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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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wasn't that the initial plan? it seems like a good one. :\
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It was, although Nimue will also serve as Asagi's backup laptop when traveling; even though she's a bit harder to lug around


ahh. makes sense.

does anyone have any pics? or should i get around to uploading mine? >>;
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Nimue is more powerful than Asagi, which to me equals instant promotion to main machine.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Moar pics!
First off, me with my Nerf revolver. I have another one like it, as well as a rifle, but this one is probably my favorite of the bunch
Next up, a tiny bottle of Coke. It's the size of a can, except it's a bottle
Lastly, Secchan's can opener! >:3


you lied to me. that's not secchan's bottle opener. hers was all metal and didn't have that weird tip on it. KNOCKOFF. >>;

you've never seen those little bottles of coke before? they're common around here; the only reason we don't get them is because it's not really a good deal compared to the cans. (you get 6 of those for the price of 12 i think you get more per can anyway.)

what hallway is that? is that like, the front door hallway or something? it bears a slight resemblance to king of the hill. :\
also, my brother and a couple former friends had nerf revolvers like that. only they had modded theirs. -w-
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That's the hallway I always use for pics; which leads to the bedrooms and the main bathroom. Here are two past examples :3

As for the Coke, it was bought by my mom's family for the BBQ; I took one home for myself :3

Also, I bought said bottle opener more because I needed a good bottle opener than anything; I just wanted to see what people would say if I was comparing it to Secchan's can opener. BTW, the the weird tip is to open cans with :3


like cans or pop-top cans? cause if it's the latter then it's just lazy. >>;
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Actual cans, without a pop-top; like what tomato sauce comes in :3


ahhhh. still, secchan's bottle opener is pure. -w-
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beautiful!! :0 where is that?
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Corner of Wyoming past Yellowstone. Probably going to finally enter California today to see Redwoods.


aw man, that sounds so gorgeous. please get pics. *0*
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Awesome pic, man *thumbs up*