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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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I don't see any cheese at all, but they do look nice.


So pretty *w*
(Earrings like that make me wish I could get my ears pierced sometimes)


my god, bells, those are fabulous. *__*

where on earth did you get them!?
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Thanks guys. :3

@Kari: I bought them at an art show. They're from B.M. Appraisal & Jewelry Design studio, which as far as I can tell is run by a couple sisters; I got their card, but unfortunately their website seems to be down. (She mentioned that they don't do web sales anymore.) :/


That sucks
Also, I wish those came in henge-back ;_;

So, here's a few random pics:

I think Wheatley built this turret. Went to look on my shelf and noticed that side panel had fallen off, but thankfully, it's an easy fix; just a drop of superglue.

I often write random things on my cup at work. This time, referencing Game Grumps -w-;

This picture accurately summarizes the incompetence of most of my coworkers


Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 31, 2014, 12:14:05 PM
I think Wheatley built this turret. Went to look on my shelf and noticed that side panel had fallen off, but thankfully, it's an easy fix; just a drop of superglue.



ho jeez, what was that bells. xD

@pent, @ the last pic:...........huh.
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Sad thing is, that's a real pic from work; I saw that one night in the bathroom and took a pic of it just because of the complete and utter failure


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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Still haven't gotten my College Diploma, herp!


I didn't even get a diploma, just a boring paper summarizing my courses.

But I did get a fancy hat, though, so I guess it evens out.


You look appropriately happy, Cockle!

Any ideas where you want to go from here, education-wise? :)

Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 02, 2014, 03:34:26 AM
I didn't even get a diploma, just a boring paper summarizing my courses.

But I did get a fancy hat, though, so I guess it evens out.

Have you not graduated yet?

...or does Sweden favor awesome hats over paper diplomas? (I would take a diplomahat over a diploma to hang up on my wall any day, jsyk.)


I graduated from HS like 5 years ago, lol. But no, we usually don't get any proper diplomas for that. Instead we get one of these:

With variations depending on what school or program you're in. Usually it has some text or other with name and year/program etc on the front; mine also is extra pimpy and has a red border instead of a black one. Either way, on graduation day you do the following:
1 - Champagne breakfast in some nearby greenery
2 - Back to school; usually some kind of gathering and ceremony in a big auditorium or something, then you go to your classroom and you get your course papers and final grades
3 - You remain in the classroom for a while to wait for the Utspring ceremony; during this time (or alternately during breakfast) you fill your friends' hats with messages, memories and signatures
4 - Utspring (Run Out). Everyone runs (how much fun is allowed here depends on your school, but mine was a mad free-for-all with almost 600 people at once) out of the school doors to meet the waiting crowd of parents and whatnot. Before you get to meet them, though, you all have to sing
the Graduation theme together (it's a LOT less orderly and musical than the link, just saying). Then you join your families and are summarily congratulated, and usually supplied with some booze and something less proper to wear than the suit you've been stuck in all day.
5 - You mount a huge truck pimped with even bigger speaker sets and rampage through town to the sound of whatever shitty music you want to break your ears with, while spraying beer over everyone aboard.
6 - You come home, wet and miserable, and if the party has already started everyone laughs at you. Otherwise you count yourself lucky, and take a shower slightly slower than otherwise before dressing up again.
7 - ???

I think I posted this rant both last year and back in '09, but hey, if you missed it, here it is again :^)


for those homeschoolers and internationals, HS Graduation in America:

1. Go to assembly along with entire graduating class 3 months in advance explaining what will happen.
2. Attend same assembly 1 month in advance explaining what will happen, again.
3. Finish classes early; spend final week of school in weird limbo between school year and summer break.
3a. During this week, possibly attend half-days of class and the other half practicing graduation (either that, or if you have no more class requirements spend entire day sleeping and come in slightly after noon for rehersal).
4. Pick up graduation outfit (likely rented) between a week to 2 days prior to graduation.
5. Graduation Day; spend day preparing (this could mean anything from sleeping till 4 in the afternoon to waking up at 6am to get your hair and nails done).
6. Go into school between 2-4 hours prior to actual graduation; spend time mulling about and being directed where to go by teachers/staff akin to being herded like cattle.
7. Wait for around 45 minutes with entire graduating class.
8. Proceed to actual graduation setting (SHS's was always outside on the football field, so we went from the auditorium to the field).
9. Wait through boring-ass speeches, etc (1/2 - 1 hour).
Actual calling begins, graduation music plays. Cue shots of weepy-ass preppy girls and parents with camcorders.
11. Strike crazy-ass pose upon getting diploma (if i could post that picture of me running around with my diploma in my mouth, i would).
12. Return to seat; wait for everyone else to be called.
13. Ceremony ends, graduating class's "song" plays (
usually this or this or some other clichéd bullshit), cue way too many cardboard hats being thrown into the goddamn sky.
14. Cue teary hugs by friends and parents, along with hideous amounts of picture taking, video shooting and yearbook signing (though this was usually done days before).
15. (Salem High Specific) Whip out Inflatable Objects (Blow Up Dolls, Pool Toys, Beach Balls, etc). Toss around with copious amounts of silly string. Try to steal one when you leave.
16. In the event you can FIND your hat (were you stupid enough to actually throw it), retrieve tassel.
17. Go home around 8-9pm.
18. Partying Commences. (Actual "Graduation Parties" rarely occur on the exact day of the graduation, but usually within a week of it.)
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