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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Yep ^_^

Also, this is my 3rd pair of glasses; I got this pair in about 8th grade or so. My first pair was when I was in 4th grade :3


my vision started to go when i was 11. ^^;
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I think your old pair of glasses look quite nice, Kari. ^^

I'm still using my pair of glasses from last year 'cause insurance won't cover a new pair unless the one pair is damaged or my prescription has changed. Thinking of taking my prescription to Lens Crafters (or some other discount glasses place) and buying another pair with my own money, though.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 13, 2012, 07:44:22 PM
my vision started to go when i was 11. ^^;

What IS your vision, anyway?

I'm 20/20 but farsighted...


My vision was getting bad starting when I was 9, but it didn't reach the point where I needed glasses until I was 10.

To be honest, I need a new pair; mine are falling apart from years of use

@Bella: As for me, I have no idea what my vision is


@bella: idk. i think i'm 20/60 or something.
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Mine is 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other.


Quote from: stewartsage on January 13, 2012, 10:42:48 PM
Mine is 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other.

Why is that, anyway? All the people I've known with different levels of vision in their eyes have had other vision issues or injuries...


I don't have the slightest idea, that's just the way it is.  It's only a very slight variation anyway.


Weird. I've never met anyone with good vision and a slight variation like that before.

My brother and nephew both have different levels of vision in their eyes, but they both have poor eyesight...


my dad has 20/19.5. it's too small to correct, but the doctor has given him glasses anyway as a preventative measure. he rarely uses them, and even then it's only to watch tv.

btw, for nearsighted and farsighted, which is which? i can see close up, but not far away, so would i be farsighted?
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Nope, Choco, that's nearsightedness: seeing near but not far. ^^

edit: On the subject of pictures, I had wanted to post a picture of the Christmas Eve dress, but none of the pics on my camera show the dress itself as they're all taken from too close up. ><


@Kari: I used to get confused about this too, but it's easy to remember if you think of it this way: nearsighted people can see things that are near, farsighted people can see things that are far.

@Pitkin: Isn't that just too annoying, wearing a nice outfit and having no good pictures of it? : /


@pitkin: if you still have the outfit, put it back on and have fedora take a better picture of you. :\
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You know, the mentioning of dresses reminds me...there hasn't been a pic of me in a dress in a while; most of my trap pics as of late where of me with a skirt and a different top. I'll have to correct that soon ^_~


if you can properly hide it from your mum, we should buy you a cheongsam while you're here. >:3 you can't go wrong with 20-dollar chinese dresses. >w<
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