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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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i like your floors. so pretty. :3
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Quote from: Pitkin on May 08, 2011, 03:21:36 PM
*still hoping for PentiumMMX's "other stuff" as well* x3

If you mean "more pics, and higher-quality ones at that", than I'm here to deliver. That's totally what you meant, right?

Well, I got a few more pictures taken; this time, using my mom's digital camera instead of my DSi, which makes a world of difference quality wise...also, it means the pictures are several times bigger than what I normally post. Now, it's time for you to Meet the Fleet:
This is the Yeti; the oldest member of the fleet, which was bought new in 1996. It originally had a 75Mhz Pentium, but I upgraded it to a 200Mhz one following a failed upgrade using a MMX OverDrive processor (Hence the case sticker saying it has a Pentium MMX when it really doesn't). It's been expended on a lot since I was given it; as I added a ethernet NIC and a pair of USB ports in the back, as well as finally upgraded it to Windows 98 (Making it a lot easier to get off the ground if I need to reformat for any reason; less discs needed than if I used 95 on it again)
This is Frankenstein Classic, or V1 as it's referred to on the network. As you may notice, it's nametag is misspelled as "Frankenstine". It was a typo when naming it, but I've stuck with it since for network identification. It was a hastily thrown together desktop with a 400Mhz Celeron, but everything somehow fell into place just right resulting in a PC that was extremely stable even with Windows ME.
This is the newest version of Frankenstein; officially labeled as V3 on the network. This one went through many drafts before settling on moving the motherboard from V2 over to a less beat-up case, dropped in a faster processor (Replacing it's 450Mhz Pentium 3 with a 600Mhz one), added more RAM, and a 2nd hard drive. It now serves as my secondary desktop; should something happen to 2k-tan, Frankenstein V3 is ready to go.
This is Minefield; the experimental desktop. It has an interesting history with me; it wasused for book keeping at my grandpa's hardware store (Also, I was allowed to play games on it; a nice bonus) from when it was bought in 1994 until the store shut down in 1997, was then at my grandma's house until roughly 1998, and then was taken by my uncle and stored away in a closet from then until 2009, when it found it's way back to me. Since the Yeti can handle most everything in the way of classic gaming, Minefield serves for me to experiment on; seeing how far I can push it's 33Mhz 486.
This is a much better picture of 2k-tan than what I posted earlier in the topic; also, showing the two additional case stickers I added (Which are, in order from left to right: Intel Inside sticker for it's Core i7, a "Fueled by Sapphire" sticker for it's graphics card, a Windows 7 sticker that was smaller than I expected, and an Energy Star sticker that was bigger than I expected). She's my primary desktop; running Windows 7, but with Windows 2000 setup in Virtualbox for backward compatibility with older software (A setup I like to call 2k-on-2k Mode).
This is the monitor, keyboard, and mouse that I hook everything up to; which, because I don't have a KVM, I have to unplug one to plug in another. Yeah; I play Half=Life 2 with a Microsoft Natural Keyboard and a plain Logitech mouse, because I'm hardcore.
This is a better view of my plain Logitech mouse and my OS/2 mousepad. You know, I'm eventually going to track down a copy of OS/2 Warp 4; wither it be legit or otherwise...
This is a better view of the Xbox 360 controller I have setup to 2k-tan. Yeah, I went as far as to buy a controller with blue LED lights in it, to match the case fans (Also, it has a switch on the back, so I can turn it off if it's not in use or is getting too hot)
This is Mikuru; my Pocket PC, which sadly doesn't see much use anymore because of her terrible battery life. Also, while she used to travel with me a lot, the next member has taken her place even though bulkier...
These would be pictures of Asagi, my main laptop. She came around following the death of the processor fan in my previous main desktop, TARDIS; serving in it's place as my main PC until I could get a fan for it...until Dell discontinued the part by the time I was ready for it, which ultimately lead to 2k-tan's creation. She was bought used as a pawn shop, but was barely used; to me, she was a steal at $300.
This is Laptop, the creatively named laptop that just won't die. It's held together with duct tape, has a broken left mouse button (I had to rip the plastic cover off it to keep it from constantly being pressed down, and now have to use an external mouse with it), and has a row of dead pixels, but still works well; outliving a Dell Inspiron laptop that was a good 10 years newer than it and was physically in better shape. I don't use it quite as much as I used to after getting Asagi, but there for a while I always used it when I wanted to have a guide from GameFAQs up and by my side while in the middle of a game.

More pics tomorrow, and possibly trap pics too


*applause* nice, man. -w-

and is it sad that the first thing that really caught my eye with all those pics was "KITTY!!!!" <333
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Perhaps I should share more pics of my cat later on...


@Pentium: OS/2 Warp 4 isn't that hard to track down... it's the installing part that's a PITA. (Warp 4.5 is a lot easier, mostly because it's installed from a single disk... if you need ever need help with finding a disk image/installing it I can help.)

If you posts trap pics, I'll post reverse trap pics. (To the best of my ability, lol). x)


Wait, what. Is this turning to an /OSC/ Trap contest? BUT I'D HAVE TO SHAVE MY BEARD OFF! ;O;


i came out of the shower today, wrapped myself in a towel, and discovered the beginnings of trap mode. :\
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@Bella: I've seen it pop up on eBay, but I feel it's always a bit too expensive when it does turn up. If you have a ISO of it, let me know.

Anyway, here's some more pics:
This is a cool Pokémon poster that the manager of the local Gamestop made to promote the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver. It was one of the two things I received from winning the tournament they had for it (I won said tournament by default, as nobody else showed up; probably because they where afraid of PikaYasha, my Raichu, which has a legacy stretching back to a time when there where only 151 Pokémon)
Here's some other posters I wanted to show off. As much as I like that Yoshi's Story one, the real draw is the Dinocop movie poster that came with an issue of the Lego magazine ages ago as a promotion for the then-newly released Lego Studios set. That poster has been up the longest of anything on my walls; followed by a puzzle of Syaoran Li I glued together (That's unfortunately hard to get to, so I can't easily take a picture of it), and 2nd to a really cool cross made of used matches I made at church back around 1999 (Even though I did mess it up on one corner, I still think it looks pretty cool. I might drop a pic of it later on).
Now shifting over to my main room, here's a better view of the Super Mario Galaxy poster. You can also see my coat rack, and part of the posters for Phantasy Star Online and Wario Land II above it.
This is what I have hanging up behind 2k-tan; a very nice .hack//SIGN wallscroll. I've actually had that since before I started playing the games; it being given to me in early 2007 by an old friend, just before he moved away. It was actually a little later into that year that, after having seen the first few episodes of .hack//Legend of the Twilight (Which I actually liked), that I gave the games a try and got hooked. Also, you'll see a drawing of Diglet that my sister made for me ages ago, a poster of Banjo-Kazooie, and the little blue thing slightly above the light switch is a random picture I threw together with some sprites and Paint Shop Pro ages ago, since my mom wanted to test how well her then-new printer could handle something bright and colorful.
This is the area under my desk; where the boxes for my old software hides out among other stuff (Notebooks with old notes in them, a book on the GED test, the original instruction booklet for Minefield, etc.). If you're wondering, the blank spot between Windows ME and Office 95 is where my copy of Windows 2000 will go once it arrives.
This Mario Party 8 poster was originally a floormat at the local Gamestop around the time the game came out. My sister, who still worked there around the time, secured it for me when they where about to throw it away.
Here's another picture of Sylvester; plopped down on top of Asagi with a look on his face that says "What? This is my spot"

...And now, I now deliver what you've most wanted to see me post: Pics in Trap Mode
Just kidding; the real pics follow below
This is one of the earlier ones from my folder of trap mode pics; one I feel is one of the better ones I've taken.
Of the ones ready to post right away, most of them fall under the terratory of MySpace angles (You probably remember seeing on there ages ago; the girls who'd take pictures of themselves at a slightly overhead angle, more often than not while attempting to look sexy).
Yay for more MySpace angles!
Because of the lighting combined with the MySpace angle, I think I look a bit serious in this pic
This is the most recent one. Sadly, my mom has apparently gotten rid of the wig I used in these pics, so I had to do my best to style my hair in a more androgynous way. I don't care much for how it turned out, but I figured I'd post it anyway.
This one was taken using the dusty, old floppy disk-based digital camera I have access to (Which, even being about 10 years old and well used, it still manages to run circles around my DSi). Also, the combination of a tripod and a timer function leads to no MySpace angles this time

I'll probably most more later, since I have a folder full of them. However, I need to do some editing to some of the better ones before I can post them; or, to be exact, cropping out that ever-present toilet that's in the lefthand corner of most of those currently unpublished pics (When I'm using my DSi and need a mirror big enough to show what I'm wearing, I have to resort to using the one in the bathroom)

Now, I want everybody to join the party
We have water balloons to serve as fake breasts for the guys, or duct tape for the ladies to flatten out


my sister worked at a gamestop too. as a result i have a pair of oversized posters and game boxes. sadly, there isn't enough room on my walls/celing for them right now. :\
kitty~!!!!!!!! <3333
*is jealous of the //SIGN wallscroll*
i have Yoshi's Story :3
also, as cool as a flaming cross sounds, i think the only religion-based discussion we had here was what religion we are, and not much more. :\

once i get the chance to clean my room and find my camera's charger i'll try to post some trap-pics.....but i think i might have too much a girlish figure to pull it off completely. :\ (my hips are too wide compared to my waist)
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I have Yoshi's Story too; along with a bunch of other N64 games. Although not setup, I also have an NES, Super NES, Gamecube, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Atari 2600, and a spare original PlayStation I've been meaning to get rid of since I have no need for it between a PS2 and PS3.

As for that cross, I never did see them burn the matches; they where preburnt when I was gluing them to the paper. When I do another epic picture dump, I'll probably show it off along with other stuff

Also, attempt trap pics anyway; join the party!
We also have foam padding to either hide wide hips or make one look like they have wide hips


don't throw out your playstation! >:[ send it to me if you don't want it. it always upsets me when perfectly good game systems get thrown out because they're old. >^<;
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I don't throw away old systems if they're still working; I try to sell them off or give them away
Although my brother-in-law still owes me for the original PlayStation I let him borrow that he threw away because it's drive finally died, instead of bringing it back to me so I could install a new drive


then don't throw it out. :[

a classmate of mine scooped all the internal stuff of hers out and made it into a cute pink sculpture. i was at once squeeing and sniffling. :[
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The only time I've done anything like that, the motherboard was completely fried; nothing I could do would get it to work again, so I now have a spare shell for an original PSX floating around my closet waiting for me to find a use for it