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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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.......swatting flies, to some sort of secret cool-guy handshake, to pitching a softball.....

when did this become the "post your living space" thread.....?

pizza, i say that pic reminds me of graduation because it's tradition at SHS to have inflateable stuff at the graduation. this year, i thought of it as prizes:
1st prize: the blow up doll
2nd prize: the inlflateable shark
3rd prize: the inflateable dick and balls
4th prize: inflateable monkey
5th prize: the largest beach ball
6th and under: any of the other beach balls.

i managed to walk away with 4th prize. not bad, and it means my other inflateable monkey has a friend. ^^

ps. nej, you and your sis look nothing alike. xD
oh and you're getting a beard finally. lawls.
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Dr. Kraus

I guess it wouldn't hurt to contribute to this thread.
Entrance to Disney Epcot with the Marching band last year.
My hair was all crazy from not getting a wash for 2 days (Bus ride from the Burgh).
I don't really look like this anymore but its the best picture of me that I have right now.

Oh yea almost forgot, THIS IS MY THRONE


.........your school mascot was the blue devils too? o____o;;;
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Dr. Kraus

lol yea, the "Blue Devils" are a name that is used way too much. People need to come up with something original.


Thank you Red~ ^^ Even though I'm not entirely fond of how I look in glasses. :\

You're on top of the world Nejin! Hmm, I object to tattoos but it's not the skin-tainting part that bothers me, it's the REPEATEDLY BEING JABBED WITH NEEDLES. Once science finds a way to get the ink into the skin sans needles I'd totally consider getting ink. -v-

You look younger than I though you were Doc. Of course the photo's a year old...


i agree, pretty bella is pretty. ^^

and yeah, how old are you kraus? i though you were pushing 30 or something. xD
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Dr. Kraus

Lol, I'm still just a high schooler. 15 1/2 years if you want to be exact. I look older in my School/Work ID then I do in this pic so I'll see about posting that sometime.


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Dr. Kraus

That you do Choco, that you do :D

Lt. Surge

Quote from: "Red-Machine"Pretty Bella is pretty.

I concur!

Nice shades, Kraus.
Skype Me: LtSurge695


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"
pizza, i say that pic reminds me of graduation because it's tradition at SHS to have inflateable stuff at the graduation. this year, i thought of it as prizes:
1st prize: the blow up doll
2nd prize: the inlflateable shark
3rd prize: the inflateable dick and balls
4th prize: inflateable monkey
5th prize: the largest beach ball
6th and under: any of the other beach balls.

o. I's sorry then.

Dr. Kraus


@pizza: np, it was funny actually.
@kraus: lulz, i'm not the youngest xD
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and iz not underage anymore! yay!

(though i was browsing the porn forum about a year before i was no longer underage, so wut.)
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