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Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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i don't get access to tubs often. this, combined with being a pisces born in a water year of the chinese zodiac, means than when i get access to a tub, a proper bath is a minimum 2 hours. -w-
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Shower: 15-60 minutes, depending on how much of a hurry I'm in.
Tub: No. Why would I do that.
Sauna: 2-3 hours, depending on the amount of drink/snacks/people with me.


Shower: half an hour at least.
Tub: an hour, often longer.

* Paul <3s water :D


fishes LOVE water. -w-

@nej: i get the feeling that a sauna would be nice if it weren't for the fact that i faint in conditions like that.
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Sauna is nice. VERY nice. 200F and moist as a good cupcake, anyone? =w=


Shower: about five minutes, ten if I'm feeling decadent or have to wash my hair.
Bath: Between 20-45 minutes. Depends on how quickly the water cools off (since, in the fall and winter at least, I like to maintain a water temp. of around 105 degrees; I use water as a means of heating myself before bed, since the house is usually coldasfuck.) 

I'm an aquarius, btw, so I also love water... I can't wait until I get into the new house, and have my own whirlpool bathtub and an endless hot water heater so I can start taking longer baths and showers. -w-


errgh i'm so jealous of you bells. ;^; i've always wanted a tub, and a whirlpool tub just sounds like the bees knees.

@nej: i nearly fainted coming out of a shower my vision was going dark almost while it's tempting, nuuuu. >.>;
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I could never do a sauna. I already have a hard enough time handling the summer heat, so anything greater would not be very enjoyable for me


it's the steam that kills me. i have a mild form of asthma, so the high concetration of steam makes it harder to breathe.
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Well, theoretically one could do sauna in the would be hot as fuck, though.


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Inventory: glass of water, pencil, calendar, phone, no bathtub.

Shower: depends on what I'm planning to do in the shower / how busy I am. 5-60 minutes. Also I use hotter water when I take shorter showers (probably hot enough to burn myself in 10 minutes).

Sauna: the apartment I lived in few months ago had one, this one doesn't. There's a public sauna... but it'd cost. I don't usually spend much time in sauna, usually it's just 10-15 minutes...



If you remember back in early May this year, my sister and I took a bet on what was going to happen in the new episode of Doctor Who that was airing on her birthday; which, I ended up winning. As a result, she preordered the collector's edition of Disgaea 4 for me as soon as she could..., 4 months later, it has arrived:
Here is the oversized box the game came in (Holding it, the art book, and the Fuka figurine), along with the soundtrack CD (Which is what made preordering it through NISA better than Gamestop).
...And here's the Fuka figurine; seen standing in front of the similarly-named Fuuka. I would have her standing on top, but due to the magnets in her feet (Allowing her to be removed from the display stand), I instead went with this. As a note, I currently have a picture of her set as one of my wallpapers; which you've probably seen over in /Desktop.


jealous of that figurine.

that said, let me know how the game turns out. ^^

also, i suppose i might survive in a sauna, considering i periodically put on the heating pad and turn it up to high, which to other people would burn like hell. -w-
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Sauna sauna sauna~~ <3 I don't do well there, but the first moments were always nice. ^.^ 15-30 minutes in sauna for me usually.

Shower~ I used to have big issues with dizziness in hot showers until this year, but uh, it seems that miraculously after my hospital stay that too got better. :S 10-30 minutes usually, truth be told I would love longer ones, but this apartment doesn't have enough hot water. Also I kind of feel guilty for wasting it afterwards. ><

Tub - a bit the same like sauna, as I love this too and at the same time cannot handle it for very long time (without a cold drink next) - 20-60 minutes. In Finland I never had a tub since very small, but now in France there's one in the apartment. ^-^

Since the topic was shaving just a short while ago, I have to say I feel sorry for Bella: I've never heard of anyone getting burns from armpits, and in general I shave always - like Choco - with just water. Some product can be nice for the scent, but for the shaving itself I have no need for it. I don't care in the least if a person shaves or not, as it's just a matter of being comfortable: however, I believe the western society's attitude to (women's) body hair is totally unhealthy. I even remember someone commenting in the OSC gallery years ago how he'd scream if his "future wife" stopped shaving one day... just blah. >< Shaving feels great to me though, and clothes feel really nice against the legs after, so I think it's worth it. x)

I don't have a picture at hand to post. >.>