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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Dr. Kraus

This is what happened when I looked in here;

Lt. Surge

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"wut?

I'm just remarking with eager anticipation of the cuteness.
Skype Me: LtSurge695


You looked so awesome in that uniform Stewart-san. :D

Post pix of your new hairstyle Kari! ^^

My five minute 95-tan cosplay, lolololol~

Note: this was taken months ago, thus my long hair. Um, I dunno... if I made a proper obi, zori and made a Windows logo hair ribbon I might ALMOST have a presentable cosplay.

Yep, and my 95 pin is on backward. At least the 9 is. XD


woot! haven't visited this thread in a long while and the first thing i see is bella...

*squeals and dies*
My my, aren't you lovely~

Lt. Surge

Skype Me: LtSurge695


@bella:iz good, but colour is wrong. ;____;
oh and when i find it i'll post the site where i found sewing instructions for a win 95 hairbow. ^^
@surge: ty ^^;

and don't worry. once i have some free time (in a week or three maybe xD) i'll post a pic. (kidding, but i need to make mah room look like less of a blast zone first. :\ )
click to make it bigger

Lt. Surge

Are you saying you don't manage yer room?
Skype Me: LtSurge695


no, (well a tiny bit) i'm saying i'm in the middle of cleaning. y'see mah boy, we here in the lair work with what's called "organized clutter". it means that anyone who doesn't live in this lair will see nothing but chaos; however that is nothing moar than a clever disguise to ward off ebil monkees and sibling thieves. in reality, we here at lair inc. know where almost everything is (and when i say "almost" i mean that 7 or so % that EVERYONE doesn't know where is, whether they are neat freaks or not).

(ps. that was fun. ^^)
click to make it bigger


I think my dorm room is thoroughly protected against the Neuroi now.



and another random manga that looks good :3 what is it? it's the green and orange one with the blue-green haired girl on it, 2 down from negima. (what's the one inbetween for that matter? :3)
click to make it bigger


Perhaps it's about time for us to start a new theme - bookshelf pix? -w-


Maybe, but most of mine are at home.


Diamond Girl Vol. 1, Princess Resurrection Vol. 5

Bellow bookshelf, above desk, my birthday picture from Bella

Food desk

My work desk

Bed and junk closet, yeah, terrifying.

Full bookshelf pic L to R:
Remote Sensing in Fish and Wildlife Management
New England Wildlife Management in Forested Habitats
Commodore Perry in Japan
Atlas of American History
American Coastal Defenses 1885-1950
P-39 Aircobra Aces of World War 2
The US Home Front 1941-1945
But it was Fun, the first forty years of radio astronomy at Green bank
Maryland's Lighthouses
Akron Railroads
Thomas A Edison and the Electrical Industry (1929)
Handbook for Radiological Monitors
Know Your Town: Hanover, NH
Reminders of the Past in the Village of Hanover: The Green: Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Houses Still Standing in 1976
Rockingham County (VA) 1965
Ah youth- and Experience: A History of the Virginia National Bank
TVA: The Use of the Earth for the Good of Man (1954)
History of the Philadelphia Electric Company
Virginia Reports 203: Oct., Nov. 1961 Jan, March, April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec., 1962
The Secrets of Inchon
A Place Called Peculiar
USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series Volume I
Davis & Elkins College: The Diamond Jubilee History
The Commissioner
Rally Round the Flag Boys!
Lydia Bailey
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya
Hardy Boys Detective Handbook (1st. Ed.)
George Washington's War
Emergency Treatment and Management (1971)
The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
Show of Force
The Devil and Deep Space
The Price of Vibilance
Brown Water, Black Beret
Choosers of the Slain
First Clash
Negima Vol. 27
Princess Resurrection Vol. 5
Diamond Girl Vol. 1
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 1
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 2
Azumanga Daioh Omnibus
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 1
TV Detectives

On top:
Serenity Role Playing Game
Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests: The Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington
Collegiate Broadcasting Network Handbook 1973

Beach Red
C&O Railroad Intermodel Service Rates & Shipping
Manual of Dental Anesthesia (1935)
DHARMA binder

Dr. Kraus

Post of my workstation right now along with some of my room.

Main computer along with teh ghetto comp

Some art surplus and box of computer stuff

my chair, coffee table, TV, desk, and three clocks


*squee* you really did hang your b'day drawing on you wall, I'm so honoured. ;v;


This is exactly what it looks like.