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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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@Bella: Dressed like that, you almost look like a guy I used to hang out with ages ago. Good job  :)

I might get some more of my trap pics ready to post later on


Whoa, neat picture, B! Way better than mine, though I didn't have any guy clothes around at home so I had to rely on the more-androgynous end of the spectrum. x) Anyway, that's a great one!


I just have one word to say, that perfectly describes both my thoughts and the look itself:


i still can't see from imageshack >3>
My my, aren't you lovely~


I think it's time again for more pics of myself in Trap Mode; since I finally got around to doing some cropping on those pics (Although, the ever-present toilet in a few of them was hard to remove. It's a pain when the only mirror you can take pictures like this with is in the bathroom)
This is one of the earlier ones; and one I still think looks pretty good even if I didn't have much padding in the chest (Making me look flat like Konata)
The dress is simple, but still comfortable and looks nice.
This is an attempt at dressing like the generic Pokémon trainer type, Lass. With some work, this could be the works of a pretty good crossplay of an obscure character.
Not much to say on this one, really; just a tight-fitting shirt and jeans that happens to give me the illusion of a more feminine figure.
Here's a full picture of me wearing that tanktop. I think it makes me look a bit like an action girl
This is a much better picture of me wearing that turtleneck and miniskirt. For the record, the turtleneck is actually mine; as is the pendent I'm wearing.
This one turned out pretty well, although I think I could have done a few things differently with the pose (More of a smile, for one thing).
I consider this to be one of the best ones; I just wish it hadn't turned out quite as grainy...
This is a repeat of an earlier one, but without the denim shirt and with a different pose than usual. I like the way this one looks
I should have adjusted my wig a bit before I took this one; the strand of hair blocking one eye was not intentional.
This is a better view of that more recent one from the last post. Thanks to the angling, I think my hair does look a bit more androgynous, but I still think it'd be better if I still had access to that wig.
This was taken at my grandma's bridal shop; which I had just finished cleaning up before I decided to put on a fancy dress and take a picture. It would be improved with a wig, but hey; my sister had the same haircut at one time, so I'll let it slide

Well, that's all the ones I have at the moment. You never know; I may eventually do more later down the road...


It's a trap! xD

Personally, my favourites are #2, #3 and #11 - even with the short hair it looks quite convincing. Try more padding around the hips if you can (since you look a bit topheavy with all the chest-padding, it needs more balance); and while you more-or-less have the right posture/posing I recommend working on your expressions. Lift up your chin a bit to make your neck appear more slender; keep your eyes wide and brows raised, and try to wear a softer, more pleasant expression. (I did the opposite in my crossdress pictures - I tried to keep my chin tucked in a bit, brows lower and expression harsher.)


Damn it, Pentium! You wore a fancy dress before I did and probably look better doing so too. xD

As a counter-suggestion to B's hip-padding, I'd suggest a bit less chest-padding in general. Dunno the bra you're using, but it gives a bit the impression of those magic-increase-your-cupsize-by-6-right-in-front-of-your-eyes-and-look-like-falling-on-your-nose ones I've seen to my horror: a little less wouldn't probably take away the femininity but still give more attention to the rest. ^^ Uh, and since I'm fairly flat myself, maybe it's affecting my judgment here. x)


A few of those, I used tennis balls for padding, while the more recent ones had water balloons that where probably made a bit too big; with my bra being a padded one snuck away from a bag of ones my mom was getting rid of.  Maybe I should use smaller balloons next time, or a bra with less padding...or both.

I might do some experimenting this weekend and post the results


Sometimes I sleep in a yukata.
When I do, I have a tendency to go into auto-trap mode.

The beard is now gone, so yeah...


@Nejin: You should post pictures of that


and they say asians trap better >3>

well i ain't winning this fight >3>
My my, aren't you lovely~


I did just a little experimenting with trap mode earlier (Smaller water balloons, a bra without as much padding, and attempting to have a more feminine expression on my face), although I haven't transferred those pics yet; instead, you get to see the awesomeness that is my new monitor:

It's quite nice; it being a 20-inch LG LED monitor that I bought locally, which was $40 less than the NEC LCD monitor I almost ordered instead. Now, I should probably consider a new keyboard; to better match the setup I have going...


@nej: if you don't bring that yukata with you, i'm shoving you in my furisode (which is HEAVY AS HELL).

why is it always a MASSPICLOAD whenever i come here.... =__=;;

@pentium: POINTY BOOBS
aka, tone down the chest ALOT. :\ i had a friend who had the same problem. unlike him, however, you had a good, convincing wig and more accepting family members. :3
oh, and, like the others said, change up the expression. and you might consider lipstick and a better camera? :\
@bella: you still look pretty hot. :3

tempted to clean tomorrow, which leads to finding the pattern i need to make a new outfit. :3 there will be pictures in due time. -w-
before that, expect some trap pics. >w>;
click to make it bigger


@Choco: I do have access to some boots like that, although they're a few sizes too small; while I can fit in them, it's not very comfortible.

Trap mode is something I keep secret from most everybody I know in real life, including family; I figured it would freak them out, and since I already get enough weird looks when people hear I like Doctor Who and still use Windows 2000, I don't need to give them another reason to think of me like that. Now, I wish I still had access to that wig...although, my hair has gotten long enough to easily style it in a more androgynous way.

Also, the newest wave of pics where taken with my mom's camera (Which I borrowed while she was at work) instead of my DSi; so the quality is much higher. Plus, combined with much smaller water balloons, a bra with less padding, and an attempt at a more feminine look on my face, I think it looks pretty good. I'll upload the pics later.
(Better than some of the earliest ones with water balloons, which I didn't save. I filled them up to the breaking point; which made me appear as well-endowed as XP-tan)

EDIT: Sylvester insists I post this picture of him. That, or maybe he just wants me to get him some food; you can never be sure when it comes to that cat