OS-tan Annex Project Revival

Started by Aurora Borealis, February 20, 2010, 01:17:23 AM

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Aurora Borealis

Makes sense. Before the OS Wars, consumer computer/OS-tans solved their conflicts in a similar manner.

Glad you like how Whirlwind's avatar turned out. I looked at your painting of her for reference, but wasn't entirely sure about the color scheme.


whirlwind is so pretty ^^

and also, i could picture programs solving their differences in a civil manner, but the OS-tans themselves are just too dramatic. xD
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Aurora Borealis

Two new bios, for the LUC, which I had overlooked for some time now. :(


Name: Red Hat Linux
aka: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
debut: 1994 (original), 2003 (Red Hat Enterprise)
height: 164 cm
weight: ??kg
eye color: red
hair: dark red w/ red streaks

Quick Facts:

-One of GNU/Linux's oldest daughters.
-Used to be quiet and timid, but since her new lease on life in 2003, she has become a powerful and confident businesswoman.
-Still a follower of GNU/Linux's ideals, but has done some questionable business moves, such as adopting eCOS, only to fire her caregivers and destroy her house.
-Became the businesswoman she did so her younger sister Fedora could have a better role model to live up to than her former self.
-One of SCO Unix's sworn enemies.
-Has several descendants of her own, including Mandriva, PCLOS and SAM.
-Teams up with Fedora on spy missions.
-Carries a suitcase at nearly all times.
-Has short red hair with highlights, wears a red fedora, a grey+red business suit, along with a trenchcoat when on missions.

Name: Linux XP-tan
debut: circa 2005
height: unknown
weight: ?? kg
eye color: varies
hair: varies

Quick Facts:
-Her appearance is best described as a cross between Linux, and any of the XP-tans.
-Likes to dress up as the Windows XP-tans and imitate them, right down to the need for an activation key!
-Criticized by her family for being shareware.
-Is generous at first but will charge you if you consult her so many times for her help.
-In costume, her resemblances to the XPs are uncanny, but have a few giveaways: her accent, small appetite, and dislike for yaoi.
-Wants to befriend the Windows Family and the LUC alike, but is an outcast by both factions.
-Friends with Linspire and Freespire, fellow Windows fangirls and outcasts.

Next up, I'd like to work on the bios of Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan since they were mentioned in Linux XP's bio.

Both were originally wanderers, but their company got bought out by Xandros in '08 or '09, and apparently Linspire got discontinued. Reflecting this, they were forcibly conscripted into the LUC by their new boss Xandros-tan, which is bad for them since those two are outcasts by much of the LUC already!

Any thoughts about this, and any hope for those two in their new lives?



First off, SAGE, Whirlwind and BUIC

QuoteName: SAGE
aka: Semi Automated Ground Environment, “Whirlwind II”, "Gina"
Debut: Jan 1959
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Eye Color: Blue w/ yellow highlights
Hair: Brown

-Born at Lincoln Labs in 1953, is the daughter of Whirlwind
-Had a close relationship with her mother despite rarely being with her
-Girlhood friends with GENIAC-chan
-Was self-assured and capable in early adulthood
-A powerful Air Force officer during the Cold War, her job was to intercept incoming enemy bombers; had a large entourage of hardwares-tans to assist her.
-Trained in piloting as well
-While powerless against ICBMs, she was kept in service from 1958 to 1983
-A willing servant of her country, she tried to hold onto her sense of self-worth but it slowly eroded
-Became increasingly jaded and psychologically-unstable; being abandoned in 1983 was her snapping point
-Cut off from her radar sites and assistants, she lost her vision, memories and sanity for the most part
-Lives as a drifter and often inhabits her old radar sites
-Psychotic and paranoid, she deals with loneliness and bouts of violence
-Hates most smaller-scale OS-tans, but none so much as Unix
-Birds seem attracted to her but she hates them
-Lapses into moments of mental clarity
-Doesn't seem aware of the influence she's had on modern computers
-Short/average height, wears thick glasses and usually keeps her hair tied in a squash blossom hairstyle. Wears parts of her old uniform mixed with civilian pieces.


Name: BUIC
aka: Backup Interceptor Computer, “Becca”
Debut: ~1970
Height: 5'1''
Weight: 105lb
Eye Color: Blue w/ gold highlights
Hair: Red

-SAGE's daughter
-A fill-in for SAGE, she was prevented from being with her mother for reasons of operational security
- The two had a loving relationship otherwise and often corresponded by letter
-As spirited as her mum but rather unmotivated
-Not as formal as SAGE, and quicker to show displays of emotion
-Prone to boredom
-Spends her extensive free time tinkering with spare equipment
-Has swift reflexes and a keen sense of observation
-Small, thin, typically dresses in plain Air Force fatigues, has short hair and wears metal barrettes
-Died in 1983


Name: Whirlwind
aka: Whirlwind I
Debut: 1944
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 135
Eye Color: blue
Hair: black

Quick Facts:

-A lifelong Hub resident, she speaks with a heavy Boston accent (tending toward a Dorchester dialect)
-An engineer by trade
-Originally a Naval reservist, later discharged and employed by the Air Force
-Harbours a vendetta against the Navy, her discharge from which she took as a personal affront
-Generally good-natured and genteel
-Been known to display an ill temper at times
-Played an instrumental part in the creation of two of her three children
-Considered creating and raising SAGE her life's motivation
-Work kept her away from SAGE, but the two managed to keep a good rapport
-Spent more time with her other children, PDP-1 and CTSS
-Employed and in good health until 1959
-Was subject to a series of experimental surgeries (the TX-0 Project)
-These extended her life (and led directly to PDP-1's birth), but stressed her system â€" she spent the next decade or so in and out of a coma
-Died 1973
-Dons ornate 19th century-style gowns (labcoats while on the job), vacuum-tube inspired jewelry, tied her long hair in braids and with ribbons. Wears glasses.

Next, Harvard Mark I, IBM SSEC, ENIAC

QuoteName: Harvard Mark I
aka: IBM ASCC (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator)
Debut: 1944
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 116lb
Eye Color: green
Hair: brown

Quick Facts:

-Born in the Old IBM Society but sent to Harvard University in her youth
-Has largely forgotten her short time spent at IBM
-Rejected her birth-name of ASCC for the title “Mark I” â€" along with all ties to the IBM culture
-Surprisingly psychologically-stable for a -tan of her time
-Felt lonely as the only computer-tan in her town, something that lessened when she discovered and befriended Whirlwind
-Intelligent and learned but perhaps a bit out-of-touch with the real world
-Outwardly meek and withdrawn, but warms up with familiarity
-A WAVES ensign, her skills were put to use by the US Navy
-Mother of Harvard Mark II, III and IV
-Suffered from empty-nest syndrome when her two eldest children were removed from her care and stationed in Virginia
-Somewhat rivalrous with her cousin IBM SSEC
-Died at an unknown date, interred at Harvard
-Wears Byzantine-style attire, believing herself above wearing a standard Navy uniform; ties her hair in two buns


aka: Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator, Poppa
Debut: 1948
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 113
Eye Color: gold
Hair: red

Quick Facts:

-A skilled astronomer
-Considered the most beautiful -tan of her era
-Kept “on display” at IBM HQ in New York City, a living testament to her company's technological might
-Unlike most OS-tans of that time, she relishes public attention and being in the limelight
-Doesn't let anyone forget that she knows Thomas Watson Sr. personally
-Arguably more knowledgable than her cousin, Harvard Mark I
-Locked in a quiet conflict with her cousin, whom she brags about having superiority over
-Died 1952; she lived a short life, even by 1940s-50s standards
-Dresses in ornate Roman-style outfits


aka: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
Debut: ~1943-45
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 130lb
Eye Color: grey
Hair: black

Quick Facts:
-A mathematician, employed to do work too difficult for human beings
-Worked for the US Army during WWII
-Suffers from antero-retrograde amnesia
-Chronically sickly and mentally unstable, she needs an entire staff to tend to her upkeep
-Had an entirely female entourage
-Loves baubles and adorns herself with gaudy jewelry
-Obsessed with counting things, she's worked out a system of keeping track of her counts using rings on her fingers
-Uses decimal, not binary as later generations of computers would
-Biologically one-of-a-kind, she exerted a great deal of influence upon later computers-tans but left no actual descendants
-Considered EDVAC her heir
-Rivalrous toward Atanasoff-Berry Computer and Z3-tan
-Mice have been known to next in her ridiculously complex outfits
-Died from a lightning strike in 1955
-Dresses in solid black Greco-Roman-looking outfits decorated with jewels, keeps her hair tied into braids and veiled, wears delicate flip-flop type shoes.

Aurora Borealis

Great job tackling the challenge that is SAGE's bio! She's actually not THAT short though, 166 cm is about 5'5.5".

Aww... sad to hear SAGE's daughter died long ago. Did they ever meet?

Whoa! I never thought of Whirlwind as the ill-tempered type at all. I thought that her experimental surgeries hurt her lifespan. But if it weren't for those, would she have died back in '59?

I remember Mark I's and Whirlwind's friendship from the Mark I-tan story you wrote! Back then, were OS-tan cultures very isolated back then? (tempted to write article on OS-tan cultures!)

Poor ENIAC and SSEC. Since OS-tans of that era were largely experimental, it's not surprising many of them suffered health problems. :(

And you said two of Mark I's children moved away, where was Mark IV stationed?


Well, she should be a little shorter then 5'5"

Yes, a few times.  More then her sister did.

Without TX-0 and the guy who rented her out for a dollar a year Whirlwind would have been scrapped in '59.


it's still so sad the way most of these went out, seemingly cold, alone, and forgotten. hopefully the vin-tans that are still alive are well taken care of.

if linspire and freespire are seen as burdens by their parent company, i'd suspect they'd hang out with different OSes, most notably the windows girls. as for their views toward the parent company, i figure they'd be grateful, but at the same time be scared of them (almost like dragon ball z, where gohan and krillen received help from vegeta, despire the fact that he scaared them to a point).

EDIT: i looked back at my icon doodles on p. 5 and i felt so proud ;w; if i hadn't just changed my avatar, i'd make THOR-tan my avatar. ^^ well, she'll just be the next one. <3
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Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Great job tackling the challenge that is SAGE's bio! She's actually not THAT short though, 166 cm is about 5'5.5".

Aww... sad to hear SAGE's daughter died long ago. Did they ever meet?

Whoa! I never thought of Whirlwind as the ill-tempered type at all. I thought that her experimental surgeries hurt her lifespan. But if it weren't for those, would she have died back in '59?

I remember Mark I's and Whirlwind's friendship from the Mark I-tan story you wrote! Back then, were OS-tan cultures very isolated back then? (tempted to write article on OS-tan cultures!)

Poor ENIAC and SSEC. Since OS-tans of that era were largely experimental, it's not surprising many of them suffered health problems. :(

And you said two of Mark I's children moved away, where was Mark IV stationed?

Thanks. Like Stew said, SAGE should actually be shorter (I'm not sure her exact height, but my mental imaging system puts her in the 5'3'', 5'4'' range)

SAGE and BUIC spent time together a few times, but never for very long...

Word of Stew has it that Whirlwind does, indeed, have a...slightly less agreeable side. Correct, the TX-0 project is the thing that kept her alive.

Computers were rare and one-of-a-kind things back in the day of Mark I and Whirlwind, so their cultures were very limited and isolated too.

Harvard Mark IV lived in Cambridge with her mum (was used by the Air Force, but kept at Harvard).

Quote from: "Kari"it's still so sad the way most of these went out, seemingly cold, alone, and forgotten. hopefully the vin-tans that are still alive are well taken care of.


EDIT: i looked back at my icon doodles on p. 5 and i felt so proud ;w; if i hadn't just changed my avatar, i'd make THOR-tan my avatar. ^^ well, she'll just be the next one. <3

It's the Circle of OS-tan Life.... did I say circle? I meant STRAIGHT LINE OFF A CLIFF INTO THE ABYSS OF NOTHINGNESS. ;O;

Also: Word of God and Nej says that THOR-chan is now PDP-1-chan. Calling PDP-1-chan  "THOR-chan" will result in being kicked in the shins by an enraged little girl with mouse ear buns. >>;;;

Aurora Borealis

@Kari: Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan want to be wanderers again (they were before their company was bought out 1-2 years ago, but their boss Xandros-tan won't let them.

But it's not entirely bad since the LUC-tans don't all live together anyways. They at the very least have to report into their meetings, which they hate. Maybe they're part-time LUC members and live wanderer lives when not on duty?

Absolutely, it's sad so many OS-tans became abandoned after obsolescence, especially the really early ones that were hardware-dependent mainframes were at their creators mercy, and the mercy of their hardware, especially if the system has no OS.

Many of the Vintage-tans lived cold, lonely wanderer lives before being recruited into the Binteeji Renmei, where they are cared for.

@Bella: the 5'3-5'4 range in cm is 160-164 cm, btw.

So SAGE did get to spend time with BUIC. Good. Those must have been some of their happier moments in their lives, but what about SABRE? Did she ever meet her mother and sister?

So the first cultures were very isolated, but there seems to have been some conflicts since Mark I grew up as an IBM and rejected their culture in favor of starting her own.  

Thank goodness the Whirlwind was spared from the scrap heap then! Without her survival, the DEC-tans and the Windows NT lines as we know them wouldn't exist, and it's just sad when a computer, especially such an ambitious one is scrapped unceremoniously. :(

I'm guessing calling PDP-1 "THOR" is a Berserk Button of hers? :)


SAGE's feelings for SABRE run very close, if not into, loathing territory.  BUIC probably didn't even know she existed.

Aurora Borealis

Really? What happened between those two? o_o


It's complicated*, but it's worth adding in that SABRE doesn't feel the same way SAGE does.  Actually, she probably adores her more then BUIC did.

*SABRE was developed by IBM using what they'd learned from SAGE/some SAGE parts to make an airline reservation and management system.  Naturally, not being consulted on this aggravated her.  Then SABRE was embroiled in a controversy when one of her original employers, American Airlines, used her to boost their business by manipulating her algorithms to get AA flights chosen over others.  Unfortunately, this happened in the early 80's when SAGE was already in poor condition.  There may have been hateful ranting and physical violence involved.


@stew: that's sad. i've heard bad things about american airlines recently, seems like they've always been bad.

@bella: but but......THOR sounds so epic. ;__;

@aurora: i like that idea about them, letting them wander in secret and reporting in when nessacary. :3 that way, while they still belong to the company, they can still have some of the freedom that they used to have. <3
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Aurora Borealis

Tenex-tan was requested as an avatar, so here she is, and for a bonus, I also included TOPS-10!

And for that extra mile, full-chibis!

Any other requests? :)


what hasn't been done yet? :\

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