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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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I do have a place I can hide it. The ugly white wardrobe I almost never use has a small section to hang up clothes, so I can hide it there >:3

Anyway, here are the last 2 pics of me in a fancy dress; from nearly a year ago
I almost forgot how good I looked in that dress ^_~


not bad at all, man. though as wedding dresses go that one's old fashioned. xDD
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A lot of the dresses in my grandma's bridal shop are old-fashioned :3
There are a few that have been there since she opened the store, from what I've heard


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Sometime in the mid-to-late '80s. I don't remember exactly when, but it was after my grandpa's hardware store that used to be across the street


Looks good dude, even if the dress is a bit old and you might look more convincing with a "softer" expression (more of a smile, less deadpan) and a nice wig.



...And now, commentary from Brave Sir PentiTM, listed in order you posted the pics

1st: You look great :3

2nd: The motion blur is making me think of the wormhole scene from Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Fiiiiiireee phoooooootooooon tooorpeeeedoooooos!)

3rd: You fridge is more advanced than mine. Mine is from the late '80s or so, but it still works great >:3

4th: The tie on your uniform looks like it's glowing o_o

5th: Because of the glow, it looks like you're about to regenerate xD I knew you where a Time Lady

6th: Another nice picture :3
As a random note about a box on your bookshelf toward the bottom, I have one exactly like that to keep my USB flash drives in

7th: I feel an urge to hug you and give you a cookie. IMO the best of the pics ^_^

8th: Looks like you where attacked by a wet newspaper xD

9th: I did notice the strap, but I first though it was the cord to your heating pad ^_^;;;;


lol. waay too thin to be an electrical cord. xD

also, technically that's my sister's room. (mine's bigger. >w>)
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Here we are; pictures from my adventure in the abandoned hospital, back in December '09.

To save myself the trouble of linking all 100+ pictures, here's a link to the album. It was pretty cool...although, looking back, part of me wishes I had taken that copy of Windows 98SE, regardless of the fact I already had two copies at home
Also, 2010 was so crappy that I don't think it would have made a difference, if taking that CD would have placed a curse on me or not


Why are there no cool abandoned places around here. ;-;

I'd have totally tried to pilfer some of those pieces of computer equipment/manuals.


coooooooooooooooooooool :3

if i was to nab something from there:
some slides
some crappy curtains?
medical records, if they were there
dat plaque?
odd medical textbooks/dat typewriter manual
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I think I saw an IBM PC of some sort, too.


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