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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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@cockle: compared to some pics i've taken of me that's actually a pretty good selfie. and i second pent, i want a hug too. >>;
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Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 18, 2014, 11:48:25 AM
call me Mr. McSwaggington
I don't really like this picture, because of the lighting.

Took this image like 5 minutes ago at an internet cafe.
aren't i just adorable?
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Cool -w-

For Stew, pics from around the Palestine location of the Texas State Railroad (Sadly, none of the engines were out; since the trains only run on weekends). Also, this is where Robbie Keneval jumped a train back in 2000...and his career jumped the shark as well, as nobody gave a fuck about him after that happened -w-;

The monument at the park's entrance; seen from the road
No, you can't climb it

First off, historic marker for the park. Made sure to take a pic so it's readable (Which, do any other states have signs near historic locations describing its history, or is that a strictly Texas thing?)

Old oil tankers. (Is that even the proper term? ^^; )
Cafe car, behind the fence for the maintenance area

Gates of Hell Palestine station, from the parking lot
The waiting area, with random golf cart
Time table, for when the train runs
"Fun" and "Exciting" are not words I'd choose to describe Palestine with. Also, I'm genuinely shocked we have an iPhone app
Really cool picture of their engines
Mail box from the front and the sign on top

Hey, the gate's open
I walked through these doors many years back

...and now, me trying to get pics through the windows, because the cars are locked
Looks like it's a dining car. Close to the one I rode in, but there wasn't a table in it.
Another pic of the same one
The windowless car; the oldest of the bunch.

The nearby lake
Another pic of it
A wild flower growing on the path
I think these are bluebonnets?
Lastly, more flowers growing behind the monument

On a different note, Kero-chan meets Kyubey

Also, I fail to see how Vester is comfortable in this pic


Nice pics Pent!  Virginia and West Virginia both have hundreds of markers.


NH has historical signs all over the place, too. whether or not the site still exists is another matter.

cool pics pent. but now, i want to take "the gates of hell" and photoshop fire everywhere. xD
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LOL -w-;

So, as a lead-in for Kari to post her pics, I'll post some new ones I took; showing off my new top...and also doing something different (Outdoor pics? Outdoor pics. In the backyard, against the house)

Here it is :3
From behind (Pardon the obvious bra straps showing ^^; )
Just me, feeling relaxed

As a bonus, a close view of the necklace I bought a few weeks ago. Was wearing this in the set of trap pics I took during my vacation :3



Quote from: stewartsage on April 27, 2014, 08:22:05 PM
Volunteering at Harpers Ferry pictures
you look so goooooood in that uniform, man~


It is refreshing to see pictures of the kind of stuff I used to see when I lived there.

Thank you for the warm feelings.


n'aw, you's adorable. ^^

@stew: niiiiice. i love the buildings there, are they replicas of older buildings or original? :0
also, that uniform will never stop looking good on ya, man. looks like you missed your era, too. xD

@pent: lookit you, gettin' bold. top looks good on ya, man, and don't mind the bra straps, i can't tell you how many times i've (and tons of other girls) have done that. -w-;;

now, for 6 random pics from my phone.
Liederdress with Power Drill
the other dress i was considering getting
snapdragons my dad grew for no reason.
sweetass pinball machine we saw for sale in a cupcake shop today
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Thanks ^^

Also, nice dress >w<
(I still say, once I move up there or if I end up in the area beforehand, we're totes going shopping; IDK how stereotypically girly that statement comes off >w>;; )


go ahead and use the girly statements if you want. i totes do. -w-
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The buildings are all original.  The Marmion row ones are probably some of the most original as in they've had the least alteration done to the inside and the least additions since the Civil War era.  Also if you ever saw Gods and Generals pretty much everywhere I lived in Harpers Ferry is on camera at some point.