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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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damn....... o__o;

well, everyone has their hobbies :3

(oo, i'ma take a picture of the thanksgiving pie to show ya!)
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@Bella: You obviously own a lot of horses
@Kari: Awesome ^_^

So, later today, I'm going to take a picture some of you will probably find interesting; a shot showing the first 4 Pentium processors, among a few other things


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Pic time~
Obligatory picture of my cat, making himself comfortable on Asagi :3
This is Penti-chan; the first Pentium MMX based PC in the fleet since...well, PentiumMMX the Laptop. It was formally used in the laboratory at work, although it was retired in '07; where it remained buried in storage until I found it and salvaged it.
This is Captain Caveman; the oldest laptop to ever be a technical part of the fleet (It coexisted with PentiumMMX, but it stayed mainly at my grandma's house). Both it's hard drive and monochrome screen are dead, and replacement parts are impossible to find, so sadly this one is long gone.
The 4 Pentiums. In this pic, you have a 75Mhz Pentium (The grey one), 266Mhz Pentium II (The cartridge), 1Ghz Pentium III (The green one), and 2.8Ghz Pentium 4 (The silver one)
The same original Pentium as seen above, next to an IBM-branded 150Mhz Cyrix 6x86. This is actually the first Cyrix I've ever seen in person; every PC I've ever encountered from that era, if it didn't have a Pentium, had an AMD K-series processor.
Low-end processors ahoy! A 33Mhz 486SX next to a 900Mhz Celeron
In closing, my current phone. Much more simple than the previous one, but built like a tank by comparison


Cute cat, that cartridge processor is insane, and Capt. Caveman reminds me of my Colorbooks...

EDIT: I now realize this was the most unintentionally-alliterative post ever.


It's picture time again :3

We open up with something seasonal: the Christmas lights setup a neighbor does every year, which I have lovingly dubbed "Perfect Chaos". Embrace the awesomeness, if you can pardon my crappy picture (Damn street light messing with my camera's nighttime setting...)
It changes up every year, but the basics of it always remain the same; multi-colored lights going everywhere

Now, onto everything else:
I wear my Snuggie backwards, because I'm badass like that
My drink of choice while the parents where away; sparkling red grape a wine bottle >:3
My sister's Christmas gift; a Windows 7 upgrade code...wrapped in the box for the upgrade version of Windows 95. Problem? *trollface*

To close this post out, new trap pics~
I love this look...even if you can see my bra through my top >_<
(As a note, the only padding here is the bra itself. No water balloons)
Same clothing as above, but with a different pose
Lastly, a previously unreleased relic from the DSi era of trap photos; me in a swimsuit


Long as we are posting collection pictures..

and a cooking photos nom nom nom

Yes thats the famous I made it and I ate it.

"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


@Cappy: You has flintlock pistol? I...I want it! *drool*


it looks so good......

@pentium: those trap pics look much better, dude! good job! ^^ (it helps that your hair has some more fluff to it. :3)
as for the badassery and the trollface, earlier i was strolling through the fabric store with Jurin (one of my dolls) on my shoulder, saying things like "Like a Boss" and "They see me rollin', they hatin'..."
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Thanks ^_^

My hair is a bit longer than I normally have it, which works great for trap mode...but can sometimes be uncomfortable, as it makes my ears hot >_<


yeah, it can make your neck and ears a bit warm. but you could pull it back. guys with ponytails are awesome. -w-
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It's not long enough in the back to do a ponytail. A majority of my hair seems to be toward the front


i'd say pigtails, but that might inspire some odd looks from your mum. (i single her out because your sister seems to be more progressive and i haven't heard anything about your dad. :3)
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Well no actually, its a cap and ball but its still part of the black powder weapon family. Difference being you put little "snap cap" primers on a pet and the hammer sets that off, as where a flint long you pour a little powder on a tray and the hammer has a peice of flint that comes down and strikes a rough surface to make sparks

EDIT: we need more pictures, crazy cat lady time

My cat that watches TV

My cat that loves boxes

Thats no moon.... its a cat tree!

Lesbian kitty love
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


are those actual guns? or do they just fire airsoft or bebee?
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