle: The blame lays solely on my sister for getting me into anime; as I watched Sailor Moon with her -w-

So, although Kari's already seen them, I'll post these for everyone else; what I picked up last weekend:
The games. The top 3 items came from Game-X-Change (Yoshi's Safari is complete in box and honestly looks like it was never played), while the bottom 3 came from a community garage sale (Still psyched about getting Paper Mario: TTYD for $3, and although I already have NSMB, my sister said she wants it)

The Mario Kart Red DS I bought for $10, next to my Aqua Blue 3DS


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Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 25, 2014, 02:37:41 PM
The Mario Kart Red DS I bought for $10, next to my Aqua Blue 3DS
The Red Nintendo DS is fine, but I think it would look even better if the buttons were white.

Y'know, because the colours contrast so well.