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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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kickass stuff, man! all of it looks so cool, and you got it for a steal. reminds me of that "an sd card holds more than ALL of this!" pic, where you got the "ALL of this!"! ^^

that said, mel has requested one of the SE copies (i don't think she'd care if she got the loose copy), and i'd be appriciative if you could bring the after dark and star trek screensavers for timmy. :3
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Me and the weirdest East German jacket ever.


That jacket looks cool. I'm a bit jealous >_>


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Cool jacket. Cool glowing red cyborg eye too. : p




Nice pics ^_^

While I'm here, I might as well share some of the pics I already have ready to go
First off, the moon last Saturday; obstructed by a lite fog. It looks so cool >w<
This is one of the reasons why I've considered replacing Laptop: it hates soft resets, which always results in funky glitches like this before crashing mid-boot. Even on it's native Windows 98, it'd do this, so it's not a glitch caused by Neptune or Windows 2000
This is my kind of manufacturing error; ending up with 1 and a half Life Savers mints in a single wrapper :3
Obligatory pictures of my cat :3

Lastly, as a sneak peek of what I'll soon be posting once I have all the pics ready, a random question for you: Who would win in this fight?
The team of Lugia, Rainbow Dash, Yoshi, and a Ninja, or Batman?


@laptop: you never selected the operating stem to start. should it be Microft Neptune or Microwave 2000 Confess Anal? i suppose if you leave it alone it'll pick for you. >>;

@fight: 4 vs 1 ain't fair. >>;

also, sylvester looks less fluffy than usual. is he just shedding or did you get him a haircut? :3
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So, new pics; this time, showing off some of my figurines :3
First off, some assorted superhero figurines. My sister is collecting these now, and gave me some of her doubles. They kind of remind me of the mini Power Rangers figurines I used to have as a kid :3
Also, the rubber ninja is there just because
This is only a small portion of my Pokémon figurines. There were just too many of them to display, so I narrowed it down to just my favorites
This one is old, but here's a pic of my figurine of Fuka, from Disgaea 4, standing in front of Fuuka the Mac Mini. She came bundled with the collector's edition of the game.
My Mega Man figurines. There's a few that are lost in my room, but this is a bulk of them
My two Yoshi figurines; the one on the left was a promotional item from Taco Bell in '97, the one on the right was part of a birthday gift from my sister in '08 or so
My small collection of ponies. Also, Sylvester :3
Lastly, a size comparison. We all know Batman is dwarfed in size by Rainbow Dash, and both are close in size to Lugia xD

Now, for a few other things:
"These socks are so dirty, they're moving on their own...and meowing :3"
Here's a nice NES game case I bought yesterday. It looks really nice, is quite clean for it's age, holds 15 games, and best of all, it says "Digital Audio" on the sides of it in an NES font for seemingly no reason at all xD (Although, it's hard to see in the pic I took)
The last pic shows it containing roughly half of my NES collection; focusing mainly on favorites and 5\6 Mega Man games


1: i think i have one of those rubber ninjas. :3
2. now that it's okay to mention this, *were
that said, nice ones. :3
3. special edition stuff is always cool. -w-
4. pretty cool. never actually played the games, so idk much about it. :\
5. promooo stufff~~~
6. KITTY. <333
that said, you should get some of the ones with stylable hair! xD
7. i wish there could be a real-life comparison. lugia would obviously dwarf them two. xD
8. eeewww, dirty socks. >>; at least there's a cat there. xD
9.coo-ool. :3
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Yarr!!! That be the legendary white whale, the Cockle whale!!! Man the harpoons!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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