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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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why do you have 2k on that mid-high tier desktop? i understand xp, but it is only going to be able to use 20% of the computer's power.


It's only named 2k-tan; Windows 7 is it's primary OS, although I do have Windows 2000 setup in an emulator.


so big

and this is only a mid tower?


i am going t get a htpc atx acrylic case soon; i need more desk-space.


You'll find that PC cases, especially the ones designed with gaming PCs in mind, are gigantic. I though it was funny when I read that the case I used for 2k was the smallest model offered by Antec...only to be surprised when it arrived that it dwarfed the rest of my desktops.

Also, I wouldn't mind a Mac Mini; I could easily fit one of those under my monitor


I so wish I could install OSX on this... the clear acrylic is an X... it'd be beautiful.

I was just surprised it's about 3 inches taller than my subwoofer.



your joking.....just google it.


I was thinking about taking pictures of my computers, but...


It'd blow your mind

Hydraulic auto-levelers
Atmospheric pressure read-outs
Varnished wood trim
And they've got these things I invented. Blue, red, whatever you want, they put it out. As light
I call them "LED's", man

I didn't make any of this up.
I need a camera so I can blow your minds.

I need to put my computer's extraordinary story of technological magic on... or something. So people can figure out how to play the game, like how I play the game. The game of life. And technology.

[/end of, uh, rant about LED's? I srsly need camera]


btw, i forgot to post this in topicless, but if we're gonna do new mac in a retro shell, go with this.

i'll take pics of the room once it's clean, including the computers.

in related news, the computer my friend was asking me to fix was made for XPMCE (i stole the product key since they're not using it). :3
click to make it bigger


@Choco: Any change of you attempting a reverse trap, like you mentioned earlier in the topic?

Anyway, here's a random picture of the original 75Mhz Pentium that was in the Yeti until I upgraded it a few months ago:


@pentium: yees, but i can't access the clothes needed until my room's clean. :\

in other news, I FINALLY FOUND MY CAMERA'S CHARGER!! * ∀ * expect pictures within the week. *w*
click to make it bigger


I'll probably have at least one more pic up tonight; for anyone curious what my work uniform looks like (Although it sucks in hot weather, I think I look pretty badass).

Also, during a random eBay search, I saw something I'm tempted to get for Trap Mode; a set of Pentium clip-on earrings, in their original box. So tempting...

EDIT: It's picture time!
This is my work uniform; which I wear a different shirt underneath each day. It's hot as hell in the summer, but I think it looks pretty badass
Asagi's got my back as I stand around in my dad's office; ready to take an epic journey over to the library. Now, if only it was an epic journey out-of-town or even out-of-state, instead of down the street...