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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Wow, a lot of stuff there. Really nice haul :^)


mmm, something like, 12 or 13 items. i spent more than i meant to, but it was totes worth it. i didn't get the small bottle of green tea there, though, that was from the NYC trip in january. ^^
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@Kari: I looked at those shortly after you uploaded them :3

So, new pajamas. Made of microfiber >w<
I also decided to take a trap pic but in my normal clothes, for some reason. IMO, it doesn't look that bad
Then, me with Asagi III

Speaking of...Asagi III, lid open. She's quite a bit lighter than both of her predecessors, while also feeling fairly durable. Also, she uses the same AC as the first Asagi -w-


sweet PJs, bro. they look comfy as hell, could get away with owning them normally (since they're navy blue), and look noice in trap. ^^

sweet PC too, bro. -w-
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shit bro, i've been doing a lot of doubleposting recently. sorry bout that. anyway, got some pics of a sewing machine i got at a yard sale this past summer. according to google it's from 1961:

also, Steve's mom got me a decent picture of him. s'bout damn time.
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Steve looks like the sort of person I'd hang out with -w-
Also, nice sewing machine; maybe I'll get a few pics of mom's sometime, to show you -w-


do eet! i'd love to see it. ^^

and someday, if i can shove the pieces together, you guys will hang out. -w-
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the woes of not having a phone with a front facing camera or a dedicated camera button


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I love the jacket *w*
Nice newsprint skirt
Royal Bones skirt looks like something I'd wear -w-
Nice vest, too



Badass -w-

...and now I feel I should post something in here. Maybe tomorrow -w-;


Do eet. Thanks for the compliments, btw. Showing's easier than telling. And I should mention that the green and black striped shirt in the royal bones pics is my Queen Esther shirt. The sweater in the newsprint pic is my Saints and Sailors sweater.

@Stew: lookin' badass, man. -w-
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No problem. Also, noted :3

Now, for pics from my phone that I meant to post -w-;

We begin by going back in time to when I was still at Walmart...and got coffee when on break. Random pic because I found the way they wrote "contents are hot" on the lid to be amusing -w-;

One day when I was off, and decided to tag along with mom on a trip to Tyler for her to go to a meeting, I went on a holy quest across the Tyler Junior College campus to obtain Pibb Xtra; which is so good but impossible for me to find outside of the Tyler area ;_;

During one of the last days at Walmart, when I had taken to sitting out in the van when on break as it was more comfy than the benches in McDonald's (Also, getting to watch Vinesauce did help me during those last few days), I bought one of these oddly-shaped Christmas Coke bottles -w-

Also, A Dalek engages an Aperture turret in battle.

Upon returning to the Hut of Pizzas, I find an amusing box. Even my grandpa got a laugh over it when I showed him the pic xD

Since I finally could get a clear pic of it, the Moto Brik, as I nicknamed it; the first cell phone I ever owned (The one pictured is grandma's, as I was doing the number transfer to her new phone). I wanted a Razr, but since it wasn't on Tracfone (And this was before they introduced a Bring Your Own Phone kit), I ended up with the Brik, and loved it regardless; that thing was indestructible -w-

Dramatic shadow of yours truly, in my grandma's backyard. Felt this looked cool and had to snap it -w-

As I began preparations for the forthcoming Demented Christmas: Episode II mix CD, I pulled out this relic: one of the TrueValue Christmas CDs from waaaaaaay back when (This one being my favorite of the ones my mom has. It was released in 1996; as a note, that would be the last Christmas that Grimes Hardware was open). IDK if TrueValue still makes these or not; I'm kinda curious if they still do...if I can find a location that isn't too far out of the way to check -w-;
Also, the back of the insert has a coupon for Duracell batteries, that expired in '98

My copy of Kirby 64, since I brought up the story surrounding it in Games General. I recently played through it again for the first time in years, and to be honest it still holds up very well to this day.

A picture months in planning: my Super Smash Bros. collection. Brawl I ended up rebuying after selling it off when I got rid of my first Wii, while all the others are my original copies.

Lastly, since my eyes are getting tired, some gifts to myself this year. MST3K vs. Gamera box set was because I found it cheap and the episodes included are hard to find online, while Persona Q was my "I Escaped from Walmart Night" gift (Haven't actually played it yet; am distracted by Kirby's Dream Land 3 -w-; )

Which, for the curious, Persona Q's tarot card set isn't a full deck; instead just 12 cards featuring the artwork for each arcana as seen in the games. A picture of the Strength card, next to a German holofoil Machamp for scale.

Stay tuned; tomorrow is pics of Kari's Christmas gifts for me. I'd post them now but my eyes are tired and sleep sounds nice -w-;


nice pics, bro. loving the boxart on Persona Q and dat smash collection is rather epic. -w-
also, the dramatic shadow looks like a book cover. >:3

(and i can seriously picture some douche going as a cup of coffee to a halloween party and hitting on every girl with "Caution: I'm Hot." -w-;; )
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