OS-tan Annex Project Revival

Started by Aurora Borealis, February 20, 2010, 01:17:23 AM

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hmm, possible project.

i'll tackle this one. :3 i want to be useful too. ^^
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heh, but that's what makes it more fun! ^^
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Aurora Borealis

Well, I'm about to add one more -tan to the roster, since I was working on revising PilotOS-tan's article in the wiki, read more about the PilotOS + Xerox Star on wikipedia, and saw that it was based off Xerox's older Alto computer, which the PilotOS was also created on. So, long story short, concepts for a Xerox Alto-tan?

Trying to decide if she'd be PilotOS-tan's mother or older sister, but would have been influential in her early life, and the two easily worked together since the Star wasn't meant to replace the Alto (it didn't, btw).

She would be an old colleague of NLS-tan, and admired her ideals. In turn, she influenced PilotOS/Star, as well as a very young Lisa-tan and a newly-born Mac System 1-tan. Her interactions with Lisa and Mac resulted in good publicity for her, which would backfire years later, leaving Star bitter and Alto in despair.

Both the Alto and the Star were discontinued in the mid or late 80's, and the two went their separate ways.

I don't have ideas for her design yet, aside from her being very tall for her era, and probably also has blonde hair.


it seems like you got that one under control. meanwhile, i'll keep on the 2 DOSes; freeDOS is almost done.

EDIT: Aurora, PC-DOS already exists! i found a picture of her in my comik pile! hang on, i'll find her :\


(copied the link at the bottom of the picture i found :3)
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Aurora Borealis

Yeah, but doesn't have a mini-bio for the Annex Project page, that's all. That's what I meant. ^^;


be moar clear please. :[

speaking of which, did freeDOS already have a character? :\
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Aurora Borealis

Yeah, she and PCDOS-tan both have articles in the wiki, but not bios for the Annex.

PCDOS: [link]

FreeDOS: [link]


hmmph. be more clear next time on what you want, please. i had designed a character for freeDOS thinking she didn't have one.

ugh, maybe i should step out of this project. feels like i'm doing it wrong. >:\
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Aurora Borealis

I'm sorry about that! Stupid me! I will be more clear next time, and should have been in the first place. Mainly in this thread when referring to character bios or lack of, I was referring to them specifically in this project unless otherwise specified. I had thought that was clear enough.

There are some character concepts that still need designs, and I'm hoping you could help me with them.


ok, that's what i'm best at. ^^; sorry if i seemed madd, i was just a little annoyed.

and if you don't have a bio for her why not just use the info from the wiki page? i thought it went annex -> wiki, not the other way around. xD
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Aurora Borealis

In some cases, the wiki bio came first! In that case, it's just a matter of condensing info from that into the annex bio format.  :P


ah. well in that case, i'll try using that. ^^;
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Aurora Borealis

I can't yet edit posts (so I can't go back and update the original posts), but should I continue with putting up new bios and avatars here until then? I have a few ready!


You should be able to edit posts now, this was a wrong setting due to the forum migration (boards didn't have permissions defined)