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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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holy crap it's a pizza.

cute dog. i love putting clothes on animals. ^^ (my cat looks adorable in a santa hat.)
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Have some pics I've had lying around :3
A pic of the doodle I added to my sister's gift; because I messed up on the wrapping ^^;;
(I did it as a nod toward this pic, after my sister made a comment that she could picture me doing that LOL)
Bro-in-law's gift is certain to rustle his jimmies; when he finds a Gorilla Munch box. His copy of Super Mario Galaxy is inside :3
At long last, I finished DK64 completely. 101%, yo.
My small collection of Skylanders figurines. Not only is the game pretty good, but the figurines you use with it are also really cool as well :3


i like the psychic-lookin' girl. but what the hell is the game about?

also, so THAT'S what the "rustle your jimmies" thing comes from.

(oh, and i thought your head was in the first cat pic, lying down next to the cat, away from the camera. then i remembered that you didn't have such a short haircut, or black hair, and i realized i was seeing things.)
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The game's a dungeon crawler along the lines of Gauntlet or Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, with the main gimmick being the figurines; which you place on the special "portal" device to play as them in the game, and things like gold and experience points are saved to the chip inside the figurine (Allowing me to, for instance, level up my character on the Xbox 360 version, and then take them over to a friend's house or even play as them on another console).

It's a fun game, and I've always had a thing for collecting figurines :3


i want one of those psychic girl ones. idc about the game, i just want the figure. -w-
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Mmm. She does seem like a figurine you'd like; considering the sphere she's holding above her head glows in the dark :3

Now, moar pics :3
This is that cheddar bacon meatloaf I was talking about in the Food topic. It was probably the best meatloaf I've ever had *w*
Batman piggy bank. I LOL'd
A really cheesy clone of the General Lee someone made; from the same guy that made a Batmobile out of plywood several years ago. I will give the guy credit to the fact he at least used a Dodge as a base, although he used an '89 Dynasty; when the actual General Lee is a '69 Charger
A shirt I can picture Kari wearing. To be honest, I can picture myself wearing this in trap mode if I had a skirt or jeans to go with it ^^;;
On the subject of trap mode, this is a pic of what I wore during my trapventure the other night :3
(Although, the lens flash results in being able to kind of see my bra through my top >_<)
A pic of what I almost went with, but decided against since it wasn't quite as warm (Longer but slightly thinner skirt, and shorter socks)
...and lastly, one outfit I like and considered going with, but I felt my shoes didn't match ^^;;

Next time, I'll get some pics of my new jacket, as well as the super-long 4th Doctor scarf my sister made me ^^


i'd reccomend black for your trapventures. you look good in it, and it goes with the cut of the wig. it's dramatic. :0

also,  DAT SHORT SKIRT. i gotta say man, you pull it off scarily well. but it must have been cold. >>;

(and yes, i would own that shirt and any other HK ones like it.

dynasty looks weird....but maybe it's the general lee's son?

my grandpa got a patriots piggy bank from my uncle. it's cute, but idk if he liked it since he doesn't seem like the piggy bank type. he's more the "i throw all my loose change into a ceramic beer tankard" type. )
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@Kari: Thanks; good to know I'm a scary trap xD
The shorter skirt with those socks was actually warmer than the longer skirt, surprisingly ^^;


thicker fabric, maybe?

@leaf: um....did you mean earlier in the thread? cause i haven't posted any pics in awhile. (thankyou. but can you describe the cat? cause i've posted a couple different cats over the years.)
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Yep. The longer skirt is thinner, which is nice in the summer


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Did someone say "moar pics"? :3
A close-up of the motherboard on an Amiga 500. Cool...then I noticed 3 little letters  in the upper righthand side of the pic:
There's something called an OSC inside my Amiga. Maybe I wasn't too far off when I joked about how this site is hosted on "an Amiga in Pit's basement" ^^;
This is Twinkle, after I completed my upgrade\restoration project. Now she not only has a nicer-looking case carried over from the half-working one, but also has a RAM upgrade card and a newer Kickstart ROM (Going from 1.2 to 1.3). I should turn my attention toward tracking down a hard drive next :3
For comparison, how she looked when I first obtained her  (The one on the right. The one on the left is the one I parted out)
A pic of Twinkle's mouse...with an Apple mousepad. The mouse is for a later-model Amiga, but it works and was cheaper than importing a used mouse like what the 500 originally shipped with. I eventually want to buy a Commodore logo mousepad to go with her :3
My jar of coins. This thing had nearly $24 in it, with just a tiny bit of room left for a few more coins
Lastly, Sylvester meets "Mini-Vester" :3

EDIT: Almost forgot, for those who might not have seen it already, me wearing my replica of the 4th Doctor's scarf (Christmas gift from my sister)
It's heavy, but cool :3


dat scarf


also little vester and big vester is cute. "i shall call him....MINI ME"

and cool on the amiga. that OSC reference is freaky. .___.;
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@Cockle: Your pic isn't showing :\

@Kari: I love that scarf. It's impractical, but very nice