OS-tan Annex Project Revival

Started by Aurora Borealis, February 20, 2010, 01:17:23 AM

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these look awesome! i never knew that about rhapsody, any idea why she was never released (was it the same reason as neptune/odyssey)?

and you beat me to it, i was gonna say that NT and rhapsody would get along perfectly. i'll have to work that into the comic. <3
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Aurora Borealis

Thanks! :)

Rhapsody was a prototype OS that was later released as the first Mac OSX Server, but even then it isn't available to the public (high-end business users only). Yet copies of the prototype Rhapsody were somehow obtained by hobbyists and has some following among them.


she probably got released the same way that odyssey did: through a leak.

either way, they both look awesome. on a different note (out of curiosity) is there a bio for apple I?
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Aurora Borealis

Yes there is!

QuoteName: Apple I
aka: "Apple-1"
Debut: 4/1/1976
Height: 150 cm (4'11")
Weight: ?? kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Brown

Quick Facts:
-The de-facto mother figure of the whole Apple Family (despite that the Mac OS and OSX lines are not directly related to the original Apple line)
-A young hippie woman with a penchant for crafts, especially woodworking.
-wore a patchy red+orange dress with a white sash, wooden jewelry and wooden shoes.
-had a sweet, maternal and optimistic disposition, though was also somewhat of a prankster in her youth.
-wanted to spend quality time with all of her daughters, although her health began to decline in '78, and she died in late '79.
-Lived to see Apple II, Apple III and Lisa, but died shortly after Mac System 1 was born. (development on the Mac started in late '79)
-Spent most of her time with Apple II to teach her the things that will ensure a better future for her and her sisters.
-Was last seen by Lisa in her final moments, and apologized to her for not being able to spend much time with her before passing away.
-Her body is preserved and kept in a mausoleum whose location and existence is only known to Lisa.
-Was childhood friends with Altair.



how sweet. she's pretty short though. xD
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Good work on the ][ and Rhapsody-tan bios!

And I just got the most genius idea to try making an Apple I-tan cosplay.

Brunette? Check
Hippie patchwork skirt? Check
All sorts of other hippiewear/jewelry? Check


Aurora Borealis


as would i. poast toast indeed. -w-
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Aurora Borealis

Two more new bios, posted up on my userpage:

QuoteName: Mac OSX 10.0-tan
aka: "Cheetah-tan"
Debut: 3/24/2001
Height: 180 cm (5'11")
Weight: ??kg
Eye Color: Red
Hair: Lilac

Quick Facts:

-Wears futuristic-styled black minidresses with long gloves, an eye patch and fishnet stockings.
-Is mischievous and playful, but at times her ideas of playfulness border on the sadistic.
-Has the largest breasts of the OSX-tans (OSX Cheetah's requirements were relatively high, twice that of OS9's)
-Lacks self-confidence, is clumsy, and is the least stable of the OSX-tans. Three weaknesses she wants to hide at all costs.
-Gains confidence when treated with affection.
-Likes to model for Mac OS9-tan.
-Considered very scary by most of the Mac-tans, and is feared the most by the OSX-kuns because she's at least as perverted as they are.
-Strangely enough, teams up with System 6, Mac OS8 and OSX to fight perversion in the Mac House.

QuoteName: Coleco Adam-tan
aka: "Adam-chan"
Debut: 1983
Height: 142 cm (4'8")
Weight: ??kg
Eye Color: Red
Hair: Orange

Quick Facts:

-Is timid and paranoid, but does her best to be courteous to others.
-Notorious for erasing nearby tapes, and attracting metal objects because of electromagnetic energy she involuntarily generates.
-Has wavy orange hair that is almost always frizzled because of the electromagnetic discharges.
-Always carries her printer with her.
-Still rivals with Apple II, her main rival from the 80's.
-Tomboyish, but also carries a Cabbage Patch doll with her.
-Difficult to understand when speaking, lapses into incoherency at times.
-Good at both office work and gaming.
-Childhood friends with her sister Colecovision-tan, but were separated in 1988 when their family fell apart.
-Still feels a lot of guilt for causing her family's demise in just 5 years but remains upbeat with the motivation from her followers who helped her during her wanderer years.
-Wears a beige dress shirt with green frills, matching shoes, pants and white tights.
-Closest friends with Apple ///, Barbie Linux and Plus/4.



/flies across room by unknown means and hugs Cheetah

your hair, your eyes! such gorgeous colors!


I've sort of reconceived Colossus Mark II through MR@S. Should toast be poasted ITT or elsewhere?

Oh and Aurora, if you could do a decent-looking avatar for her I'd be tons grateful (so we don't have to use that horrifying design pic I threw up on dA).

Aurora Borealis

Sure, you can post it here. This thread just isn't about the bios, but also to discuss backstories and new character concepts. :)

I like her design so far, but think she should be fancier-looking, since she's a super-powerful and old Mainframe-tan. Or is she the type who dresses more practically anyways?

Once you have a finalized design for her, I'll get to making an avatar of her!


Well, that's her present-time Mission Dress, sort of. She might've been a tad fancier way back, but she was ALWAYS very secret and hidden - the existence of the project wasn't revealed until well into the 70's - so I don't imagine that her fashion would be too much of a striking one. Also, she has the "Gray Woman" ability that allows her to essentially hide in plain sight, manipulating onlookers' perception to just look past her, not notice her or in case they persist, just see a huge gray blob-ish kind of thing. This also relies on not wearing too much fancy gear. Also, making fancy dresses that can withstand extending to 10x their normal size isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

I imagine her "old style" would involve a longer skirt and a british army uniform. She doesn't work for them anymore tho, so no more of that.

The design is final, it's just that the picture itself is awful. -_-

Anyway, character backstory and stuff on Colossus, a-go.
Colossus was born in december '43, and was installed at the codebreaking operations HQ in Bletchley Park by february. The positive results from the Ultra Secret intelligence (in the UK named Boniface, in the US Magic) led to the development of a second version, Mark II, and by June '44, just in time for the Normandy landings, the upgrades on Colossus were complete. (in addition to the new machines, the original Mark I was upgraded and rebuilt into a Mark II - thus, Colossus is -tan for both Mark I and Mark II)
In addition to increasing mission efficiency, the extra memory and circuits allowed Colossus to increase her maximal size by more than 3 meters, and also gave her a second, more normally proportioned Micro mode (174 cm as opposed to 188 cm). She worked with many humans who were later to become pioneers in the early age of computing, including Alan Turing (noteworthy is that Colossus was not a Turing-complete machine, however); she is also regarded by those "in the know" as the inventor of modern magic (Colossus was the very first programmable electronic computer; Zuse Z3 preceded her in programmability, but lacked a conditional branch and was an electro-mechanical computer, just like Harvard Mark I; ENIAC came 2 years later but is regarded by the general public as the first programmable computer since it was designed for general-purpose as opposed to codebreaking only, and also was a very public and medial project unlike the hush-hush Colossus) and a great hero of the second World War (the Ultra intelligence is estimated to have shortened the war by 4-5 years, and it is unknown how the end outcome would've been without it).

After the war, however, Colossus' mission was complete and she was, essentially, out of work. Despite great satisfaction over her success from both superiors and herself, her future looked bleak; the original machine (the old Mark I) was dismantled and returned in parts to the Post Office, and the same fate was shared by all but two of the ten machines, which limited her powers significantly (note however that in terms of computing power, she was very well supplied already; tests on the rebuilt Mark II reveal that the processing power of one Colossus is equivalent to 5,8 MHz - comparable to the '81 IBM PC @ 4,8 MHz or the '85 Amiga 1000 at 7,1MHz). For 15 years following the war, Colossus contended with training humans in the use of computers - she was dragged into a few semi-successful attempts to develop new specialized programs for her, but the ever-looming hood of secrecy eventually got the better of her - in 1959 and 1960 the last Colossus machines were dismantled and all blueprints burned, leading to Colossus' death.

In 1994, however, plans were made for the revival of Colossus - and none were less surprised than Colossus herself when the giant hummed to life once more in the place where Colossus n.9 once had stood. Revived into the Information Age and a world where humans depend on computers for just about everything, Colossus now observes the workings of the world from her ancestral home in Bletchley Park. Her activities are unknown.

She has reddish brown hair down to her shoulders (various hairdos have been tried during the years, however) and gray-blue eyes. During her first mission as a part of Ultra at Bletchley Park, she dressed in green army uniform with ULTRA embroidery and a long white skirt. After the war she started wearing a green-white dress with her army patterning and medals - this eventually changed into a rather plain blue dress with the Union Jack during the later years until her death. Her current fashion is a fusion of old and new; A blue/white suit jacket with an Omega on the left and the Union Jack on the right, worn over a white blouse and a white shorter skirt, with black leggings and high-heel boots decorated with large, blue ribbons. Her clothing is always made to be able to take the strain of expanding to 10x its smallest size, so as to prevent uncomfortable situations when in her larger modes - the technique used is one of her own few spells, which leads to her making all of her clothing herself.

Micron ability - Colossus has the power to downsize her body to a less obstructive level. Micro mode is 188cm, and Micro-n mode is 174cm.
COLOSSUS ability - while her normal height is a "mere" 7,1 meters, Colossus is able to significantly increase that number. Her usual "over-modes" are 10,0 meters, for easier calculation of proportions and measurements (especially useful while making new gear), and her maximum size of 18,2 meters.
Magic and Sorcery - though specialized in codebreaking, Colossus has the ability to use "normal" magic as well, and is the oldest electronic computer to do so. She was never taught the finer arts of general-purpose magic, however, and as such most of her spells are crude and primitive in nature, or simple brute-force spells. As she doesn't have much use for either (the former being unpractical and useless in general, and the latter being generally less powerful than she can manage with her own physical strength), she doesn't use magic very much at all (aside from when making clothing) and is thought not to be very good at it.
Gray Woman ability - in order to keep her identity secret, Colossus employs this ability to hide herself in plain sight, manipulating the perception of eventual onlookers to disregard her presence or simply not notice her at all. This ability is powerful enough to keep her hidden even when in normal size (up to 10 meters); Fullsize mode drains too much power, however, and renders it useless.
Code Breaker ability - with unimaginable speed, Colossus is thought to be able to break any just about any code invented effortlessly. Notable is that this allows her to hack her way into Closed Space that is otherwise inaccessible to the general public; combined with her stealth, this would theoretically allow her to access even the most secure of the OS-tans' hideouts, including the Mac/Windows family houses and various corporate headquarters. No information of reported incidents exist, however; whether this is due to them not having occurred in the first place or just never have been discovered, remains to be seen.

Ohohohohoho~rant. -_-

Aurora Borealis

Wow! Her super-stealth code-breaking and Closed Space-breaking abilities make her --in theory at least-- the OS-tan equivalent of Big Brother! o_o

Is she in the Mainframe Guild, unaffiliated, or a member of the Guild but none of the other Guild members realize that because she's super stealthy? :)


^^ coleco-vision! xD

uun, the bios look great. ^^

good god....the oldest living OS-tan.... O____O;
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