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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Dat keyboard. : o

Also I really like the color of your wig. ^^


Thanks, guys ^_^

I'm actually taking some pics of me in trap mode with it right now, so stay tuned...
EDIT: Here you go :3
Firstly, me in a schoolgirl uniform with my wig. Also, I decided to actually tuck in the shirt, which I think helps to make it look better
I don't know why, but I like this pose
Schoolgirl with kantana? Hell yeah 8)
Because I felt like it, a fez; because fezzes are cool. Also, the shirt is untucked, like how I wore it when visiting Kari
I think my wig goes nicely with this outfit :3
Also, I has zettai ryouiki going on ^_~
I feel like RedHat-tan :3
Lastly, me with my Companion Cube. So snuggly~ >w<


y'know, from a distance (and brushed a bit), it actually looks pretty good. and you're right, the uniform DOES look better tucked in on you. (maybe i should try it. but tucking things in feels wrong to me. >>;; )
also, i like how it goes with the other outfit. it's really, very cute. the trap pics are much, much better! :0
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Thanks ^_^

Now, for a few more random pics I took:
Game Genie: Works great to bypass physical region lockout, so I can play Japanese Super Famicom games on my US model Super NES without modification. Now, to eventually track down Mario & Wario; better known by Pokémon fans as "the game in which Mario is wearing a bucket"
The wall behind 2k-tan the Desktop; now consisting of the portrait of 2k-tan that Bella gave me, in addition to everything else (.hack//SIGN wallscroll, Banjo-Kazooie poster, "More Cowbell" bumper sticker, and a doodle of Diglett my sister drew for me ages ago
A better look at the 2k picture. You'll get the best look at it once Bella uploads it to dA, but for now, this is good enough (Also, I love the color scheme of the alternate costume she's wearing. Makes me think of my desktop ^_^)
The Monty Python sign arrived yesterday, and is now mounted on the wall in my other room. Looks quite nice in there
My manga collection (Located between my boxed versions of Windows and my D&D rulebooks). It's now too wide to catch in a single, straight shot, so I had to take it at an odd angle. Also, notice my ponies, Joey from Yu-Gi-Oh, TARDIS mug, and a few other random things
Swiss cheese flavored Cheez-It. Good stuff
It's a little blurry, but here's a pic of me in my attempted Linkara cosplay, now armed with my "magic gun". I did try to get a pic of myself holding up a copy of NFL Superpro #1 (A comic Linkara reviewed several years ago, which I actually own a copy of), with a scrap of paper that had "This comic sucks" written on it, but you couldn't really see what was written on the paper, so it lost the effect.

EDIT: Bonus images!
New dice. The best part is, the light green one is referred to on the packaging as "Borealis". Therefore...
Aurora is dice o__o


i think i'd like a set of the borealis dice. they look like the colour of every magic effect from every video game ever. xD (kireiiii *0* )
for the linkara cosplay, you might consider using sharpie for the "this comic sucks" scrap. that should show up. :\
i lol'd at the pokemon thing. xDD

also, i need to mail you back this money order. srsly. :\
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I saw this at the store yesterday and thought of Kari:

However, I have to wonder if they meant to say rolls instead of roles

Dr. Kraus

Setup looks a little bit different with the new PSVita dock, GuildWars2, and Rammstein Reise, Reise.

Close up of the stand with the Miku Vita.

If anyone is also playing Guildwars2 or thinking about it, add me! username is TechKraus and I'm a support cleric :D

##edit by Pitkin: I moved the post from Topicless thread to the member pictures. Try not to post many pictures in a non-picture thread, it slows down the page-loading. Thanks.

//edit @Pitkin: Sorry, wasn't looking at what thread I was in ^^;


Well, I have some new pics to share
This display blows
It was hanging right over a pallet of fans
I have found the source of Bell Labs' funding for their Unix experiments: play phones for children
Grammar Failure Detected: Please Resubmit
(I saw this on the back of the bathroom door at Goodwill. You have no idea how badly I wished I could correct that sign)
I saw this at a different thrift store, and thought it was cute. Didn't buy it, as I have no idea what I'd do with a figurine of Garfield, but I took a pic because I was bored
The oldest and the newest issues of Nintendo Power I have (The one on the left is from 1990, while the one on the right is this month's issue). A shame this magazine is ending
From the back of an issue of Nintendo Power, circa '91. Nothing says "totally radical" like a Jeep capable of space travel
Ah, Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands. A guilty pleasure of a low-budget Game Boy game, with a laughably bad translation; they never can get Pluto's name right
Obligatory pics of my cat taking a nap. I may have posted pics exactly like these before, but dammit, he's just too cute >w<
Lastly, an older trap pic (Circa early 2011) that I dug back up. I don't get why I never uploaded it; it's one of my favorites from the "DSi Camera era"

...and now, prepare yourself for the sort of thing that happens when I'm bored and feel like taking trap pics: half-assed OS-tan cosplays
Look at how I only vaguely resemble 2k-tan
Marvel at how I only seem to have the color scheme of the outfit right for OS9-tan
Be amazed at how not even the bottle opener is of the correct design with my 98SE-tan cosplay


That 2k-tan closet-cosplay isn't bad... if you got the right wig / headband / made a few modifications to that coat, it would work. ^^

And that older trap pic looks pretty good, it's a shame it's out of focus.


@Kraus: ATH-M50? :D

@Pent: I wonder if Unix-tan likes to play with play phones?

@Kari: Looking nice there! ^^


@Paul: I honestly want to see somebody make a doodle of that :3
Hey Bella; hint-hint

@Kari: We should do a group cosplay as the "Fail 98-tan Sisters" -w-


@pent: we totally should. xD
@paul: those cosplays were from 2 years ago, but thanks! ^^
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I'm still not afraid to dress up as a mafia osx-kun.


this year's ab saw me as 95-tan, and next year will see me as either 95 or XP (or perhaps Lum Invader, i'm still deciding). i need to track down pics of me in the 95-tan cosplay...
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