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Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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um, i don't either. i don't even use soap. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 04, 2011, 09:45:43 PM
um, i don't either. i don't even use soap. :\

Holy crap, how do you not cut yourself to ribbons/experience the most excruciating razor burn of your life? I only shave my legs after a hot shower and with gel, and even then I usually end up getting tons of razor burn. :/

I won't even attempt to do my underarms with a razor any more, after not being able to comfortably put my arms down for like a week; if I want to go hairless for whatever reason, I use chemical depilatories. (They can cause some irritation, but nothing compared to shaving. Also, the grow-out part is a lot less annoying that way.)


i use a good razor and water. occasionally i'll spread a little soap over the area, but that's rare.

i have a venus razor with 5 blades and one of those little conditioning strips. more blades = less irritation.
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Cream/soap/whatever indeed just makes it harder. Also can't see shit captain, what am I supposed to shave, how much is there left, do i need to make another pass, etc? Also gets MORE burn. -_-


that's what your sense of touch is for......and just have your leg/arm/whatever underwater when you shave. acts as a lube w/o obscuring vision.

also, pressing harder =/= a better shave, for everyone's reference. a light touch can help prevent burn. :\
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I have a case of insufficient light in the bathroom, so no good shaving results there.

Picture unrelated.


pretty cool pic.

and when i said "light touch", it had nothing to do with lighting. i meant that you shouldn't press down when you shave. :\
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I did understand that. :p I don't really have problems with shaving, but with epilation I do: friggin ingrowns everywhere (I sometimes forget to exfoliate my legs after that which might make the situation worse).


ouch. not sure what to do there, maybe just exfoliate once a week or something?
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But, water isn't a lubricant. At least not for shaving. Also, I'm pretty sure FEWER blades are supposed to be less irritating for people with sensitive skin. (Going by the articles I've read on the subject).

Anyway, just so i can make an on-topic post:


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off topic: water serves the purpose of making it easier to shave by lubricating the surface. thus, it's a lube.
also, i speak from commercials and personal experience that more blades = less irratation. i've shaved with 1 blade, i've shaved with 5 blades. there's a reason the 1-blade instant disposable razors are so cheap and cheaply made. :\

on topic: so much hair! *0*
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More blades => better and closer shave, which however also causes more burn on sensitive peoples.
Water doesn't lubricate, it opens up the pores of your skin making the hair easier to cut the fuck out of. Science.

Shaving. It's science.


thankyou. :3

EDIT: hey osc, with all this talk of shaving preference, i was wondering, how long does everyone take in the shower/tub? i usually take about a half hour or so in the shower. tub is a different story. -w-

(don't take this as an awkward question. i'm just a curious person. :3)
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I usually take about 10 to 15 minutes in the shower, while the tub can be anywhere from that to 45 minutes; depending on wither I'm just wanting to get clean or want to relax for a while