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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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yes. but you're still not telling me what the series is. is OK the series? :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 14, 2013, 05:36:04 PM
yes. but you're still not telling me what the series is. is OK the series? :\

didn't I?

Quote from: alfonso_rd_30 on February 14, 2013, 05:16:34 PM
posted a pic of her in random pics a while back: Morrigan Aensland from Capcom's Darkstalkers/ vampire


see, you didn't include the part after random pics. or i read it wrong. either way, thanks, good to know.
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*makes note to photograph comics later*

Except I don't have any of my graphic novels, ST comics, or some of my favorite series with me.


I should take a pic of some of my comics sometime. It's not everyday you have an OS-tan hentai, Bleach, and early '90s Spider-Man gathered together >:3


OS-TAN HENT- Spiderman sounds good ^z^


yeah, pent was one of the lucky ones to snag one of the OS Doujins off ebay while they were around.

should i drag out the pics of my manga collection?
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I had a post for here, but the pictures wouldn't upload (again) so there isn't.

Have this cover I scanned a few years ago.


well, at least we know we're prepared in case of giant insects.
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KILGORE... I've never heard of that.


wouldn't this be better suited to RPT anyway, or do you actually own this comic?
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Yep!  Its a personal favorite of mine from Renegade Press, one of Linkara's often denegrated B&W comic publishers.  Its by Brian Chin, who more recently illustrated a couple of fantastic books on the harbor defenses of San Fransisco throughout history.  That one's from the original six comic mini-series, the other I have is a reprint from the late 80s that's more of a history comic.  Still awesome.  Its Flashman in WWII, sort of.  (BTW Kilgore was an actual guy who commanded the 6th Coast Artillery Regiment; Chin just saw some pictures of him, thought the guy looked like a classy rogue, and wrote the comics based on that impression.  Apparently when he met the real Kilgore, he approved)

Now for the pics that wouldn't upload yesterday:
Pictured L to R
Back (Lesbian) row: Kannazuki no Miko vol. 1, vol. 2, Voiceful, Madoka Magica vol. 1, The Holy Grail aka Iono-sama and the Fanatics, Strawberry Panic omnibus
Middle: Sayonara Zetsubo-sensei vol 2, Black Lagoon vol. 2, vol. 3, Tori Koro vol. 2, GA vol. 1, vol 2, vol 3
Front: Negima

Missing: Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl Omnibus 1 and 2, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya second manga vol. 1-4, Hellsing vol. 1, Azumanga Daioh vol. 1, Baseball Girl (whatever its called, good series),  The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya,  The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya, and more
Animus: Noir, Area 88, Haruhi Suzumiya season 1 and Disappearance, Patlabor, Starship Operators, and the other Holy Grail I left out of the manga pic for being in my desk drawer, Yozakura Quartet

Missing: Yukakaze
Inexplicably blurry Comics: MLP #1, #2, Who's Who (DC), The Authority #1, #2, Fort, six ghetto ass Dark Horse Gunsmith Cats issues, one Panzer, two You're Under Arrest, The War Time Forgot, Legend of Darkwood, Battler Britain #1, #5, Col. Kilgore, and Kilgore.

Missing: Practically all of them


@Stew: Nice pics. I need to get some of my comic collection sometime

For now, here's what I have on me. Pardon the fact Photobucket now forces you to go to the page with info on my pics vs. direct linking like I used to be able to do :\
A granola bar for kids and immature adults xD
Some owl stuff for Bella (A statue and a vase :3)
During my trip to Tyler yesterday, I saw this at the bookstore I was in and got a laugh. It's the one computer book I'm sure none of us would ever need
Did buy these while there. I've always wanted to play Golden Sun, so I couldn't pass up the guide for the 2nd game
The truck stop I obtained a 4-pack of Moxie at also had some other oddball sodas; such as bacon soda (I want to see that on Brad Tries)
...and this strawberry-orange soda that I want more of *w*
I found a plushie of Jake that I think Bella would want :3
...and at the same place, my own Mameshiba
While at Sam's Club, I found this giant package of sliced swiss cheese :3
...and mom bought gigantic muffins. They're nearly as wide as a CD
Random shot of my tabletop RPG books and Linux for Dummies, under my desk. Also, Windows 2000 box and assorted junk

...and now, pics of my swimsuits. Pardon the lack of a wig, the pics being off-center, and any other flaws, as I kind of improvised them so I could show them off
The bikini. This only cost me $9 to put together (The bottom was a heavily discounted leftover from last summer at Beall's for $1, and the top was $8 at Wal-Mart).
The one-piece. A bit more colorful than I originally aimed for, but I think it looks nice on me; helping to make it look like I have a feminine waistline ^_~


it does. it also draws undue attention to your crotch. but overall they're both kickass finds. -w-
who the hell needs that much cheese? a summer camp, maybe?
dem sodas look good. :0
the granola bar.....i'd eat that. -w-

@stew: nice, but missing as in you don't have them or they got lost? :\
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@Pent: That owl is staring into my SOUL...