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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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i finished painting my dolls ^^ but i feel like it would be better posted in the figurine/plush thread in the anime section, so look for it there. :\

i'll try to get some pics of my fleet later today, though. :3

EDIT: pent said it was okay to post, so here:

the effect on the card is pretty powerful....
click to make it bigger


That, my friends, is a game breaking card. Move over, Exodia; I'm a dignified businesswoman >:3


That looks nice ^_^

Also, I spy a rainbow Apple logo on the back of your iMac


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



Seconding. I'm kind of bored with the white wallpapers I've had in my last few apartments.


Your room seems awfully comfy *.*


it's a summer camp dream! xD

looks cozy, bells. -w-
click to make it bigger


Yep. it's time for part 1 of my year-in-review special. In this part, a look at what I consider my best pictures of me, as well as my favorites I saw from other OSCers. So, get ready and enjoy ^_^

Section 1: Me
Best standard mode pic
This one earned me many compliments on GameFAQs for how badass I look; standing barefoot with a wooden sword in hand. So, this one takes the cake

Best trap mode pic without wig
My hair is awesome in this pic, plus I think it worked pretty well even with minimal padding in the chest (Just the bra; no water balloons added this time)

Best trap mode pic with wig
If I had gone smaller with the water balloons in this pic, it would have been perfect IMO. Damn, I wish I still had access to a wig...

Best trap mode pic in a fancy dress (Winner of the "Pitkin is jealous" award)
Although I think a wig would have helped this greatly, I still love the way I look in that dress. Also, can't argue with something that makes Pit jealous ^_~

Best pic of me with a member of the fleet
This is the pic that I liked enough to use as my DeviantID, over on my dA page. Can't argue with a pic of me using Asagi

Best pic of my cat
Silly scraah! Hit to key
My cat though he was a Meowth, as he was fighting Charmander

Best picture involving a plushie
Kero still has a sonic screwdriver. Your argument is invalid

Best pic of a random piece of memorabilia
I have no idea what significance this dancing Coca-Cola can may have, but it's something that has always been at my grandma's office ever since I was little

Best psychedelic desktop picture
Well, it's the only psychedelic desktop pic I have, but I had to repost this one. 2k looks kind of evil, with those red eyes...

Section 2: Favorites from other OSCers
Best pic in a kimono
Kari looks beautiful in this pic. Not much else to say; the pic speaks for itself

Best badass in a MLP shirt
This is Nejin in a nutshell; a badass who likes My Little Pony

Best reverse trap
Bella. Hands down. Seriously; in this pic, she looks like an older version of a friend of mine from many years ago, who was actually a boy. Which, it does get you to thinking that maybe that boy was really Bella in disguise all along, and I never realized it until now...

Best pic of one's hair doing a '50s flip
Not only is this a great pic of Kari, but as an interesting note, she looks almost exactly like one of my former coworkers :3 (One of the ones whom I wish I had been able to keep in contact with after she left the hospital).

Best badass in uniform (Winner of the "Bella had a nosebleed" award)
Stew is kind of like me...but with the awesomeness turned up to 11. Nothing more needs to be said

Best adventurer
Bella looks like she's ready to set out on an epic expedition to find an Apple III inside the tomb of the Cybermen or something. Therefore, it gets a reference

Best pic of a moth
I have never seen a moth look like this in my life, so I had to repost it; I'm used to moths being smaller and having a less fancy wing design, so this caught me off-guard. My apologies to Bella for bringing back bad memories of it's presence, but if it makes you feel better, I had a bee in my room when I was 9; which caused me to enter a BSOD >_<

Best cat tree
Very nice, Cappy. My cat would love this :3

Well, that's it for this part. Tomorrow, part 2 goes up; in which I talk about the best moments of the year that can only be discussed in a certain area of the forum...which is where that post will be, of course


@pentium: *appplause* that was fun ^^ makes me think i should start posting more pics of myself and my stuff. :\ or at least a pic of me in a kimono that i own, since i only tried on that one at the store for my friend's birthday one year. ^^ (we all went there and tried on the kimonos and cheongsams and such, it was fun. ^^)
that said, thanks also for the compliment. yamato nadeshiko ftw. ^^
click to make it bigger


@Pentium: *goes up to podium, collects awards* ^^

Amazing collection of pics there! I'd like to go back and collect some of my favorite pics from this thread, but alas I'm too lazy. >>

But I must say, I really like having a member picture thread. It's a lot of fun seeing fellow OSCers and friends I might not otherwise see (since not everyone here is able to, or wants to videocall on a regular basis, much less meet in person) and get a glimpse into their lives and interests. : )


Quote from: Bella on December 30, 2011, 10:36:42 PM
I really like having a member picture thread. It's a lot of fun seeing fellow OSCers and friends I might not otherwise see (since not everyone here is able to, or wants to videocall on a regular basis, much less meet in person) and get a glimpse into their lives and interests. : )
This is exactly why I try to at least post a pic of myself now and then, as I've often neglected that on other sites.
(I usually delete my pictures shortly after, but hey, lol)
And anyone can video call with me anytime they want, I'm a lot more interesting on camera it seems.


i feel bad abut not video chatting with you guy more, since i'm usually not really doing anything. but whenever i have the video on i feel like i can't multitask, since it would be rude to have the tv on and it feels odd not devoting my attention to the other person. :\
audio calls are easier, but still semi-inconvenient for me....

also, since somehow the topic came up in the h section, me in my bikini:

(seeing this makes me think i should either lose weight, stand up straight more, or both ;^; )
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