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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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By biologically male, I mean that's what's listed on my birth certificate and there's body parts more commonly associated with males down there -w-;
(Although, thanks; I do take pride in trying to look female in my pics :3)


Quote from: Penti-chan on May 10, 2015, 01:41:50 AM
By biologically male, I mean that's what's listed on my birth certificate and there's body parts more commonly associated with males down there -w-;
(Although, thanks; I do take pride in trying to look female in my pics :3)

Oh, yeah anytime, I mean, you look just great! (Like my above edit, you must've posted right after I started editing my last post). But yeah you and the rest must not be shy at all to show your pics, so thanks! You'll have to forgive me, but I'm probably too shy myself! ::) I don't know, but I just think I should be here longer (as in more posts) to feel okay showing my personal pics -- Maybe let time wear off the shyness! :)

And as you all know with my amount of posts, I'm one who definitely needs to start posting a lot more :(


you'd actually be harder pressed to find chicks on here. of the active members, only Me, Bella, Cockleshell, and Pitkin are (biological)female; Cappy also is but she hasn't posted here in ages. basically everyone else here is male.
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@Kari: You forgot Duko ^^;


oh! my bad! sorry. ;v;

(biological) dudes:

(sorry if i forgot anyone)

(biological) females:

i apologize if anyone doesn't want their sex known on the net ;v;
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When you put it like that...although it seems you, me, and Duko post most frequently out of everyone ^^;
Eventually I'll be floating in the void between lists, unless technology advances far enough to me to go all the way >w>;;

Goujer (she/her)

Quote from: Gui55 on May 09, 2015, 10:24:49 PM
That 5.25" FDD looks really new (at least in the picture), did you buy it online (and what site? ebay? :-\) or did you already have one saved to use from back then?? I tried once google-ing one of those on various computer hardware sites but finally gave up -- only usb external 3.5" USB drives..... :(

Do you also have a favorite online computer parts store-site Legojer?
I found the drive here.
It will require an actual floppy connector on the motherboard or expansion card, which is very hard to find now days.

As for shopping I prefer Microcenter, but I'll go on Newegg or Amazon if I can find it cheaper there.

I am of the gender male.


@Duko: I can relate; I more strongly identify as female, but sometimes I can flip-flop -w-;

@Lego, GUI: I buy all of my parts from Newegg, except occasionally when I buy from a local store (Office Depot being most common)


Quote from: Gui55 on May 09, 2015, 10:41:44 PM
Wait, so is that YOU LeaflameSD? Just wondering 'cause I'm also male, been wondering for a while if there were any guys besides me here ;D ;)


So, I have a lot of pics to go over; especially after yesterday. So, let's begin:

First off, earlier into the month, I obtained both Marth and Ike. I knew Marth was coming, but Ike was a pleasant surprise. Which, I then shared a Coke with Marth (Nicknamed "The Legend"), while Ike prepared to fight DK.

Also, Sonic was breakdancing, and Toad was standing on Bowser's back.

During my wait, a new shelf was obtained. Given my grandfather (Mom's side) is good with woodwork, I considered letting him borrow the shelf to use as a pattern, so he can make one to match it :3

Then, at long last, Lucina arrived from Japan. Which, back of the box compared to a US Sonic, for the curious. This lead to me beginning a quest to try and find Robin...which sadly didn't happen. Given he isn't really my favorite FE character in Smash, and I only wanted him to have the complete Fire Emblem subset of Smash Amiibo, it's not too big a deal.

The day before the raid, Murabito Villager appeared. Here he is out of the box

Then, the day of the trip came. Here's some pics of my haul (Minus the Pepto Bismol, and the free copy of Bioshock 2)
- Amiibo. Greninja is going to be traded with one of the guys at Game-X-Change, for his spare Gold Mario, while the rest are for me.
- Books, and a CD. The .hack light novel is a gift for Kari (She's the biggest .hack fan I know, and it was too cheap to pass up) :3
- Moxie, and Turrets. Turrets came from Hot Topic (I find it funny how I bought 2, and ended up with both variants of the same color), while the Moxie came from World Market (Did one of their build-your-own 6-packs)

Other pics from the trip:
- Red brick roads. Pit was curious about what this looked like, and since I had a lot of free time, I went downtown partially to snap a picture of this. These roads look neat, but if it rains, they become very slippery; as a result, the only roads in Tyler that are still brick like this are mostly around the downtown area, likely for historical purposes, with newer roads being asphalt.
- Apparently, Burger King's fries are the best thing that can happen to a potato. I think "putting GLaDOS inside it" would be top, followed by fries.
- I found Vegeta. Apparently the prince of Saiyans is a type of seasoning LOL

As for Amiibo pics out of the box...
The Ultimate Wario. WAH
Wario's jacket shows how I felt with waiting for dad to meet me for lunch LOL

Mario and Silver Metal Mario meet, both IRL and in the original Smash Bros.

Silver Mario holding Toad, because Toad LOL

Jigglypuff has a marker. Hopefully she doesn't put you to sleep and draw on your face -w-;;

My Amiibo collection, after the raid

To close this out, a few last misc. things:
Behold; Generic! I seriously LOL'd as how much this stood out when sitting alongside recognizable titles like Dragon Ball Z and Ranma 1\2.

My mystery drink, with custom label. It was Mountain Dew Voltage, but the label was ripped off at some point in shipping, so my boss let me have it for free since we couldn't sell it -w-

I'm supposed to share this with a Pokémon Trainer -w-


nice stuff, bro. thanks for the novel, i don' think i have any in my collection yet, so it'll be cool to have something new. :3
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so i accidentally triggered diablo 3's cow level while running rifts

gore warning
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



Nooo, Cockle! Not the demon hunter! *covers eyes*


i also forgot to mention that i was hopped up on sleep meds at the time, so my mind was blown wide open by this rainbow fuzzy level in the darkest game ive played in recent memory

edit: i have succeeded in my quest to become the sexiest dual-wielding demon goddess on this game
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.