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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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my room is the least organized LOOKING out of anyone at osc. as for ACTUAL organization, well, i know where a good chunk of my stuff is. i'd know where more is if one of my drawers wasn't piled all over the room. :\

@pent: hence why i don't circulate early pics of mine. i looked like harry potter for a good long while. >>;
i've never seen a full pic of your sister, she's quite pretty. ^^ nice lake too, moeckle pond looked a little like that when it was full.
funny thing is, that trap pic is one of the better ones of you. somehow i don't think a short wig suits you as much as a long one does.

@cockle: cool trucks man, all we have is the normal boxy ones. :\

@bells: no, it's NOT obvious to people who haven't spent days on end with the guy. you're DATING, it's like you guys have that weird sixth sense connection or something. clue the rest of us non-wondertwins folk in. >>;
as for my hair, time and effort. after i wash it (with 2 shampoos and conditioners, of course), i let the suds stay in for awhile while i do everything else, then i rinse and comb it out, then blow dry it, brush it out a bit then flat iron, brushing one last time. the whole process can take about 1 and a half to 2 hours. when it was dyed, though, i used special shampoos to help keep the colour in, too. :\ (now i just use damage therapy ones from dove in addition to my colour-seal conditioner and medicated shampoo.)
thankfully, because i dyed smart (instead of following the box), i only had to dye it about once every 3-4 months, and bleach (depending on the colour) about once every 8 months or more. :\
tbh, i kinda like seeing pics from peoples' pasts too. it gives you a feeling of getting to know them more. :3
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True. I like my red wig, but I do wish it was a bit longer (I thought it'd be a bit longer than it was. Oh well)

I did find one of a similar color to the one I have now, but longer. Unfortunately, I lost the link ;_;



well, maybe take a night to do some wig browsing. wiggy walk. -w-
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I'm back left, in the Redskins sweatshirt.  Middle is my bro.


@Stew: I eventually figured it out ^^;;

@Kari: Sounds like a plan -w-
Also, I forgot to mention when it came up earlier, but I used to look like Harry Potter when I was younger as well ^^;



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why thankyou. ^^

i really miss the days of doing that. not that i don't like my hair now, but having pretty anime hair had quite a charm to it... ;v;
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Derrick is the guy back center in tan, Andy is front left in the blue uniform.  I honestly can't remember the other two guys' names.


Therefore, their names shall be Biggs and Wedge </star_wars>

Now, it's time for more pics
First up, the White Ranger doll mentioned in that game I did in Topicless. I remember getting a near-complete set of these for Christmas when I was really little (I think all I lacked was the Yellow and Black Rangers), but several months later they all went missing except for the White Ranger. To this day, we have no idea what could have happened to the rest of them; in fact, I've cracked jokes with mom about how she needs to let me know if they suddenly turn up after I move out LOL
Something I'll likely pick up a bottle of for Kari when I move out :3
Topo Chico mineral water. My thoughts drift to the character of El Topo Chico, who appears in some of Brad Jones' videos
Apple Juice Drink. It sounds so bland that part of me wants to try it
Juju Fish. I wonder if it tastes like Fuji-Juju Fruit? </deliciouscinnamon>
Pony plushies are back at my local Wal-Mart. One lone Pinkie Pie among several clones of Rainbow Dash

Now, for some trap pics from my adventure yesterday (I didn't take many)
I'll try to get a better pic of this later, but you can see that this is my "Kari clone" outfit ^^;
(Also, the hanger on the wall makes my wig look messy >_>)
This dress I'd love to go back and buy, if it's still there by the time I have some money. It's on clearance, so probably not, but it was comfortable and looked really nice on me :3
(I took several pics of it, but this is the only one that came out nice enough to post)


Pure water


am i missing something here?

@pent: yeah, that's a clone of my clothes. i'd wear that. -w-
as for the dress, that's a pretty nice one. depending on the price you should go back for it. ^^
cool pics, man. if you have waffle crisp there, pick me up a box of that too, please. xD
i've never heard of the rock and rye flavour, do you know what it's like? :\

(somehow i think the rest of the dolls WILL show up after you leave, under some old piece of furniture)
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Apparently Rock & Rye is supposed to have a bit of a cherry taste to it, according to this episode of Brad Tries (He tries that flavor of Faygo after the commercial break)

Also, the dress is $20, so I might try to go back for it. Being on clearance, do you think I should go for it now or wait until later?


did you see if there were any clones of the dress left? if that was the only one i'd snipe it now. the more copies of the dress, the longer you can wait.
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