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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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@Choco: Those scrub pants are very comfortable, too; actually more comfortable than the jeans I was wearing to work as well as having a lot more pockets, making me wish I had done this sooner

@Bella: You look like you're about to set out on an epic adventure with the way you're dressed in that first pic

Anyway, it's time for more pics:
Seeing as I've shown some pics of the Dogwood Trails already, I might as well show some pics from around Reagan Park. This is the main overview of it from the parking lot of the museum; showing the new playground (Which was built about a year ago; replacing the one that was built circa '96), as well as the gazebo that's been there for ages.
This is the old playground; which I spent many afternoons playing on as a kid. It makes me feel old when I look at it and see how little has changed from when I was the age of the kids who play on it now...
This is the backside of the museum; which my mom worked at about 10 years ago on the weekend shift. My sister and I spent many weekends up here; often goofing off in the wide-open auditorium when there wasn't anybody around. Also, it was here where I got my first taste of the Macintosh, after years of only hearing about it; which I came to like it after I got used to how different it was.
Lastly, the statue of John Reagan; whom the park was named after. I've always though this statue looked cool
Now moving back inside, here's a picture of my current setup with my desktop; showing off the black Microsoft Natural Keyboard that just arrived. Now, everything finally matches up...although it'd be awesome of the lights on the keyboard where blue.
...And here's a random pic I took earlier after I got off work (Hence why I'm wearing a plain t-shirt in this pic instead of scrubs), but was stuck up there waiting on my dad to get off. Nothing too special; just myself and Asagi in my usual hiding spot (A mostly unused portion of the building where I store away my cart at the end of the day), doing stuff online.


@pentium: that last one is like, the first good pic we've had of you. you have awesomely fluffy hair. :3
@alex: you look familiar somehow.

i REEEALY need to find my camera's charger. once i do, i'll take a picture of my vincent valentine-inspired manicure. xD
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 26, 2011, 11:00:23 PMNow moving back inside, here's a picture of my current setup with my desktop; showing off the black Microsoft Natural Keyboard that just arrived. Now, everything finally matches up...although it'd be awesome of the lights on the keyboard where blue.

You could just buy some blue ones and swap them out.  People do it all the time.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Choco: Yeah, I like my hair like it is...although I did go with a slight buzzcut last summer. Never again; it just wasn't right at all...

@Red: If I knew how to solder and had a soldering gun, I could do that...but it's not too big of a deal


Quote from: Bells"This lake... bores me."
Two words:
You look like a damn body double of her like that. It's frightening.


If I can find where they're buried, I can show off some really old pictures of myself; from at least '05 at the earliest. I'll try to find them tomorrow...
Also, there is a 50% chance of me posting a new trap pic. You'll have to wait and see...

@Choco: I still think that 98-tan cosplay isn't that bad. If I could ever find a picture of it, you should have seen my cosplay of young Trunks I did when I was 9; I looked more like Anakin Skywalker than the son of Vegeta


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Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 27, 2011, 03:20:13 PM
Quote from: Bells"This lake... bores me."
Two words:
You look like a damn body double of her like that. It's frightening.

Even though I'm not seeing it...


@Kari: I think you look AWESOME with light purple hair (and could've done an amazing Yuki Negato cosplay! XD), very pretty with pink, green looks good on you too... I think you could pull off any hair color, actually. Though I gotta say, I think light colors suit you much better (as opposed to the dark purple, for instance). ^^


heh, ty. ^^ the only colours i never officially dyed my hair were green, yellow, and orange. ^^;

all of those pics are from late middle school on, but the first time i dyed my hair was in 7th grade ^^
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Er, K-chan. Blue? Forgetting something here?


I've dug up a few old pictures of myself. I know there are some pictures taken with my dad's digital camera that are much older than these floating around, but I can't seem to find them...
First up is a picture of me from April '07; hiding out in my "hacker cave" (The back room of my grandma's house) with my sister's laptop. In the background, you can see an older NEC desktop (One that is actually more powerful than Minefield, but is now unfortunately dead), which I used to do a lot of older PC gaming on circa '02.
This is the oldest picture of myself I could find during my search; one of my sister and I standing dramatically in front of a lake during a family trip in summer '06.

Now, my searching continues; I'm sure that if I can find pictures of my cat going back to when we got him in '05 (When he was still an itty bitty kitteh), I'm pretty sure I can find some older pics of myself that don't need to be scanned...


@nej: no, those were the colours i DIDN'T dye my hair. i have dyed my hair blue, red, pink, purple, wine, (near)black, and white. probably forgetting one here. :\ (it should be noted that the hair faded into a wide range of colours)

@pentium: your sister looks like a nice person. :3 and the family resemblance is obvious. xD

and i wants to see the babeh kitteh. <33333
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It's time for more pics:
A picture of Sylvester shortly after I got him in '05; he was about 6 months old at the time. Love the little Silly one...
A picture of me racing in a go-kart for my 16th birthday way back in '07; giving the victory sign to my mom, who was taking the pictures. Sadly, that go-kart ran better than my car...
A picture of me from Christmas '07; where because of the angling, I look evil.

I have one picture of myself from around that time I'd like to share (I like the look on my face; being deep in though), but I really don't want to because that picture shows how bad my acne was back instead, 2 new trap pics
This was the first one I took using much smaller water balloons and a bra with less padding. I like the way it looks, honestly
With some of the ones with me in a fancy dress (Which I have a few more of those that I'm hanging onto), I really wanted to have a picture where I'm covering part of my face with a fan...but since I couldn't find one at the time I took those pics, I instead settled for dressing more casually and using a full set of Windows 3.11 installation disks. When trap mode and nerdiness combined...