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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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My father has a pedometer that has Windows CE on it. I thought someone here would find that a little interesting.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Neat :3

My car runs with a glorified calculator for its computer -w-;



pedometer when CE doesn't even walk, she flies
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While not a member of OSC, he is the newest member of my household.


Hello lil' fishy~

What's his name? :3


Since he is a red Dragon Scale Betta, I have named him Roku.


Nice :3

So, pic time; opening up with my recently obtained PS4

A little out of season, but here's a jack-o-lantern wearing a hat. If only it was a Santa hat; then it'd be Christmas-y -w-

Speaking of Christmas, a light setup Stew would approve of; located in front of the train tracks across from grandma's office. The wheels actually look like they're moving with how the lights are configured :3

Pony coloring book I randomly took a pic of

Something I didn't know they still made, but makes me feel old and still makes me think of the villain from Power Rangers Zeo

The discard date on this dough is DEC 10. My thoughts drift to the PDP-10 -w-;
Speaking of PDP, Gamestop has them...well, 3rd party accessories by a company named PDP. Still, thoughts drift to DEC -w-;;

A happy Wii box :3

The epic brownie. It's quite big *w*
Zoomed out a bit. Still have half of it for today :3

Because I find these pics interesting, My LaserDisc player (Circa 1983) compared to my Mac Mini (Late 2006). Wow; much size, very big.

Luigi sits atop my PS2 -w-

Now, to wrap things up with some Final Fantasy. VI and VII, to be exact:
Nej is king. This is fact
Nobody knows what gender Gogo is; not even the game itself

The comparison of FF7's UK PC packaging to its US PS1 packaging, because why not -w-;
The front. PC looks a bit generic TBH, while PS1 still looks really cool

The back. PC claims it to be "the biggest game ever" (Apparently they didn't know about how massive The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall was; which came out a year prior), while PS1 proudly proclaims itself to be "quite possibly the greatest game ever made". PC version has this ugly "broken typewriter" font for the description on the back, while PS1 has a much nicer font...but the PC version does go over more of the features of the game than the PS1 version did, and has thew benefit of showing actual in-game pictures instead of pictures from the FMV cut-scenes. I'd have to give one point to PC here; for giving you a better idea of what you're getting into, ugly font aside

The inside. This is where you can tell they simply didn't care; as the PC version is very bare and the manual has the same cover as the front of the case, while PS1 has a nice wrap-around picture of Aeris and the Highwind (Something that I'm let down that so few multi-disc PS1 games did; Thousand Arms being the only other one I know of). Point goes to PS1 for being more visually appealing.

The first disc. As far as being elaborate, it seems like PC has an edge for having a full-disc graphic vs. a plain black-and-white disc. While that image does look cool, the problem lies in how they handle the multiple discs; all that there is to tell the discs apart is a plain "ENGLISH DISC x" box in the corner with the same exact image in that odd shade of green, while PS1 would differentiate the discs uniquely, with a different silhouette behind the disc number (Disc 1 has Cloud riding on a Chocobo, disc 2 has the airship Highwind, and disc 3 has the meteor). So, I'd actually have to give it to PS1; it's not as flashy on a single-disc basis, but shows more thought being put in between discs.

Lastly, the manuals. Is there any real comparison here? The PC manual is very plain with the same "broken typewriter" font with the occasional monochrome picture, while the PS1 manual is more elaborate; presented in full color with a much nicer font, and it even has a brief strategy guide that covers the first 30 minutes of the game as a teaser to get you to buy the official guide (which I own), and brief previews of upcoming Square-Enix Squaresoft games (Bushido Blade, Final Fantasy Tactics, and SaGa Frontier). Therefore, point to PS1

Therefore, PS1 wins 3 to 1 -w-;
(This is without comparing how the games actually play; which I went over a while back)


Funnily enough, most people in/around the clan do refer to me as "the king".

So yes, that is actually true.



also, the us version of the PC game looks a lot different, man. for one, the package is much taller.
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@Kari: Isn't it in a giant cardboard case that, when unfolded, shows Midgar? I've seen that one on eBay, and I have to say that version looks cool as fuck


Yes, that is the one. -w-

(5 bucks. -w-)
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Kickass. Mine was $2 at a garage sale (My black label PS1 copy, however, was free -w-)

Did I hear somebody say "I want more pics"? Well, here you go :3

The Vester:
"O hai. What are you doing?"
"Must scratch"
"Now I sleep"

My reward for surviving Black Friday weekend at work was a figurine of Fuuka Yamagishi, from Persona 3. Here's some pics of her :3
With Fuuka the Mac Mini and Fuka from Disgaea 4
Watch out; Eevee draws near!
The duo meets Eevee :3
Borrowing Raichu, she has a Pokémon battle with Yuki and her Mew
With a little pony (Gardenia Glow, BTW. Yes, she is made on the same mold as Rarity -w-)
The card behind Fuuka; representing the Priestess arcana -w-

The seller of Fuuka threw in a tiny keychain of Medaka (From Medaka Box) as a bonus :3
With Fuuka, for size comparison
Better view of Medaka
The booklet she came with
The inside; showing all other avaliable characters

At work:
After assembling the cardboard display for The Lego Movie: The Game, I did this with an Angry Birds Star Wars plushie. My boss got a laugh when he saw that
The two D3s on PS3, side-by-side
The busted monitor at the other place I work at. The crack is actually kind of pretty -w-;

Japanese Red (Borrowed from coworker), next to US Blue (My copy)
Japanese Crystal (Also borrowed from coworker) and US Crystal (My copy). A rare case of the Japanese version having a colored case...
...and a sweet Crystal design printed on the rear of the ROM board. US version has a more plain design; which sucks :\
Behold the Pokémon X\Y manual, in all its tri-fold glory
Graphical evolution: Japanese Red (1996) to X (2013). Felt like doing this since I recently bought X for myself ($10 cheaper than anywhere I've seen >:3) and a coworker is letting me borrow his copy of Red to trade over to his Japanese copy of Crystal -w-

Traps. Traps everywhere:
For the fun of it, a return of my old wig. This was intended to be photoshopped together with a different pic of me, but it didn't turn out right, so I just uploaded this side since it looks better IMO
A different red and black dress. A little harder to put on than my favorite, but still nice and light :3
My favorite dress -w-
Randomly thrown together outfit with Companion Cube
A return of the half-assed 2k-tan...using my Windows 2000 shirt. I'm surprised it took me this long to do this -w-;

Lastly, random pic in the Bella dress. Feel free to come up with your own caption xD


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cool stuff, dude. but you need some nice shoes to go with the dress. maybe we should start searching through cheap Chinese sites ;^;
Japanese crystal is so cool :0
the crack is so pretty that it's as if it belongs there. it looks like something out of final fantasy. :000
put medaka on your cell phone. >:3
lol! I have Gardenia Glow in my pocket right now! : D
*pets kitty*
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Oh god xD
That caption works so well

Also, indeed; I'd love to get myself some shoes, but the cheapest pair I found was $50 @_@