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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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i'm kind of excited for when my hair gets that long. :>
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I wish I had hair like that


It's a lot of work though. My hair is getting more and more unruly because of straightening and all - I may get a few inches trimmed off (because of the damage that's accumulated at the tips), or I may just see just how long I can grow it out before it starts to drive me insane ...

The next major haircut I get will probably be REALLY short.


I can imagine, yeah. Also, how much shampoo you'd go through for that much hair ^_^;

Still, sometimes I wish I had long hair like that :3


Heh. My hair is reaching down nearly halfway down my back. I need to get it cut soon.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@bella: this is your hair.

or, at least, it should be when you get it cut.
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I believe it's time to post pics of what I obtained today :3
First off, the Dreamcast. This was a lucky find at a garage sale I accidentally stumbled onto, trying to locate a different one. Good thing I stumbled onto this one, as for $10, I ended up with a Dreamcast in the exact color I always wanted, on top of the fact it feels brand new; like the previous owner barely played with it at all, as even the controller feels new.
Here's 3\4 of my current Dreamcast collection. In clockwise order, the Web Browser disc (Which was the only thing I hung onto from my old Dreamcast collection, as I didn't figure anybody would want it. It's a US edition, by the way), ChuChu Rocket (A European edition. They had a really weird case design over there), and Shenmue (A Japanese edition; which includes a bonus disk containing the game's soundtrack).
The last 1\4 of the Dreamcast collection is Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. I'm not really big on the RE series, but for $1, I couldn't pass it up. Also, if you notice in the 2nd picture, this was sold as a "Japanese import" much like ChuChu Rocket and Shenmue where, even though it's a domestic version of the game; which they had a 2nd copy of on the shelf right across for $15, which saved me some money xD
Also with their import stuff, I picked up 3 PlayStation games (Bust-A-Move '99 is in the pic for comparison). So, I now have Everybody's Golf 2 (Better known in the US as Hot Shots Golf 2. This game was actually still sealed in the original plastic), Macross VF-X2 (The controls in this game are terrible, but hey; it was only $1), and Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (One of my fighting game guilty pleasures). Now, to mod one of my original PlayStations, so I can play these on original hardware instead of on 2k-tan via an emulator...
Lastly, something I meant to take pictures of when it arrived a few weeks ago; a Blooper fan I received from Club Nintendo, using some points I had built up on there. They had 3 different fans to choose from (There was a white one with Mario on it, a pink one decorated in Animal Crossing characters, and this one; a blue one decorated in Bloopers (The squid enemy from Mario)), but I chose this one because I felt it looked the best. It even came with a nice case to store it in, as you can see in the 2nd picture :3

Now, I feel I need a kimono to go with that fan...


i want one of those fans ;^;

and maybe an animal crossing one ;^;

(that said, cool stuff)
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I have yet more pics; mostly stuff I retrieved from my phone, but first:
The mouse I bought for Asagi. I wish there was a silver dragon variant, to better match Asagi's color scheme, but hey; the gold dragon is still cool, and IMO looked better than the red dragon one that was next to it.
This is the Dart's replacement; the Ramcharger. This truck is like a tank; I remember riding in a booster seat in it when I was really little. Looks and drives quite nicely for how well used it is :3
I found a money tree! It's not quite what I was expecting, though ^_^;;
Something I can picture Kari owning
Also, something for Bella
Bird! >w<
I saw it hanging around the garden section of Wal-Mart, and had to snap a pic
Beach ball + strong fan = instant amusement. I wish I could have recorded video of this, as it was just stuck hovering over that fan
While I was having pizza last night, I took a look in their arcade...and saw creepy plush bananas. They want to eat my soul ._.
A doodle I did of the "Poker Face" on the whiteboard at my former workplace -w-
Turn a wet floor sign on it's side, and suddenly it looks like somebody sprinting out a portal. Yep; I'm thinking with portals
Lastly, something I uploaded to my Twitter about a month ago; a pic of a sign my dad put on his desk at work xD


That owl is okay, but it's weirdjutsu is really weak.......


Weirdjutsu? Please enlighten me


Most of my owl sculptures tend to have a certain ... je ne sais quoi? I tend to avoid generic, cheaply-made or overly-realistic things as a rule.

For instance, I have two South Asian wooden sculpted owls, a rabbit-fur owl (that's new and super-kitschy, but just too weird to pass up since the face sort of looks cat-like, lol), an antique porcelain own that has human-looking eyes, another antique porcelain one that has weird, glass googly-eyes, and a third made of the same materials as the last two - it's probably the most normal-looking of the group, but it's cute face and soft coloring made it a must-buy. ^^;

(There was also a bizarre owl planter at that antique store, had the head of an owl and the body of a duck. It was out of my price range though...)


*now knows what to get bella for christmas*

@pent: cool pics, man. reminds me that i need to upload stuff here. >>;
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Here's your reminder to upload pics, because I'm here to post more :3
2k-tan is back to her original 3 fan setup. What you can't tell from this pic is that these are much quieter than the cheap ones I picked up from RadioShack last year; so 2k as a whole is now as quiet as Frankenstein V3
Here is Sara; the newly obtained iBook G4. I think she may end up needing a new battery, as battery life seems worse off than Sonata, but thankfully not as bad as Laptop. Also, when on, the Apple logo on the lid glows *__*
Now, if only I could find this skin in an iBook friendly size...
Because I felt like it, a picture of all 4 laptops of the fleet together. So, you have Sara with Sonata, Asagi, and Laptop.
My dice collection. I have a noticeable lack of d4s here, but I have just about everything else; with plenty of d10s and d20s to go around
Lastly, the bag I store the dice in. It's a Charmeleon bag I obtained when I was big into the Pokémon collectable marbles they used to make; it's the perfect size to keep my dice stored in :3