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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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That cute turtle! Awwwww, he does look like he is a great friend to have @your computer! ^W^


So, I finally remembered to upload some pics that I've had lying around for a while ^^;

We begin with a comparison of the packaging of a Japanese DS game with a US release from roughly the same timeframe (MapleStory DS compared to Giana Sisters DS. I would have used Pokémon Black, but given it has an oddball cartridge, I opted for one with a normal type):
Front of case
Back of case
Game cards
Manuals and paperwork. Japanese version omits the Safety Precautions booklet (Which I think is just a North American thing), but includes a Club Nintendo code (On the original DS over here, you only received CN codes with first-party Nintendo games; like Mario or Pokémon) and a code for a free item in the actual MapleStory MMO (The code is only valid on the Japanese servers, sadly).

While at a garage sale a few weeks ago, I saw this. For the curious, that was the first thing the Nostalgia Critic ever reviewed xD

Abandoned bridge. Used to be a really pretty spot, but it's kinda turned to shit, and now it's mostly closed off. Didn't stop me from slipping into the closed off section for this pic -w-
View from the side of the bridge

Before the sickness brought me down, got in a nice selfie

...and now, the log of "What a Penti does when sick":
- Play Phantasy Star IV...and laugh more than I should over the ice attack being called "WAT". Turn down for...?
- Play some Persona 3...and see Yukari-chan in a maid costume. [Kokoro status = doki-doki]
- Spend most of a day trying to get my characters from PSO Blue Burst and PSO Gamecube together. It's not the first time I've done this, but it's been a few years -w-;
- Stage a battle scene with various figurines: Mario and Rico (Who keeps falling off her stand) vs. Link and Fuka, as Green Toad, Minecraft Steve, and a spooky scary skeleton watch on.
Alternate take, with camera flash (I felt it was too bright, but decided to post it anyway)


dat bob-omb in the background, tho.

also, that's a damn good selfie, bro. were it not for the potential to be found out, i'd say you should post that as roxy's FB picture. :0
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Nice bridge, man.

Did I mention my camera broke?  Because my camera broke...



IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Looks like it was fun ^^

So, I was playing around in trap mode yesterday, when I decided to wear that plad miniskirt, with the tutu my corset came with stuffed underneath. I do like the way it looks, although while the skirt is poofier and makes my hips appear wider, there is the unfortunate flaw of  it being much, much easier to accidentally flash my panties >_<;;

Also, obligatory pic of me in my favorite dress for Valentine's Day


@stew: i still feel bad about that. ;^;
@cocks: oooooooo. :0
@pent: welcome to girl problems~
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i need a girlfriend


as i remind everyone on gaia, it's a want, not a need.

though have you tried looking in social circles where you are? (local comic shops, school clubs, etc etc)
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 07, 2015, 11:14:06 AM
as i remind everyone on gaia, it's a want, not a need.

though have you tried looking in social circles where you are? (local comic shops, school clubs, etc etc)
i was only half serious, but yeah i actually have lol

i have no luck with women


@Leaf: I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. I admit I haven't actually tried, mostly out of fear of getting locked into this place :\

I have some pics to post in here later



@leaf: if it makes you feel any better, i spent about 7 years chasing a guy i thought was "the one", and spent 4 of those voluntarily single because i just couldn't fucking do it anymore. then Steve comes along and blindsides me like a frisbee to the back of the head. and i've never been happier.
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...and now, pic time.

First off, I begin by showing that I now have all 4 of the original Phantasy Star games. As for the second game, it even had the map, which has information on weapons and armor on the back; it being worn out and having some markings on it may ruin the value in some people's eyes, but TBH there's a strange charm in that for me; like finding someone's old D&D character sheets...or the time I bought a copy of Metal Gear on NES complete in box, and found a really old church bulletin that had a bunch of passwords for the game written on it.
"...and on the 7th day, God said 'I FEEL ASLEEP'"

As you may notice, Phantasy Star IV has a rather odd-looking case compared to the rest; that being because of my choice in a Universal Game Case over a traditional Sega clamshell case (As this was one of the accursed games that came in a cardboard box). The clamshell case was used from the Master System's launch in 1987 until the mid-way point of the Genesis' lifespan (Beginning in late 1994, with Sonic & Knuckles being among the first to come in cardboard), and held the game and manual nicely, much like a PS2 game case...while the cardboard box is shit; it offers little protection and has nowhere to hold the manual without opening up the tray; which you then risk damaging the tabs and weakening it.

Thus, Universal Game Case; called as such for not only being able to hold Genesis games, but also SNES, N64, and standard-sized game discs (Like a PS2 disc). These actually resemble the cases that Movie Gallery used when they first opened, which I found pretty cool. The print quality of the artwork is also quite nice :3

Anyway, you're probably tired of hearing me rattle on about game cases, so let's move onto out of context clips mostly from Phantasy Star IV : D
- Alys is cool
- Kari can relate
- Decisions, decisions...
- Best reaction to a crash landing
- ...and from Persona 3, some words of wisdom

Also, me narrowly surviving a really hard boss fight in PS4

Now, at long last, other things. First off a pic of the snow my mom was freaking out over the other day. We've had more in the past; hell, I built a snowman just 5 years ago, when we had a much greater snowfall :\
(Also, it had melted away by the time my dad went to work; which was about 3 hours after I took this pic)

Just before I went to the recycling place, having made the decision to finally part ways with Asagi I, I took this pic of all 3 incarnations of Asagi, side-by-side, one final time. Although the first is gone, the second still exists as a backup; which will prove useful once I'm able to make some upgrades to the third one.

Lastly, some selfies in trap -w- (Minus wig, as I'm curious how well I look with my current hair...and I forgot to bring it for the other 4)
- Cheongsam :3
- Standing up in my blue dress
- Sitting down
- Cami top with jacket
- With top of jacket buttoned; creating a boob window -w-;;


you look adorable.

and sega likely cheaped out on cases to save money.
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