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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Indeed -w-;

We continue by getting to Kari's gift for me; first off, the box it came in (The loot crate, if you will; not to be confused with the actual service, Loot Crate, but similar idea in it being a box shipped to you that contains nerdy things -w-)

First up, hand-made OS-tan Christmas card. This was sweet ;v;

Next was something I sent money to her to buy for me during her trip to New York: Kirby plushie from the Nintendo World Store. Which, I'm still waiting for the pics from there -w-; (Also, pic of him next to Meta Knight)

A Lupin III poster; one of the many, many things from AB. Here's the backside

I also received Part 3 of the Sonic vs. Mega Man miniseries. I need to track down the rest of the miniseries, as I heard it's quite good :3
Also took a pic of the ad on the back, because it made me think of Bella

Psycho Pass poster. Don't know much about this series, but the poster is cool -w-
The back of it

More random stuff from the Funimation booth at AB. Although I haven't seen it, the card for Blood C is badass, and also the Tenchi card is quite nice; fond memories of the butchered daytime Toonami cut of it from way back when -w-
The back of the cards

Aries bookmark. Just a random bit I found interesting...and I keep catching myself trying to type that as "Aeris" : P

Magazines. I remember when TV Guide was smaller and was like a book of TV listings, instead of another random tabloid -w-;

Cardboard! Random insert I put in one of Kari's previous packages to help protect the contents found its way back to me -w-;

Pentium II. She threw this one in for lulz -w-

Moxie pin, WORKING!! pins. I approve -w-
(Now I need somewhere to display them. Also, it may display sideways or upside-down, for some reason; Photobucket was derping out on me)

Random box of hot chocolate with marshmallows. It's a bit out of date, but TBH, hot chocolate mix seems to hold up well, so it should be fine. I might pack a bag for my trip :3

Bags; one from the Nintendo World Store, and the other is a really old Rayearth bag of unknown origin besides "found at AB" -w-;

Rei in swimsuit figurine, seen next to chibi Asuka in swimsuit and Amiibo Mario.

Manga! It's pretty much tradition that Kari gives me yuri, and there's also the bonus of some Rayearth -w-

Lastly, DVDs...and MST3K on VHS. I LOL'd when I saw Space Jam was in here, as I nearly bought it when I was still at Walmart -w-;
(Also, I might watch Rebuild of Eva 1.01 during my trip in a few weeks -w-)

Not pictured are the yukata (I haven't figured out how to actually put it on) and a random bag of Constant Comment (Kari said it randomly fell into the box while she was packing everything, and decided to leave it in since I like that tea :3)

To close up this post, and keeping in theme of "character standing in front of something they originated from", Mario in front of Super Mario Bros. Ignoring that Mario made his debut in the original Donkey Kong, since his ability to throw fireballs didn't come along until SMB; making this more accurate.
I also did Tails, Fuuka, and XP-tan


actually, the Rayearth bag was from the yard sale. i'll get pics of my stuff in a bit. -w-
click to make it bigger


That's nice and all but OH MY GOD HAIBANE RENMAI POSTER!!!!!!!!!!


oh yeah, that's what that is. had i put two and two together, i'd have snagged you one. if i see anything this year i'll try to get it. ^^;;;
click to make it bigger


I've only mentioned it's my favorite anime ever* like a hundred times ... ;^;

*Either that or Kino's Journey but it's close!


I could pass it along to you whenever I send something else to her (Birthday, for instance); assuming Kari doesn't mind :[
(I mean, if you ended up with a poster for something I was really into, you'd do the same for me :3)


tbh i didn't really even put together that it was haibane. i tend to forget these things and the only series i remember you going on about at the time was kino. i don't know much about your tastes sans that you like yuri. :\
click to make it bigger


Since the site's back up, here are a few pics from my recent trapventure:

The outfit I wore. TBH I love the way it looks...barring the slight muffintop >_>;
Another pic

Out of the things on the rack behind me, this was the only one I liked enough to get a pic of. Considered buying it, too, but decided to same my money for my trip.


Got my Nokia Lumia 520 fixed nearly a year after it got damaged (nasty screen crack)
grainy selfie to boot


a nokia breaking? wat?

also, looking dapper
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@pent: nice outfit, man. though i'm more partial to the one you have and not the one you almost bought.

@leaf: lookin' swag yo
click to make it bigger


@Kari: Thanks :3

...and now, pics from my trip.

We begin by setting a festive mood with Christmas owls :3

While at Barnes & Noble, as mentioned in my Topicless post, I saw Someone that apparently was trying to hide this book on hacking like it was porn. I honestly LOL'd -w-;

The next day, when I went down to Rocket Fizz, I saw a sign for an upcoming anime convention which I plan to do some more research into...although it says Hikari is going to be there, so why didn't she tell me she was going to be in the area? ^^;

Speaking of Kari, I can picture her owning this, and this as well.

I also saw a Tauntaun. It was Luke-warm </lame_star_wars_joke>

While at my room, before I left, I plugged my laptop into the TV to watch Joel's Atari Madness stream. A closer look at the game he was playing (Crystal Castles, for the curious). Which, Toad and Maka watched with me.

Now, onto pics from my haul (Excluding underwear, since I doubt most of you are interested in seeing that). We begin with Phantasy Star IV; which I was genuinely shocked to find in person, and for $25, was a steal in my opinion (It's not that much more expensive online for a copy in the same condition, but given how rare it is to find anything for the Genesis in-person that isn't sports...)

Link action figure. Another thing I was shocked to find, given how expensive it is online...although now I wonder why it's so expensive in the first place. There's a few quirks about it that make me glad I only paid $8 for it (Getting him to actually hold his shield properly was a pain in the ass, the tunic is too stiff to allow for much leg movement, and the sheath is positioned in a way that it restricts his head movement unless you adjust it so it's sticking out as a ridiculous angle). Although certaintly not worth the high prices online (It'd be more worthwhile to open your wallet a bit further and get the Figma Link instead), there isn't a Pillar of PeeTM, so still better than the Amiibo Link -w-;

Also, because I have to drop in a Link's Awakening reference using this tiny shell I picked up during my trip to visit Kari back in 2012...
"You found a Secret Seashell! If you collect a lot of these, something good is bound to happen!"

Another turret. It's from a new set, that also includes cubes, personality spheres, and Potato GLaDOS. Obviously, I was hoping for one of the new things (Especially PotatOS), since I have plenty of turrets -w-;

Strawberry Panic light novel omnibus. Given how rare it is to find yuri in-person, I scooped this up -w-

Laptop case. This was my Christmas gift for dad; to go with his new laptop (Just the right size for it, too).

Funko Pop figurines of The Undertaker and Grell. Christmas gifts for my bro-in-law and sister, respectively (His favorite wrestler, and my sister's favorite Black Butler character); which maybe I can get these to them later tonight :3

Cheap manga and Maka keychain. The copies of Case Closed are a gift for Kari (Since I had this feeling she didn't have any volumes of it, which turns out I was spot-on -w-), while Negima is for myself.

I'll post the trap pics later; including the skirt I bought


so i got a raspberry pi for christmas!!! this is the hell that is my desk now :D

What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I'm worried about the Gamecube being in such a tight spot, unless it's just being stored there -w-;;

Now, finally, part 2 of my post...beginning with a pic I took months back, but had to wait to post until after Bella opened her gift from me:
PDP-11 studies Fortran

We now jump back to last weekend, with the trap pics I took
Posing by the door
Back to the wall
More random posing
Crosslegged in chair. I like this one :3
Not as good, but still alright
Sitting on the bed

Lastly, that miniskirt. It was worth the trouble I went through to get one in my size...and reminds me of a shirt Kari wore during my trip -w-;