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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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hah. at least you're enjoying yourself with that camera.

the buildings are lovely. i hope they're insulated enough, though. (that was such an old-people answer, ohmigawd)
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Look!  I took a trip down memory lane that didn't end with me being furious or depressed!
Less 'memory lane' and more 'on top of my headboard'.  Chell is just out of frame to the right.  My Star Trek models are at left.  The Constitution class on the right isn't the Enterprise, it's the USS Defiant.
One of my first real books.  Technically a kid's book, but god-damn if that wasn't some mind expanding stuff in like 3rd grade.
Paper copies of everything
Ahaha, I can't draw.


Cool :3

Maybe I should get out the Star Trek glasses I obtained from Burger King to show them off -w-



My good friend from North Carolina hand-knitted me this scarf over the course of a semester!!! It's her graduation present to me, she knew how cold Vermont gets in the winter. It's so amazing, look at those color transitions!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Wow *w*

I made a scarf for Kari for Christmas a few years ago, with some help from my sister :3
(Also, I spy a Gamecube in the background -w-)


I like the jacket :3

I have a really nice peacoat...that kinda sucks outside of the dead of winter with how heavy it is ^^;;


me looking happy in this scarf ahh its so sOFT
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



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Penn Central time books and rule books.
C&O Rule Book and mixed timetables; N&W, NH and C&NW
Inside the New Haven timetable
Conrail instruction book for filling on time reports.


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Cool :3

Now, pics of gifts from Bella
Her gifts are always nicely wrapped and decorated :3

In the sparkle paper:
- Handmade hairclips. The lipgloss was not wrapped with them, but IDK where else I'd bring it up, so I threw them in with this pic

Inside the envelope was, besides a letter that I had difficulty decoding in a few spots:
- Art!. I currently have 3 of those framed, and totally plan to track down a double-frame for the Unix-tan and Linux-tan pics :3
- Money for TRS-80 I'm sending. Something strange I noticed about it; it has what looks like part of a bank deposit receipt printed on it

Thanks for the gifts;  I'll have pics of me wearing the hairclips sometime soon ^^
The checkerboard pattern ones have me thinking of Whirlwind-tan, to be honest. IDK if that was intentional on her part or not ^^;, for unrelated pics:
Bella is coffeemaker now
This is how you Sonic
What happens when a coworker and I are bored -w-;

EDIT: Fixed some links and have a few extra pics to show of stuff on my wall :3
(Mostly the Bella art, but a few other things around them as well)

On the wall behind 2k-tan the Desktop, besides the .hack//Sign wallscross that Kari is jelly of:
- Aperture Science "Remember" sign (Love me some Portal -w-)
- PDP-11 artwork (I had to have her next to the Aperture sign LOL)
- 2k-tan artwork (Unintentionally on Bella's part, the color scheme of 2k's outfit aligns with my desktop :3)

On the wall over my bed:
- Banjo-Kazooie poster (Moved over here)
- Cardcaptor Sakura Valentine's card (Very tiny; you'll notice her between BK and Unix)
- Unix-tan artwork
- Old Pokémon puzzles (Pikachu, Charmeleon. Used to love gluing together puzzles after I solved them to display as an art piece -w-)
- Some really old doodles of my own (A Zelda drawing, and a doodle of a rather cutesy Haunter)
- Pokémon poster from Nintendo Power (Circa 1998)

Behind room door (Pardon the cobweb at the very top; I didn't realize that was there until I looked over the pic ^^; ):
- Drawing of Toonami's TOM 1.0; the updated "RIP Toonami" edition (Made right after I learned the block was cancelled in 2008. It's back now, yes -w-)
- Geico ad (I don't know why, but I like the stack of money with eyes; it reminds me of Banjo-Kazooie xD)
- Gender-flipped portrait of me (I like :3)
- Clipped out pic from newspaper circa '05 (From a "read the newspaper" ad geared towards kids; featuring Lan and MegaMan.EXE, from Mega Man Battle Network...although the newspaper appears to be floating, as neither of them are holding it)
- Sign for Kirby: Right Back At Ya (This was one of the pictures to adore the FoxBox Box they gave out at Toys 'R' Us back in summer 2002, to promote the premiere of the FoxBox block, later renamed 4KidsTV)
- Super Mario Galaxy poster (Seen in the background of most trap pics from the past year. It glows in the dark :3)


aw sweet, that glows in the dark? now i have more things to be jelly of. >:0

also, i cringed and cracked up so hard at the mention of FoxBox/4KidsTV. xDDDD;;;;

sweet bella art, bro. -w-
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Thanks :3

As for the FoxBox Box from which that Kirby pic originated from, I remember going out of my way during a trip to Tyler to obtain it. That story in the spoiler:
Dat Box: ShowHide
It was summer 2002, and Fox Kids was on its way out; it had already been announced that its successor would be FoxBox, premiering that September, and one of the shows launching on it was Kirby: Right Back At Ya. Given how Fox Kids was my go-to Saturday morning block for ages, and I adored the Kirby franchise, I was hyped for this new block. Over the summer, they did a tie-in promo with Toys 'R' Us; giving away a box that contained a CD featuring music, games, and promo clips, along with a sticker sheet. I knew I had to have it, and the promo happened to be running while I was in Tyler...although, I was there for a funeral, and mom had zero plans of doing anything else.

However, by a stroke of luck, my grandpa had plans to go by a store on his way home from the funeral to get a new pair of shoes for work (The brand he prefers, Red Wing Shoes, are only available at a store in that area). So, I joined him and grandma in going over there, and since Toys 'R' Us wasn't terribly far from the shoe store, they were able to take me by so I could obtain the box.

As for the disc, it contained some promo clips from the shows to get you interested (Although, Stargate Infinity was pretty much ignored; hell, it was featured on the bottom of the box, and was aired with minimal promotion). The music on the disc was theme songs to the shows on the block (Featuring a terrible early draft of the theme song to the '03 Ninja Turtles series, a noticeable lack of the Kirby theme, and in a strange twist, having the theme to Stargate SG1, rather than Stargate Infinity). The games weren't anything special; only ones to stand out in my mind were a lame rock-paper-scissors type game tying into Kirby, and a fairly decent clone of Asteroids.

The box is long gone, barring the part with Kirby (Which has been on my wall ever since), I can't remember what I did with the sticker sheet, and I think I still have that CD floating around my room somewhere; as I remember seeing it a while back

...and now, more pics; not just me wearing the ribbons Bella gave me, but also showing off the corset that finally came in :3

Blue starry ribbon w\ heart. Probably my favorite of the ribbons, as the color scheme actually goes with the Bella dress I have :3
Same ribbon, but different pose. Barring the derpface, I love the way this pic turned out for making it actually look like I have hips ;w;
Black and white checkerboard ribbon. I have this feeling Bella made these because of Whirlwind-tan -w-
Blue headband. Was a pain to put on with my wig, so pardon if the wig looks like crap here and the next 2 pics ^^;
Little Vester on my shoulder :3


Dude, that headband totally looks swag with that wig! You have the long 60's hair going on with it, it's sooo cute. I recommend you keep doing it. ^^

Also, that story reminds me of a story from my old toys r us, but much less sad. ;w;
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