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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Pic time~
I think the guards in Skyrim could have used this
I LOL'd when I saw this 3rd party Wii Nunchuk at a dollar store
I may be indifferent about the meme they referenced, but this is why I love most the staff at the local Game-X-Change xD
With how VMware Player handles full screen, suddenly Nimue feels like PentiumMMX...
After years, I finally obtained the one Lego Throwbot I wanted the most. The disk-throwing arm is laughably bad in design, but hey; this was Lego's first foray into constructable action figures, before they struck gold with Bionicle just 2 years later
This was my setup last Friday; I had DeliciousCinnamon's livestream running on the smaller monitor, while leaving the primary monitor up for the stream's chatroom, as well as to check my usual stuff online and talk with people on Skype
I forgot exactly what these foam sleeves are called, but I do remember their function; helping to keep my Coke cool. Even better that they're HP branded; because Asagi and Nimue :3


cool stuff, dude. it's also hilarious that the guys at the local game store know how to have a good time. xD

as for the foam sleeves, those are beer cozies. or drink cozies, considering none of us drink beer. :3
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Post from Post your outside temp thread
Quote from: Bella on June 29, 2012, 07:18:28 PM
Quote from: Pitkin on June 29, 2012, 07:37:59 AM
30 degrees celsius, 86 fahrenheit.

My poor rabbits are suffering from the heat ;_;

Oh no. D:

Not to derail the thread, but, what kind of rabbits do you have? : o

I'm terribly sorry for not answering before, B: I don't read the temperature thread too often, it seems. ._.,

I'll just post their pictures when they were babies in February this year, as I don't know how to describe them in English:
Bubu is social and the dominant one of the two, she always tries to sneak into the bedroom if the door's left open.
Darky is such a kind and timid rabbit, he's never done anything bad.

They're not pure dwarf rabbits, weighing around one kilogramme each. ^^

Finally, a random picture with no link whatsoever to anything:
Some suckers got married, let's laugh at 'em!



cute bunnies, too. <3
click to make it bigger


So that's what Fedora-tan looks like? That disproved my two theories ^_^;


i trust that pic is in the gallery. >>;
click to make it bigger


Yeah; that's where I got it from


*squees at pic of Fedora & Pitkin-sama*

You two are so lovely together <3 Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

(Also, your bunnies are so cute ^u^)


Quite nice.... and now I remembered you've gone home.


Quote from: stewartsage on July 19, 2012, 10:33:41 PM
Quite nice.... and now I remembered you've gone home.

Annnd now I want to hug you even more than I usually do... ;^;


In order:

1: You look good together :3
2: The look on Stew's face makes me think of a trollface; like he's thinking "Problem?"
3: I like this one :3
4: I actually used to have a Confederate uniform when I was little; made by my mom for a Civil War ball held by our homeschool group which made no sense to my 5-year-old mind. They said "war", but it was just dancing
5: Stew + military uniform = instant badass. It's a scientific fact
6: Not quite sure what's going on here ^_^;
7: In this pic, he looks kind of like an old friend of my sister's from junior high :3


@Pit: you two look so happy together! Really lovely photo :3
@Bells: That cannon pic = WINNING!!! The cannon certainly suits you xD
Quote5: Stew + military uniform = instant badass. It's a scientific fact

So, when we got our certificates at the big ceremony after the finals a teacher decided to take pictures of everyone (also during exams). Result: Me in a suit, holding my certificate with the most shit-eating grin ever :3


Looking good, Paul. One needs to grin like that from time to time. x)

In fact, make that "looking good" for Bells and stewartsage too. :D Stew, is that second last picture B posted you holding a lecture/presentation for visitors?


@Paul: Nice ^_^

You know, I should post more pics sometime...